Manuscript for the beginning of the John Titor Story?

Just so you know that I am not the author of that book. He gave me the option of buying the book and I bought it. It has John Titor referenced in it and I don't know if the book can be used for a movie or not because of the reference.

Did John tell him to write this book?
I access a lot of information quickly. I don't known sources because I go to place to place online really quickly. I am trying to make something useful out of my research and maybe this hit a spot. Again, I don't know any of my sources, sources don't matter but only the information they have does. I don't know or understand programming code nor do I know how to hack. I just run across information at a large amount in a small amout of time.
Now, maybe this book will become a movie. It only mentions John Titor but John Titor isn't in the book. I just sent it to an A-Lister in L.A. Hopefully this will become a movie. I've been talking with the writer and he says go ahead with the movie as long as he gets to go to Hollywood and other "demands" which are reasonable. Do we need to talk with lawyers from John Titor people to have this movie made or will they let us film it? It only mentions John Titor briefly in the end with people talking at a cafe and that's it. Any help on this is useful. Thank you.
The sad part is that will all depend on whether you can legally prove john titor is a factual person. If he is merely fictional, then yes, you would have to get permission from the people who own the rights to his fictional name and even made up likeness. However, if there was any doubt that he may be in fact a reality you could use it. Might be an interesting push to get an actual result.
What if I know that he is not made up and I've met the Real John Titor, but he hasn't time traveled yet? Or maybe I'm just being a schizo. Who knows, right?
The sad part is that will all depend on whether you can legally prove john titor is a factual person. If he is merely fictional, then yes, you would have to get permission from the people who own the rights to his fictional name and even made up likeness. However, if there was any doubt that he may be in fact a reality you could use it. Might be an interesting push to get an actual result.

Obviously there's a real person behind the story because, well, we have the posts and it doesn't appear that a computer randomly selected digital text to format the posts. ;)

However, the names TimeTravel_O and John Titor are made up. Boomer (the author of the posts) said that much directly. He said he made up the name John Titor because he had to provide an "actual" first and last name in order to register as a member on the forum Post-2-Post. He didn't have to do that here, at the time, because we had anonymous posting activated. He did register here but all that was required was a handle and email address. No "actual" name was required. You could even post without registering at all. That came to an end when MOP finally got tired of about four regular posters who, when bored, posted to themselves and answered themselves by creating a new handle on the fly, including using the handles of registered members. Sock Puppets on Steroids because all they had to do was fill in the name with a new handle on the submit post form seconds after posting the original. If you look back at the 1999-2001 posts you can see the problem.

Art Bell and Premiere Radio took care of the problem by first taking Post-2-Post down (without prior notice - still a sour taste for that one) and bringing it back several months later as a paid subscription forum. No more anonymous members because they had to provide a credit card to pay for the service.

Speaking of Art Bell - he knows (or knew in 1998) how to contact John Titor. Titor sent him a package via US Mail and his phone number. When Art read the two faxes on air he left out the return address and phone number but did refer to them. Scared of the MIB's? Hire an entertainment lawyer and send your phone number and address to a radio actor/entertainer. Yeah,
Obviously there's a real person behind the story because, well, we have the posts and it doesn't appear that a computer randomly selected digital text to format the posts. ;)

Hi Darby,

Did you notice the Arial font in Ken's post in this board?
You would still have to prove, legally, that he is real.
I don't think you can prove fiction since fiction can also be based on reality, but isn't all the right on with Reality, which in turn makes it fiction. So to answer your question, no, I cannot prove he is John Titor at this time or maybe never.
Then essentially you could use the name all you want I'd think. It wouldn't matter. John titor, george bush, paul bunyan. Fiction is fiction. As long as you aren't telling the story of john titor that already exists and making money off that. But what do do I know really. Just an interested guy throwing in his two cents.
Now, maybe this book will become a movie. It only mentions John Titor but John Titor isn't in the book. I just sent it to an A-Lister in L.A. Hopefully this will become a movie. I've been talking with the writer and he says go ahead with the movie as long as he gets to go to Hollywood and other "demands" which are reasonable. Do we need to talk with lawyers from John Titor people to have this movie made or will they let us film it? It only mentions John Titor briefly in the end with people talking at a cafe and that's it. Any help on this is useful. Thank you.


That's the entire point of John Titor. The John Titor Foundation, LLC - Florida is a lawyer. Larry Haber is the person who runs the JTF and he's an entertainment industry lawyer. He makes movie deals. He's doing it privately now but in the past he did it for both Universal Studios and Disney Productions. Everyone who has ventured to make a John Titor movie has had to go through Haber. The JTF owns the copyright. It is filed with the USPTO, 2003.

Now, aside from the copyright issue, here's the real downside. The JTF already started to make "the" movie. That was several years ago. They have a very knowledgible movie lawyer running the show, Haber. The movie can't get off the ground. The problem is that the story is almost 12 years old now and no one really cares. Actually, no one ever really cared except for a few people here and on In Italy he's a bit of a fad but that peeked four years ago and then dropped back to the graveyard a few months later. As I suggested a couple of weeks ago, check Google Trends for "John Titor" and you'll see how much iterest there really is(n't). The other problem is that there isn't a story there unless the writers make up details not canonical of the John Titor Saga based on what is in the posts. Titor didn't make all that many posts. I think it's something around 130 to 140 over the course of five months. That's a bit less than one post a day and most of the posts were to answer (or dodge answering) questions from posters rather than telling the life story of John Titor. That probably played a big part in why the JTF movie project bogged down. Great idea but no depth. Once they started really writing it into a story it boiled down to a possible SyFy Channel quickie made in Bulgaria 10-day wonder (filmed in 10 days) movie of the week because there actually isn't anything unique about a time traveler from a nuclear war nightmare world who goes back to try and fix it and/or warn the people in the past about it. There's been dozens of movies with just that theme. I believe that my State's past Governator starred in three of them.
That was very informative, Darby. We've already discussed the impossibility of surviving a nuclear war like the one depicted in the book "Alas Babylon". There are already plenty of movies such as the Mad Max trilogy and the Terminator movies. Red Dawn. And yes, there isn't really enough real interest in the John Titor story on the net to justify a movie. But if we changed the story.. made it so the U.S. floods and divides into several large islands by water, forces the U.S. government to relocate to the center of the U.S, the economy collapses, race wars, class wars, civil war. That might make for an interesting movie. The movie could start in this future apocalyptic world as we follow the military career of John Titor. We then move him to the world of the 1970s and give clever explanations of how he changes time a little bit. He doesn't stop Y2K, he tells a programer making a computer how to stop it in the future. There is lots of potential here. We need J.J. Abrams to make this movie with Steven Spielberg and George Lucas advising.