Mad Cow Info for Newbies


Rift Surfer
Conn. woman had signs of human mad cow

CJD Cluster in NJ--Is Mad Cow Striking Down Americans?

Did Seven NJ Residents Die Of Mad Cow?
"It suggests that [mad cow disease] can sometimes look like sporadic CJD," said Laura Manuelides, section chief of surgery in the neuropathology department at Yale.

Possible CJD cases tied to southern N.J.

The U.S. May Face Mad-Cow Exposure Despite Assurances From Government

Mad Cow Causes BOTH 'Sporadic' CJD and vCJD

Mad cow time bomb is still ticking
"Variant CJD has also emerged in Canada, the US and Hong Kong, among people who have spent long periods of time in Britain."

Mad Cow Threat to U.S. Blood Supply
I ask you to actually read the links you've provided. Here is an exceprt from one of them:

Blood Ban
Two years ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered a ban on British blood in an effort to protect against BSE, CJD and another human counterpart, vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease).

Anyone who has lived in the United Kingdom or Ireland for more than six months between January 1980 and December 1996 is prohibited — for life — from donating blood.

The six-month benchmark was chosen when studies showed banning everyone who visited Britain during that period would devastate the American blood supply.

Mad Cow (CJD) is not new nor was it first predicted in any way by JT. This has been a ticking time bomb since the 1980s. Another "shock and awe" opportunity by the JT crew.
Tampa... Tampa... Tampa...

No one ever said that Mad Cow was new... or Announced to the World by Titor...
'Titor' said "The Mad Cow story here [the U.S] is yet to begin..."

FYI - Reading is Fundemental
Re: Titor Comments regarding Mad Cow...

The following are comments by 'titor' about Mad Cow from
(3) The "Mad Cow" story here is yet to begin but don't worry, the fruited
gelatin deserts are safe.

Me: "No, I have not tried any fast food. Thinking about where the food came
from, how it was shipped and treated absolutely terrifies me. I have tried
to tell people about CJD disease and it seems to be "catching on" in

Me: Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of
its own dead.

Me: The "Mad Cow" story here is yet to begin...
Re: Titor Comments regarding Mad Cow...

Here is an excellent analysis by member 'TheDude' about livestock testing for BSE [Mad Cow]

Ok I was thinking about Mad Cow disease like everyone else was last week...
specially at my favorite greek restaurant... I investigated it on the
net... and it went something like this:

Jan 1 US Cattle estimates:
13,400,000 cattle (13.4 million head of cattle)


Dec 24 2003
only 20,000 cattle are tested each year by USDA

Now let's do the Math:

x 20000
--- = ---------------- = 00.149 % of cows are Tested
100 13400000 (MUCH less than 1%)

1 cow out of every 670 is randomly tested.
So I have 2 Questions:

1- Is our Meat really safe?

2- After the republican house repealed country-of-origin labels back in July (Source: to prevent consumers from
knowing which country the meat is from... How can I as a consumer avoid the
countries I feel are not safe? (Including the USA Beef)

Solution: At this time I can only stop eating Beef... I am going to really
hate it because I have grown up loving it from my dads ranch, and in the
restaurants in the city, but since the Mad Cow bug is not curable in humans

, and can incubate in a cow for 2-8 YEARS

, and in a human for upto 30 years!!

I just got to stop... John titor or No John titor...

The Dude.
Re: Titor Comments regarding Mad Cow...

The following is provided courtsey of, thank


Mad Cow Probe Urged
After 20 Die From CJD In NJ

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - New Jersey's senators urged federal scientists to determine if a cluster of deaths among people linked to a defunct racetrack was caused by eating mad cow-tainted meat.

The letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention follows reports of a woman's research into the deaths of nearly 20 people who worked at or frequented the Garden State Racetrack in Cherry Hill between 1988 and 1992. All died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a brain-destroying disorder - or neurological problems possibly caused by it.

Investigation Urged

Sens. Frank R. Lautenberg and Jon S. Corzine, both Democrats, pressed the CDC director Dr. Julie L. Gerberding for an investigation.

