I have a few blueprints and now I am taking my own personal crash course in electronics/physics. I am an engineer, only in computers and when I built these, it was all modular. Since this is basically Tesla's Coil, I am trying to find a 6 amp neon transformer for the High Frequency Resonator or a core transformer for the High Voltage Resonator. I thought that I could modify a transformer that I had in the garage with a couple of rubbing plates and a witness well (dials too), unsure and I need the specs on this item as it is not printed on the case. The problem that I am having is determining the proper amount of volts out. The item that I have is 110 V which is what the schematic calls for in addition to 6 amp diodes. Any engineers here? I was getting help from someone in Copenhagan and I haven't heard from him, but I think that he was really looking for a girlfriend and I have a guy.
One last question that I had was how to add dials to select month, day and year.
For any gubbermint guys, leave me alone. I work for the DoD and have a life here. Get another victim. I only want to experiment. I could care less to change history.