Chrono Cadet
Good day folks,
I just ran some calculations using t=t0(sqrt(1-(v^2/c2) and I came to a startling conclusion!
We, manipulate time EVERY DAY OF OUR EXISTENCE.
That's right, the fact that we can manipulate ANYTHING constitutes manipulation of time.
Here's what happens:
You're at the train station having a tearful good bye with your loved one. As the train begins to speed away, taking her loving arms away from you, you blow her a kiss and watch as the train takes your loved one away from you at .05c.
Now, on the train, your loved one experiences one minute of travel time. You also watch the train for one minute.
Both of you experience a lapse in time.
To you, it looks like the train has been speeding away for one minute, and according to relativity, that means that your loved one has only been watching you for 51.96 seconds.
Your loved one, having been watching you for one minute, thinks you've only been watching for 51.96 seconds also, because to her, you look like you are speeding away.
so what happened to the other 8.04 seconds?
This is where imaginary time comes into play.
What you both experienced was a complex or hypotenusal second.
Each "observer" exprienced 51.96 seconds of real time, and 30 seconds of imaginary time, the hypotenuse being equal to one second.
What I have discovered is that the magnitude of c equal to the speed of an object is equal to the portion of imaginary time that is experienced by the observers, shown by the following equations:
t0 = 1 minute
v = 0.5c
c = 1c
t = 1 (sqrt 1-(0.5^2/1^2))
t = 1 (sqrt 1-(0.25/1))
t = 1 (sqrt 0.75)
t = 1 (0.866)
t = 0.866
since h^2=x^2+y^2
x = .866
1^2 = 0.866^2 + y^2
1 = 0.75 + y^2
-0.75 -0.75
0.25 = y^2
y = 0.5
Thus, the value of the imaginary time experienced by both observing parties is equal to the magnitude of c of the moving object in which the passenger is traveling.
It works for other values as well... I checked the theory with 0.122c and got the same results.
y was still equal to 0.122 minutes.
Furthermore, if we could find a way to change the temporal trajectory of an object so that the temporal trajectory was perpendicular to the rest of the object's surroundings, the object would suddenly become frozen in space and instantly fly away at the speed of light in some undetermined spacial direction, irretrievable by any known means.
@1c, t = 0 which means that the imaginary time experienced by the passenger is equal to 1, or i.
Thus, in order to change the temporal direction of an object, one must change said object's speed, and in order to change an object's speed, one must change the object's temporal direction.
Any euclidian machine, or for that matter, anything that is capable of changing the physical state of an object (including one's own body) is also dually capable of manipulating time.
One would conclude therefore, that changing an object's temporal direction ninety degrees would require the same amount of energy necessary to accelerate the same object to light speed.
So now it's not just a light barrier, it's a time barrier.
So, as for time travel, in order to send an object BACK in time, the object must in fact, be accelerated BEYOND the speed of light. For to continue to accelerate an object beyond the speed of light is to begin to bend it's temporal trajectory backward in real time as you begin to pull it away from its imaginary trajectory.
Once an object reaches 1.414c, it's temporal trajectory will be EXACTLY OPPOSITE of an observer at its starting point, shown by the following equations:
t = 1 (sqrt (1 - (1.414^2/1^2))
t = 1 (sqrt (1 - (2/1))
t = 1 (sqrt (1 - 2))
t = 1 (sqrt (-1))
t = i
therefore, now that the passenger is experiencing i minutes of real time, she is also experiencing negative one minute of imaginary time.
Thus, the real becomes the imaginary. To summarize what we've covered so far:
t@0c = 1 + 0i
t@1c = 0 + i
[email protected] = i - 1
thus, the real portion of the complex temporal value at 1.414c is equal to negative one, which means, we have succesfully shown what it will take to cause an object to reverse its temporal trajectory:
The object MUST be accelerated to 1.414 times the speed of light in order to reverse its natural temporal direction. It's temporal trajectory will in fact form a semi circle.
Therefore, going back in time will not be any kind of instantaneous process. It would in fact take 100 years to travel back in time 100 years, and it's a one-way trip.
