That was very informative, Darby. We've already discussed the impossibility of surviving a nuclear war like the one depicted in the book "Alas Babylon". There are already plenty of movies such as the Mad Max trilogy and the Terminator movies. Red Dawn. And yes, there isn't really enough real interest in the John Titor story on the net to justify a movie. But if we changed the story.. made it so the U.S. floods and divides into several large islands by water, forces the U.S. government to relocate to the center of the U.S, the economy collapses, race wars, class wars, civil war. That might make for an interesting movie. The movie could start in this future apocalyptic world as we follow the military career of John Titor. We then move him to the world of the 1970s and give clever explanations of how he changes time a little bit. He doesn't stop Y2K, he tells a programer making a computer how to stop it in the future. There is lots of potential here. We need J.J. Abrams to make this movie with Steven Spielberg and George Lucas advising.