W Warrior381 Temporal Navigator Jan 14, 2004 #1 I am Looking for Time Traveler who have a blueprint of time machine to build one...write back.
J JamesAnthony Temporal Navigator Jan 15, 2004 #2 For comparison purposes of course, I assume? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Or are you trying to take advantage of those poor individuals from an idyllic world of love and peace by ripping off their ideas? James
For comparison purposes of course, I assume? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Or are you trying to take advantage of those poor individuals from an idyllic world of love and peace by ripping off their ideas? James
S ShoeString Temporal Novice Jan 15, 2004 #3 Some blokes from Gallifrey have a few, so I heard. Perhaps they'll lend you an old Type-40? - SST