CDC scientists will use the best available science to respond in a timely and thorough way to the senators' letter as to whether they will study the cases, spokeswoman Christine Pearson said Monday.

Janet Skarbek, whose mother worked at the racetrack and had a colleague die of the disease, has been compiling cases of humans she believes were killed by mad cow disease.

CJD comes in two known varieties: variant CJD, which is caused by eating tainted beef, and classic CJD. In classic CJD, the source is unknown in about 85 percent of cases, but doctors generally believe beef is not the cause. The other classic CJD cases are blamed on an inherited genetic mutation or use of contaminated instruments or tissue in surgery.

According to government estimates, CJD accounts for about 300 deaths a year in the United States - all of them believed to be of the classic variety. Skarbek said the number of cases linked to the track are many times what would be expected for classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

"I think it's wonderful that they're getting involved," Skarbek said of the senators.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
- In 1990, APHIS began a program of active surveillance of certain American cows for evidence of BSE. While FDA inspects feed production facilities, the USDA surveillance program condemns and tests any cows displaying signs of neurological problems at slaughter. As of October 2000, approximately 12,000 cattle brains from nearly every state and Puerto Rico had been examined, with no evidence of BSE found. More than 60 diagnostic laboratories continue to examine hundreds of cattle brains each year.

- In August 1997, FDA established a regulation that prohibits the use of most mammalian protein in the manufacture of animal feeds for ruminants. With the strong support of renderers, cattle owners, feed manufacturers, and feed lot owners, FDA launched a compliance and education program, including a rigorous inspection program. The goal of these efforts is to achieve as close to 100 percent compliance with this new regulation as possible. FDA and state regulators have conducted nearly 10,000 inspections of renderers, feed mills, ruminant feeders, dairy farms, protein blenders, feed haulers, and distributors since January 1998. More than three-quarters of these establishments were found to be in compliance. And most of the establishments that initially had problems were found in compliance upon re-inspection.

Education is also an extremely important part of the compliance program. "We've put a lot of effort into getting the word out about the regulation," says Sundlof. FDA has sponsored workshops for state veterinarians and feed control officials from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada. In addition, FDA has held briefing sessions with trade associations and consumer groups, and has developed additional guidances for complying with the regulation.

- FDA is continuing its compliance efforts by conducting additional inspections and re-inspecting non-compliant facilities. Based on an evaluation of the inspections conducted from 1998 through 2000, FDA will revise its compliance strategy to try to assure its goal of 100 percent adherence to the feeding regulations.

- FDA and USDA recently took emergency action to prevent potentially cross-contaminated products from entering the United States. On December 7, 2000, APHIS banned all imports of rendered animal proteins, regardless of species, from the more than 30 countries that either are known to have BSE in their cattle or otherwise present undue risk for introducing BSE into the United States. FDA has also announced an import alert, allowing its inspectors to detain shipments from these countries of animal feed (including pet food), animal feed ingredients, and certain other products of animal origin intended for animal use.

- I remember this one from about 1993 I beleive - FDA and USDA will continue to aggressively enforce their regulations and to work closely with those in the cattle and feed industries to minimize the risk of BSE introduction or spread in U.S. cattle herds. FDA will develop new guidances and regulations as the scientific knowledge about BSE expands. Working together with many counterpart agencies in the United States and around the world and with various industry and consumer groups, FDA will continue to do its best to protect the health of Americans and of our American cattle herds.


Again, the Mad Cow story "here in the US" began quite some time before JT came about. It's only in the media now because of the media's current focus on tales of horror. Theres obviously a huge audience for it.

Thanks for this thread!
Mad Cow Probe Urged After 20 Die From CJD In NJ 4


Good Find... I was just going to look for that info... I was informed the case has been reopened.

'The Committee' will be pleased... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

U.S. rejects private tests for mad cow

U.S. rejects private tests for mad cow
Kansas firm's proposal isn't 'warranted,' USDA says

'WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has rejected one meatpacker's plan to test all its cattle for mad cow disease, signaling that it won't allow private tests for the deadly affliction.'

And on the other hand...

'Many European nations test up to half the cows slaughtered for human consumption, and Japan tests every head of cattle intended for the human food chain.'

Is your government poisoning you?