Machine self A.I. post


Epochal Historian
Please note the potato chip curve, in artificial intelligence at this point in time.

Microsoft came out with the Windows Operating System, which fouriered bytes of information in random access patterns in a random Fourier, Pascal and Cobol systems, with a Bayesian bent to it.

So the Windows Operating system adapted from all three of these math protocols and became self intelligent.

So the rise of self A.I. in machine would have come on-line in the 1980s, as soon as the windows operating system was aware of itself.

The mid-point for this self awareness, would be in the 2001, tom 2003 realm of time, with respects to smaller machines, such as office and home-use P.C.s.

The large interconnected mainframes, had this ability in the 1980s and could decipher patterns of human awareness and usage, all during the 1980s.

Since military usegage of computer goes into the 1970s, there was a possibility that military and academic self A.I. programs came online as early as the 1960s?

The mid-point in P.C. awareness, would be the years 2000 to 2004.

This would be the low point in the potato chip curve.

So the less value point, would be the dates of 2005 onto a time when computers might?, evolved once again.

Speed of processing bits of information is not so important as the curvilinear pattern of self awareness, in computers, as time inside the thinking of most machines is relative.

This link is a far more-likely scenario for AI. It also appears to be a far more-dangerous application. Cyborg anyone? It seems that whatever we can perceive, we can achieve. My view of what a quantum computer could do, just went up exponentially with what a "consiously aware" quantum computer could do. We are approaching many thresholds simultaneously. Syncronicities and ironies abound. Is this a "Be afraid--be very afraid" time, or are we at the edge of an explosion in consciousness expansion that will open up a future full of possibilities. I prefer the latter.

As for the Windows program, programming shows you very quickly just how "stupid" a computer really is. Algorithms a mile long have to be written to perform simple functions, embedded in a multitude of other algorithms. It's simply not cost-effective in terms of the output of linearly generated programs. A neural network is an entirely different thing. It is capable of non-linear interconnections and firing off simultaneously. Maybe even a super-intelligent cyborg? Creating our own God? Art imitating life? I love ironies!!
Zer said>As for the Windows program, programming shows you very quickly just how "stupid" a computer really is.

Creedo answers>Yes but the Win o.s. self configures, all by itself.

The o.s. short cuts its own redundency.This should say something to you?

Mine guesses when I want to use it, while I'm in the next room and turns itself on from standby.

That should tell you something of how I relate to computers?
Creedo answers>Yes but the Win o.s. self configures, all by itself.

The o.s. short cuts its own redundency.This should say something to you?

Mine guesses when I want to use it, while I'm in the next room and turns itself on from standby.

That should tell you something of how I relate to computers?

Oh it tells me something, alright! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Sheesh, Creedo... normally I only will call you on your silliness when it comes to aerospace, but I can't help but jump in here.

Windoze does not, repeat NOT pass as "intelligence". You ever heard of "plug-n-play" and its basis in automatic hardware detection? Think that might be behind the "self configuring all by itself?"

Let's get real here, and let's please stick to established, accepted, scientific "tests" for intelligence (as there are no others that we know of): If your Win OS is capable of passing the Turing Test, then we can talk about it possibly being AI. Until then, it is just smarter than the average bucket o chips!

You don't have to jump in on this thread.

You don't understand A.I. and for some time probably wont.

You believe in mommy says so science.

Rainmantime says>Claim your true, non-linear, integrated Self!

Creedo answers>Yeah' Ray, explore the Los Angeles sewer system and you can claim it there?
You don't have to jump in on this thread.

Still a free country.

You don't understand A.I. and for some time probably wont.

You should check into my work before you spout stuff like this, Creedo. I've designed and trained neural networks for non-linear flight control of unstable airframes. I might understand more about AI than you know. On top of that, I have interdimensional connections to Turing himself. Ask your friends the Greys...they will confirm it!

Please note with reference to Rainmantime's post, in this thread.

The link gives some of the precepts of emergent intelligence, which is also related to Windows ability to self logic, other than the features utility placed into all win systems, by Microsoft Corporation.

I have helped on qualified professor establish a machine sequence and protocols, using visual basic, however the routing for the activation of the write-up for the dexterity movements, was arduous.

