Make a Life List


Quantum Scribe
How I happened to get on Zoe's initial mailing list I don't know.
The honor was mine even before she became a life coach. Now,
as she is yet committed to helping others learn how to build more
integrated and fulfilling lives, and as many people look ahead to
the New Year, I share with you the life coaching letter that follows:

Make a Life List!
by Zoe Saint-Paul
November 17, 2009

Dear Friend,

A few months ago I was out with friends for a casual dinner. One of them - let's call her Maggie - was telling me about a blogger she likes who was being sponsored by a company to accomplish some cool things on her "life list." Maggie was a little jealous, but admitted she didn't even have a life list. I had to confess it had been years since I thought about something like that myself.

What the heck is a "life list," anyway?

It's pretty simple: Think if it as a list of things you want to do or become over the course of your life. It may contain the biggest of dreams like building a ranch in Montana or becoming a doctor. Or it may be the smallest of dreams like finally seeing the film "On the Waterfront," or helping your son build his very first snowman.

A Life List changes as we change -- it can be updated, edited, and deleted. But it's a great way to keep your dreams alive and make sure you're actually taking steps to achieve your goals and live your purpose. It's also just plain fun to make one!

There are different versions of this exercise. I remember years ago being asked in a class to write a page beginning with the sentence, "Before I die, I would like to..." That ended up being a bit like a Life List, but a little vague, so I didn't really go back to it.

There's also an exercise I do with my clients sometimes. I ask them to imagine their future self in 10, 20, or 40 years, and to look back at their life as they want to have lived it. What they see there often helps them realize what's most important and what should be given priority right now.

A Life List, however, is even more practical than that. It's quite literally a list. It's a way to look at your dreams square in the eye and begin to make them happen.

When I was sitting at dinner with my friends that night, all of us were at a loss as to what we'd put on such a list. Then, after about 15 minutes, feeding off each others' ideas, we were on a roll.

Now is a great time to start thinking about your Life List because the holidays are coming fast and a new year is around the corner. Here are some simple tips to get you started:

1. Be concrete and specific.

Instead of "travel more," write "Hike Machu Picchu" or "Bike for a week around Provence." The more precise you are, the more likely it will happen. Some dreams require a number of steps so don't be afraid to break things down.

2. Brainstorm with others.

Sometimes it helps to discuss your list or your ideas with others. It can be motivating to give voice to your dreams -- and other peoples' dreams and ideas can spark your own. You might want to even start a Life List group to encourage each others' dreams.

3. Write it down.

This may seem obvious, but it's not. Often, we assume that if we just keep stuff in our minds, that's good enough. It isn't. You need to write it down -- put it out there. A Life List is a work in progress... something you need to come back to, edit, look at, remind yourself about, and let's not forget: place some checks mark there!

4. Have fun!

If making a Life List isn't fun, go do something else. But give it a chance first. Buy a nice pad or notebook and find a good pen - you might even use a pencil so you feel more comfortable changing it. Pour yourself a glass of wine; enjoy the creative process. Don't limit yourself and make sure you put your real dreams down.

You may discover a few things about yourself by writing this list. Remember, you don't have to fulfill all the items... This isn't a race and you're not going to be graded. No one even has to see it. But start putting your dreams - big and small - on paper and decide to have 2, 5, or 10 of them completed by the end of [2014].

You may not be a well-known blogger with a company to sponsor your dreams, but that's okay... You can still be pro-active in living your life to the fullest.

Off to start my own life list!

Happy New Year!
Source, Gpa?


Different strokes for different folks.
Some guys like a woman's touch.
I appreciate Zoe's and my differences.
Meaning: I love her as a human being,
as I love y'all.
I especially admire her service to others--
past, present and, in regard to the future,
her dedication as a first-time mother of an infant
and recent adoptive-mother of two young orphans.
The source of the term?
The Bucket List (2007) Starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
If you haven't seen it, watch it. It is excellent...IMHO
The source of the term?
The Bucket List (2007) Starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
If you haven't seen it, watch it. It is excellent...IMHO
Online I ran across a sample list of interesting things
that wouldn't have, otherwise, occured to me.
However, as it was supposed to be a long list of stuff
one should try to do before kicking the bucket,
it was incomplete. There were only a few suggestions,
which might have been either the most imaginative
or amusing of all.