Math, there is none, in time travel


Epochal Historian
In the use of orthographical and orthologic projections, in time travel, the ending formulas, are not put forwards in a way, that we all understand.

Some end formulas are left open, without and ending equation.These are known as open set formulas, or non-closed equations.

Quote, You fool, that's his old manual.The manual that you study for then, is no longer the current him!
"Some end formulas are left open, without and ending equation.These are known as open set formulas, or non-closed equations."


how is it possible that computers work with "non finite" information to pinpoint a spot in the space-time continum for use of placeing a 'time-machine'?

Are you suggesting that the computer crunching numbers is like playing a game of Darts, 501 Blindfolded?

What, were the programers on shrooms when they wrote the programing for flinging that time machine backwards or fowards throught time?