The fact that we have not met any time travellers is likely because it is impossible, or if not, extremely DIFFICULT to return to the future.
That being said, let's accelerated our object a little more, shall we?
At 1.732c, the complex value of t gets even weirder...
[email protected] = 2i - 3i = -1i
Therefore, the object would be stationary in real time, whilst traveling backwards in imaginary time. The "observed time" to the passenger is actually one negative minute of imaginary time.
According to the same paradigm, at 2c, The object is once again following a "real" timeline.
So that changes the whole "Warp Factor" paradigm.
For temporal safety reasons, the following nine speeds form a "warp safety" paradigm:
Warp 0 = 0c
Warp 1 = 2c
Warp 2 = 2.82c
Warp 3 = 3.46c
Warp 4 = 4c
Warp 5 = 4.47c
Warp 6 = 4.89c
Warp 7 = 5.29c
Warp 8 = 5.65c
Warp 9 = 6c
Warp 17 = 8c
Warp 33 = 10c
Kind of disappointing isn't it? Is it just me, or did the Universe just seemingly become a much, much larger place that we had previously thought?
To summarize everything I've discussed so far, here is my temporal equation for complex relativity:
t = sqrt (ti^2 + (t0 sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2))
t = value of complex time
ti = value of imaginary time
t0 = value of measured time
v = speed
c = speed of light.
The equation will come out to a complex number.
I'm open to other people's thoughts on this. We may just have something here.
Also, this real time/imaginary time puzzle is only two thirds of the story. There is another temporal dimension that is designed to create and destroy the universe that it will continuously recycle all of its energy like a perpetual motion machine.
If anyone knows how to manipulate three dimensional polar coordinates, please inform me.
If anyone would like to par-take in a serious study of temporal mechanics and complex relativity, send an e-mail to:
[email protected]
and I will create an exclusive mailing list on the subject.
Copyright 2003, Dan R. Mohammed, All Rights Reserved. Topics may be discussed, but the contents of this posting and all other postings of Dan R. Mohammed are to be construed as the intellectual property of the same.
I just ran some calculations using t=t0(sqrt(1-(v^2/c2) and I came to a startling conclusion!
We, manipulate time EVERY DAY OF OUR EXISTENCE.
That's right, the fact that we can manipulate ANYTHING constitutes manipulation of time.
Here's what happens:
You're at the train station having a tearful good bye with your loved one. As the train begins to speed away, taking her loving arms away from you, you blow her a kiss and watch as the train takes your loved one away from you at .05c.
Now, on the train, your loved one experiences one minute of travel time. You also watch the train for one minute.
Both of you experience a lapse in time.
To you, it looks like the train has been speeding away for one minute, and according to relativity, that means that your loved one has only been watching you for 51.96 seconds.
Your loved one, having been watching you for one minute, thinks you've only been watching for 51.96 seconds also, because to her, you look like you are speeding away.
so what happened to the other 8.04 seconds?
This is where imaginary time comes into play.
What you both experienced was a complex or hypotenusal second.
Each "observer" exprienced 51.96 seconds of real time, and 30 seconds of imaginary time, the hypotenuse being equal to one second.
What I have discovered is that the magnitude of c equal to the speed of an object is equal to the portion of imaginary time that is experienced by the observers, shown by the following equations:
t0 = 1 minute
v = 0.5c
c = 1c
t = 1 (sqrt 1-(0.5^2/1^2))
t = 1 (sqrt 1-(0.25/1))
t = 1 (sqrt 0.75)
t = 1 (0.866)
t = 0.866
since h^2=x^2+y^2
x = .866
1^2 = 0.866^2 + y^2
1 = 0.75 + y^2
-0.75 -0.75
0.25 = y^2
y = 0.5
Thus, the value of the imaginary time experienced by both observing parties is equal to the magnitude of c of the moving object in which the passenger is traveling.
It works for other values as well... I checked the theory with 0.122c and got the same results.
y was still equal to 0.122 minutes.
