Man to man, non-sex bonding date:


Epochal Historian
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Should creedo go on a man-date with board member that offended him?

There are allot of jerks who come in here and don't know what's going on.Do you feel in the light of new understanding, that Creedo should get to be friends with a newcomer, who seems like a CIA agent and burry the hatchet?

Here is the letter in a p.m. I was going to send him.

Well' should we male to male bond and worry about video games, or call the whole thing off?

P.m. starts&gt;People involved in time travel don't have a basic logic, unless they are Mr. Spock of Star Trek and even then, they do not present a logic that is tangible.

History&gt;Marsha Clark had watched the lawyer for the defense stroll up to the witness and start to address him in an odd sort,.. of swaggering way.

Judge Ito asked this man, what in God's name he was trying to accomplish.

The Lawyer only replied, "Well I wanted to go over to this man and talk to him as one old Marine would talk to another"?

Clark looked at this guy, with both puzzlement and in some fashion, the apparent odor of horse-sh*t was in the air of the courtroom.

Clark almost said it, "What the f*ck is he trying to do"?, as this was one of the oddest things she had ever seen in a court of law.

(blank)' what your asking me to do, is to hang-which you and engage in man to man like wrist size comparisons?

Is this where we stroll into silicon Valley and go to the places that convicted hacker, Kevin Mintig would go?

Into vast high security buildings, where highly paid security guards, guard non-caring objects?

Or for both of us to wear football helmets and go to the front counter of Denny's Restaurant, so comparing wrist sizes, to the head maitradee?

Please let me know the purpose of our bonding?
You are dilly-dallying again, Creedo.

I am sure you know that all these reports are being forwarded with regard to your inaction on the real problem before us. They are not happy now, and the more you screw around, the less happy they become.

Buck-up and get to work,
Rainman' did you mean action plan zero, involving the space monsters,.... King Gidorah and Gigan?

The only beings who can understand this plan, are the monsters on Monster Island.

This would be Godzilla and his good friend Anglieus.

Hmmmmmm"' space monsters, bent on destruction, space titanium and aliens that look like gorillas is silver sutes, when their cloaking fields are turned off.

When will it all end?
When will it all end?
"Laugh it up, fuzzball!" (Han to Chewie)

I am not kidding around here, Creedo. You know you are being watched. What you choose to do about it is your decision. Just know that you will be held liable for your lack of production.

The lead you gave me, Spaceship One as funded now by Richard Brandson, is worthless.

All they want to do, is to fly rich people into near space for thrills.

There are no plans to launch satellites from that ship, at all.

No plans to expand it either.

This is a get high on thrills boondoggle and not worth my time.

On the other, I hit a snafu, as I can get funding for the company start, but did, actually did write that other guy at the top of the company, who helped found M.S.

I cant do anything right now, but have certainly contributed in the past, which all went to waste anyway.

Oh' by the way, I have written Sony Corporation, for the SDR home walking robot give-out program.

Anybody can apply and if you qualify, they send you a fully vested, walking robot.

I have the correct address, but see if I give you anything, on account of how threatening you have been?
I have the correct address, but see if I give you anything, on account of how threatening you have been?
I need nothing from you in material form. I only need you to fulfill your destiny. There are others watching.

This is a get high on thrills boondoggle and not worth my time.
Often, the answers you require can be found in areas you would never spend your time looking.

I have looked here and it's all closed shop.

If you have leads, then mail me privately along with a letter of recommendation.

The guy that I had tried to get recompense from, who I had told of my paper for NASA, was running after the National Guard, yelling, "Oh goody gumdrops, please C-130s for our state, we need the money"!

Hey, I'm interested in robotics.

The other space program flys over me silently, unseen and they do watch me.

I'm supposed to be still on this chessboard, I suppose?

After all, what would you want me to do, admit that I'm part ancient Gray, or something........?

The best to your girlfriend and you.

If you have something I should know about then send it privately.
Is this where we stroll into silicon Valley and go to the places that convicted hacker, Kevin Mintig would go?

Just one correction, his name is Kevin Mitnik, usually people who know Kevin know his name, and those who don't are just wannabe hacker types.

Creedo this is the strangest thread you've started yet, are you trying to set some kind of a record?
Creedo this is the strangest thread you've started yet, are you trying to set some kind of a record?
Oh, well you should go back and see some of his doozys from the past! Strange does not yet begin to desribe many of them!


Ren' buddy' thanks for showing up in this thread. I was beginning to think that we'd never bond!?

In some of the spellings that I have seen on Kevin Mintik, it was Mintig.&gt;
Kevin Mitnick

&gt;An excerpt from Takedown.

Who is Kevin Mitnick? The picture that emerged after his arrest in Raleigh, N.C. last February was of a 31-year old computer programmer, who had been given a number of chances to get his life together but each time was seduced back to the dark side of the computer world. Kevin David Mitnick reached adolescence in suburban Los Angeles in the late 1970s, the same time the personal computer industry was exploding beyond its END

[image]Kevin Mitnick[/image]

Creedo continues&gt;I don't hack, bro, never have, never want to.

I am a technological stile of person, so I'm not exactly ignorant of technology.

I did read the name Mintig, however in the greater sense, yes you are correct, the spelling is Mintik.

Thats funny because Google has never heard of a Kevin Mintig.

"Searching 8,058,044,651 web pages"


You don't appear to know that much about technology, even if you do consider yourself a "a technological stile"

Stile (Noun) : "A vertical member of a panel or frame, as in a door or window sash."