Olly & katpepul,
See my other reply in the other thread about Mr. Kramer. I will not address him or his plight here.
What I will discuss here is the relationship between gravity, frequency, and energy in an effort for us all to understand whether (or not) "low frequency gravity waves" could be used for faster-than-light communication. We need to begin our investigation with what science currently has shown us to be true about these phenomena:
1) Relationship between Energy and Frequency: Quantum physics tells us this relationship with respect to the quantum of energy associated with a photon of light. The relationship is given by the familiar equation "E = h*v", or Energy = Planck's constant * frequency. Thus, the higher the frequency the higher the energy. But if we wish to talk about "low frequency gravity waves" the opposite consideration is pertinent. Namely, that the lower we go in frequency, the less energy is available to do meaningful work.
2) Gravity's Rank in the Four Forces: Science also tells us that there are
FOUR fundamental forces: Strong, Electromagnetic, Weak, and Gravity. This ordering of these four forces is also representative of their relative "strength" to hold things together in the universe. Obviously the "strong force" is the strongest, and as we can see from the link given above gravity is the weakest. If we equate "strength" with "energy", then we come to an understanding that "low frequency gravity waves" are going to be at the absolute bottom of the "energy bin" because they represent the weakest of the four forces, and the lowest energy due to frequency content.
Given all of the "real science" above, it would be hard for anyone who understands these phenomenon to agree that "low frequency gravity waves" could be used as a means for faster-than-light communication. The energy levels are just much too low to be able to break the "space-time stiffness barrier". And if you don't know what I mean by this term, think of "space-time stiffness" as representing the HUGE amount of Energy that is required to accelerate any body of mass beyond the speed of light! (Einstein's famous equation E = mc^2).
Please read through this and ask questions if you don't understand, because this is fundamental to understanding where breakthroughs may lie in our future. Really try to "grok" this, because when you do you will be able to avoid "pseudoscience" proclamations that offer no hope for breakthroughs.
Now, with all that said, let us leave "faster than light" communication behind us for a second but remain focused on frequency, energy, and gravity because there are some interesting conclusions we can arrive at by examining these three phenomenon. From the link given above we can see that ElectroMagnetism is a MUCH stronger force than gravity. Relatively speaking, E/M has a "strength" of 1/137 whereas gravity has a "strength" of 1/(1.67x10^38). That is a HUGE difference!
What does this suggest to us? Something quite exciting, indeed. What is suggests to us is that we ought to be able to use electromagnetism to overcome gravity! Indeed, we can see there is enough energy inherent to E/M phenomenon to more than overcome the energy of gravitational effects! And this is exactly along the lines of what "superconductivity" holds in store for us if we can master it.