Margaret Thatcher is ALIVE

Larry Loblaw

Temporal Novice
Margaret Thatcher had a stroke, but the government wanted to cover up that she is still alive and has been in contact with aliens, Believe it or not, Margaret has taken the form of a woman named Theresa May and is plotting a total nuclear apocolypse on this earth, then plans to fly to Jupiter with her alien husband B1356352, THE WORLD IS A LIE DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT THE MEDIA SAYS (I was helped by my accomplis Kevin Baker of the KevBakerShow on youtube, feel free to ask us anyone questions on his youtube or here)

Can you link us to any information? This went off the rails pretty fast; from stroke to alien apocalypse in about three sentences ;)

Margaret Thatcher had a stroke in 2013, the government, but the government wanted to cover up that she is still alive due to cryogenic pods hidden within the crust of the earth, since she awoke from her pod she has has been in contact with aliens using her tepalathic ability`s she gained from the third comoing of Jesus Christ in Vietnam, Believe it or not, Margaret has taken the form of a woman named Theresa May who is a brtttish poloiticion who is currently president of the UK and is plotting to ban petrol and diesel cars so she car use all the foosil fools to create a hypribd nuccler bomb using cloal and oil to cause a nucler apocolypse worldwide, she is plotting a total nuclear apocolypse on this earth, I apologise for mei bad spellubg I recenticy went to visit the altenrate timeline of the apocoplyine and I am dazed by the travel

Why would they go to Jupiter, a giant gas planet, one of the most inhospitable in our solar system?

How do you create a “hybrid nuclear bomb” in the first place? I am no expert in nukes but I heard nuclear bombs usually use plutonium. Never heard of a coal and petroleum “nuclear” bomb. If there is such bomb, I guess it’s not nuclear after all since nuclear fusion/fission wouldn’t be involved.

If I ask Jesus politely do I also get telepathic powers? I want to save data when there’s no Wi-Fi nearby and telepathy would come in very handy to chat.