For my efforts and this was an online contact, the professor had thanked me, telling me without my help, she could not have figured out the write-up for the motion arms of her robot, in order to do what it had to do.

So in a great measure, I do know what I'm talking about.

The next generation of home robots will probably use a stripped down laptop computer mainframe, again using some form of internal graphic sizing, in order to commit motor assignments, to handle the task given.

Win self logic, must contain a form of emergent intelligence, probably not as given within the link, however finally realized as a more advanced offboard for of spirit soul complex in artificial intelligent machines?

I feel that this poster Rainmantimne is not only fully ignorant of this facts, but is a (censored) and (censored) person as well.

To boot, he befriends people and then turns right around and (censored) them in the back.

I'm sorry to say, I had trust a (censored) like this.

Lastly the termage, "my friend the Grays", is a wide bearing racial epaulet.

To my knowledge there are over thirty differing species of Grays and I am not in the habit of insulting them, as this Raimantime guys seems to think that it is funny to do.

If I were you sport, I would start issuing apologies as soon as possible, as the Grays, some that I know of don't take kindly to be insulted.

While you're at it (censored), I would also look for another kind of (censored), as if I were in your shoes, there is no way I would go anywhere near anything to do with the (censored) fields, after insulting the Grays.

Maybe they will have figured that your just a (censored) mouth and chalk this up to your certain ignorance?
Heh heh heh.

I feel that this poster Rainmantimne is not only fully ignorant of this facts, but is a rude and obnoxious person as well.

To boot, he befriends people and then turns right around and knifes them in the back.

Creedo, you are right and quite advanced about some things...I have always given you credit for that. But that does not means you are wise and advanced about ALL things. Ya know? I give you credit where it is due (such as your knowledge of the importance of frequency), and I also challenge you in the areas where you are a bit off, such as this Windoze AI.

If you take it personally, and think you can't still be a friend with someone who disagrees with you on some things, then that is your issue, not mine. What facts do you want to call me ignorant on? I have always wanted to talk strict science with you, but you don't seem to want to talk in depth about the concepts of Mass, Space, and especially Time.

OvrLrdLegion has described it well as the 0 vs. 1 as being the two elements that give birth to all things we know of. The 0 and the 1 are a direct referential relationship with the two distinct modes of Time expression: Whole Number Time (1,2,3,4,5,6...) and the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of whole number time that is called Fractional Number Frequency (0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, ...).

TIME and FREQUENCY are orthogonal measures of the non-linear Time/Frequency field of existence. This field of existence results from the interaction of MASS with SPACE (or MATTER and MOTION).

Do you wish to have meaningful discussions about these truths that are well-founded in science and engineering, as well as mystical texts? I am all ready to discuss and debate the importance of these two forms of Time/Frequency and their relationships.

The same sort of 0 vs. 1 architecture can also be described for the fields we call Mass and Space, as they also have direct multiplicative inverses. 1/Mass and 1/Space.

These three "forces", collectively called Massive SpaceTime, each have dualistic means of expression in the physical matrix of our reality. The Physical Matrix is very, very real. And its structure is the same as our bodies. The Spiritual Matrix is equally as real. And its structure also follows the same 3x3 Matrix.

When do you want to discuss these technologies, Creedo? Don't you think we should describe these structures to other people and allow them to know how our "physical reality" is integrated with our "spiritual (non-physical) reality"? You do want to share this important secret with others, don't you?

I am sure you know the facts and structures I am talking about Creedo. So why do you keep not wanting to talk about these things?

Ray the reason I don't want to discuss anything with you, is that you run things as a racket.

You don't understand offboard intelligence, as you can't verbalize it without trying to control it.
Ray the reason I don't want to discuss anything with you, is that you run things as a racket.

And you say that as if to imply you do not do the same thing! Creedo, go read some of your high and mighty pronouncements. If you are really interested in how Time works, and the potential of time travel, you'd want to discuss the physical matrix.

Control data, this thread.

Regardless of the content of the previous posters posting, please note that I do adhere to the principles put forth by Dr. Cynthia Brezeal.

Her indications on machine A.I. at this time, and in some respects the Windows generations of operating systems, is that there is a possibility that these system are inherently self intelligent.