Furthermore, if we could find a way to change the temporal trajectory of an object so that the temporal trajectory was perpendicular to the rest of the object's surroundings, the object would suddenly become frozen in space and instantly fly away at the speed of light in some undetermined spacial direction, irretrievable by any known means.
@1c, t = 0 which means that the imaginary time experienced by the passenger is equal to 1, or i.
Thus, in order to change the temporal direction of an object, one must change said object's speed, and in order to change an object's speed, one must change the object's temporal direction.
Any euclidian machine, or for that matter, anything that is capable of changing the physical state of an object (including one's own body) is also dually capable of manipulating time.
One would conclude therefore, that changing an object's temporal direction ninety degrees would require the same amount of energy necessary to accelerate the same object to light speed.
So now it's not just a light barrier, it's a time barrier.
So, as for time travel, in order to send an object BACK in time, the object must in fact, be accelerated BEYOND the speed of light. For to continue to accelerate an object beyond the speed of light is to begin to bend it's temporal trajectory backward in real time as you begin to pull it away from its imaginary trajectory.
Once an object reaches 1.414c, it's temporal trajectory will be EXACTLY OPPOSITE of an observer at its starting point, shown by the following equations:
t = 1 (sqrt (1 - (1.414^2/1^2))
t = 1 (sqrt (1 - (2/1))
t = 1 (sqrt (1 - 2))
t = 1 (sqrt (-1))
t = i
therefore, now that the passenger is experiencing i minutes of real time, she is also experiencing negative one minute of imaginary time.
Thus, the real becomes the imaginary. To summarize what we've covered so far:
t@0c = 1 + 0i
t@1c = 0 + i
[email protected] = i - 1
thus, the real portion of the complex temporal value at 1.414c is equal to negative one, which means, we have succesfully shown what it will take to cause an object to reverse its temporal trajectory:
The object MUST be accelerated to 1.414 times the speed of light in order to reverse its natural temporal direction. It's temporal trajectory will in fact form a semi circle.
Therefore, going back in time will not be any kind of instantaneous process. It would in fact take 100 years to travel back in time 100 years, and it's a one-way trip.
The fact that we have not met any time travellers is likely because it is impossible, or if not, extremely DIFFICULT to return to the future.
That being said, let's accelerated our object a little more, shall we?
At 1.732c, the complex value of t gets even weirder...
[email protected] = 2i - 3i = -1i
Therefore, the object would be stationary in real time, whilst traveling backwards in imaginary time. The "observed time" to the passenger is actually one negative minute of imaginary time.
According to the same paradigm, at 2c, The object is once again following a "real" timeline.
So that changes the whole "Warp Factor" paradigm.
For temporal safety reasons, the following nine speeds form a "warp safety" paradigm:
Warp 0 = 0c
Warp 1 = 2c
Warp 2 = 2.82c
Warp 3 = 3.46c
Warp 4 = 4c
Warp 5 = 4.47c
Warp 6 = 4.89c
Warp 7 = 5.29c
Warp 8 = 5.65c
Warp 9 = 6c
Warp 17 = 8c
Warp 33 = 10c
Kind of disappointing isn't it? Is it just me, or did the Universe just seemingly become a much, much larger place that we had previously thought?
To summarize everything I've discussed so far, here is my temporal equation for complex relativity:
t = sqrt (ti^2 + (t0 sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2))
t = value of complex time
ti = value of imaginary time
t0 = value of measured time
v = speed
c = speed of light.
The equation will come out to a complex number.
I'm open to other people's thoughts on this. We may just have something here.
Also, this real time/imaginary time puzzle is only two thirds of the story. There is another temporal dimension that is designed to create and destroy the universe that it will continuously recycle all of its energy like a perpetual motion machine.
If anyone knows how to manipulate three dimensional polar coordinates, please inform me.
If anyone would like to par-take in a serious study of temporal mechanics and complex relativity, send an e-mail to:
[email protected]
and I will create an exclusive mailing list on the subject.
Copyright 2003, Dan R. Mohammed, All Rights Reserved. Topics may be discussed, but the contents of this posting and all other postings of Dan R. Mohammed are to be construed as the intellectual property of the same.