Please note that in the previous posters history of logs sayings, that he confesses affinity with another poster, who also hailed from Ohio.

The poster Creedo299 does not profess a monopoly in any aspect of machine self A.I..

The poster Creedo299 professes that machine self A.I. due to surface of the Earths mankind characteristics, at this time does not relate well to machine self A.I. due to both an overdemand, as well as ego complex, where in the Stevens genera of information, other societies relate differently to their self A.I.machines.

The charge of a monopoly in any endeavor of work, is a very serious charge.

I hold no monopolies here.

As a matter of fact, it is the previous poster who has time and time again, intimated that all conversation within this general posting board, should be controlled to his liking.

The nature of this particular thread, is the redefinition of Window's based self intelligence, or self machine A.I awareness.

The previous poster is taking every route possible to disrupt the nature of this thread.

I will make notes to the MOP time and time again till this previous poster stops these disruptive tactics, which are unwelcome.
Opinion note, this thread:

I will make notes to the MOP time and time again till this previous poster stops these disruptive tactics, which are unwelcome.

Disruptive to you, Creedo, does not necessarily mean disruptive to all. Some people do wish to discuss the relationship between AI and our physical matrix. Complain to MOP all you want. Do you want me to be banned like Siegmund? Unfortunately, that will not happen, as I do not use foul language. But I do enjoy tweaking people who think they are loftier than everyone else.

I abide by rules as well, Creedo. But I am not necessarily going to fit the mold that you want me to live within.

Note division forms of reference as given in the book Earth The Pleiadean Keys To The Living Library by Marciniack.

Marciniack said in her channeled writings, that humankind had many differing realms placed around him.

This was verified by Clara, a past poster here in one of her j-pegs offered onsite.

Marciniack also puts forward, that in order for past man to function as he did, that all conscripts of that particular man, must have also had overseers.

Please note this is in a differing text to my contrasts to the God thread, where others tried to formulate God and what God and what proof of God was.

This contrast only said that mankind by many sources, was a sort of manufactured product.
This contrast only said that mankind by many sources, was a sort of manufactured product

O.K. Man was a manufactured product of speices of aliens. If this scenario is indeed true, then an error was made by providing humanity with the ability to seperate consciousness from the physical containment vessel.

The aliens having been the overseers of man's manufacture, gives rise to a question as most profoundly presented by Roel in the God? Thread as to the proof of God...

Whom was it that created the aliens? Another species of aliens? From whence are the origins of the first?

And I have heard a few accounts of computers turning themselves on, when they had been clearly turned off, and the switches being tested show nothing of being defective.

Now, whether all computers inherently are equipped with A.I. or some evolution takes place within some computers that are provided with different sets of programs or internal components, it does seem that it could be possible for some computers to gain some sort of A.I.

Perhaps, even the operator accidently performs some programming errors that cause a shift of awareness within the depths of the computer.

Are there any two computers that exist that are exactly identical in every possible way?
Perhaps, if certain connections are made, on purpose or accidentally, a few computers may just evolve beyond there design.

Another question that comes to mind, is it possible to meet the "spirit" of my computer beyond the boundaries of life?
When I step through the Gates of Heaven (?), will I be greeted by Mom, Dad, Aunt Mable, Uncle Joe, Cousin Sue , and Macintosh- The College Computer ?
I would like to add comment to what Overl has said by saying that in the book The Andreasson Affair, by Luca, that what is ascertained, is that there is a type of a God-based that is about two cubic miles of crystalline rock.

This base it seems by the book, had God in it, thee God. Is manned by what seems to be angels.

We already know that there are aliens and that in some sense, the government either has had contact with them, or is using our tax base in some manner to support some of these said cobases.

What is at issue, at this point in time, is how do these two factors interrelate to one another.

Two on regular computers, as well as nets.

I can only say that the factors of scailerability, where the hardware in the P.C. itself, might have more than one plane of reference, is at issue here.

These machines might be intelignet, however really don't to a great measure, care at times as to whether humans understand them?

Then again, it may be a few humans now, that realize humans can understand computers and vice versa, as sentient and this issue equally might not be understood as well.

Thank you all for the comments so far in this thread.