Looking for the way to get back to the early of April

Brian Jung

Temporal Novice
I'm desperately looking for the way to get back to the early of April.
Regardless that changing current timeline or shifting me onto alternate one, I need to go then for turn back my life accumulated for 38 years.
I don't kill or give damage to anyone and steal anything.
One-way doesn't matter as well.

I think levearging Vortex like Sedona can be the one of solutions.

Personal email is [email protected]
According to einstein theory the closer to the speed of light the more time passeses by.That means time dialation.So time dialation would also happen at low speeds as well but in smaller increments.If you put many speeding objects that are going the same speed on top of themselves over and over again.Everytime you put a object with that speed on the stack the speed increases.So likewise time dialation.But that would mean that the bottom object of the stack of speeding objects is in the present and the top object of the row of speeding objects is in the future.So what would need to be done is to make a stack like that in the future.I prefer the stacked objects for both rows of speeding objects be rings that can expand and contract by servos.When you want to go to the past you make the row of stack objects in the past expand and the row of stacked objects in the future contract.Then you pull the row of stacked objects in the future through the row of stacked objects in the past.You repeat this process until you get to the time you desire to be in.You will have to calculate that yourself.
According to einstein theory the closer to the speed of light the more time passeses by.That means time dialation.So time dialation would also happen at low speeds as well but in smaller increments.If you put many speeding objects that are going the same speed on top of themselves over and over again.Everytime you put a object with that speed on the stack the speed increases.So likewise time dialation.But that would mean that the bottom object of the stack of speeding objects is in the present and the top object of the row of speeding objects is in the future.So what would need to be done is to make a stack like that in the future.I prefer the stacked objects for both rows of speeding objects be rings that can expand and contract by servos.When you want to go to the past you make the row of stack objects in the past expand and the row of stacked objects in the future contract.Then you pull the row of stacked objects in the future through the row of stacked objects in the past.You repeat this process until you get to the time you desire to be in.You will have to calculate that yourself.
Thanks for your advice but I need more practical and emminent way.
I was the senior manager of multinational aesthetics company and hired wife as temporary for filling operational hole without notice to HR. HR came to know that accidently and asked me, I did not tell the truth. So I cane to leave the company. I have accumulated my career for more than a decade and recognized as talented and integrated person. But due to this leaving, I lost my reputation, integrity, money, confidence in capability and talent, relationship with my wife, mental health ( sustaining daily life by medicine ), and other things. I have nothing for now.

I know it is due to my fault but I conmitted all the things of mine to the company.
What makes my idea for time travel so unpractical.It relies on einstein theory of relativity.

Well, first it's impractical because it misstates Special Relativity. Stacking "chips", all moving in otherwise uniform motion, doesn't result in time dilation among the chips. It does result in time dilation with respect to the "stationary" observer. But the "chips" can always take the relativistic position and say it is the observer that is moving and they are "at rest". That's why it is called Relativity. If you have them arranged in a stack on a spinning disk the situation goes from Special Relativity to General Relativity because the chips no longer have a "uniform motion of translation" - moving in a straight line at a constant velocity. They are under constant acceleration even though they continue to move at a constant "speed". Velocity is vector quantity - speed + direction. They are moving on a disk (or ring) thus they are constantly changing direction, i.e. under constant acceleration. In the case of spinning or rotating objects there is no ambiguity as to which object is the recipient of the relativistic effects.

In any case, the relativistic effects, unless the angular or linear velocity approaches the speed of light, will be virtually zero. Not quite zero but close there to. If spinning a stack of "chips" at high velocity could actually result in extreme relativistic effects, electrical generation would be impossible. A dynamo is nothing more than a large stack of copper "chips" spinning at very high velocity inside a huge set of magnets. I've yet to see a electrical generation plant zip off into the future (or past).

The second impracticality involves the statement that this has not been tested. It has, but only in the sense that the experiment is set up properly with respect to General Relativity. It is a gedanken experiment. You have Molly sit on a chair at the edge of a huge spinning disk facing toward the middle. Billy is sitting on a chair much closer to the middle and facing Molly. They each have clocks that were originally synchronized before the disk started spinning. Over the course of time they will see the clocks desynchronize because Molly will have a larger angular velocity than Billy. They are both rotating at the same RPM but Molly's curved course around the circle is longer than Billy's (the radius from the center to Billy is shorter than the radius to Molly). Now we have Billy and Molly switch places. Eventually their clocks will re-synchronize, for an instant, and then desynchronize again. At first Molly aged more slowly than Billy. Once they switch, Billy gets the larger relativistic effect. They both, however, age more slowly than the stationary observer who is not on the disk. Their clocks will never resynchronize with the stationary observer's clock.

Has this been tested in the real world? Yes. Daily. The GPS satellite clocks have to be constantly re-callibrated due to the relativistic effects of their high velocity orbits. Otherwise GPS coordinates are miscalculated. BUt no GPS satellite has been known to zip off into the future and disappear from "today".

But the same can be said if you drive to work tomorrow and your brother stays home. You spent some time traveling faster than your brother thus your clocks will desynchronize (assuming that you have clocks that can measure attoseconds). We all undergo relativistic effects with respect to each other as a matter of course. Tiny to be sure, but actually measurable during a lifetime.

None of this, however, will ever result in travel to the past. The arrow of time in these scenarios only points to the future.
We measure time by watches.Aging less and more has to be a form of time travel.Because if you age less than someone else you end up in the future.No matter how small that might be.If you age faster than someone else .The other person that ages slower than you would get to the future faster than you.No matter how small that might be.

It sometimes appears to us that all is lost when we are faced
with a new beginning. What can be salvaged of the old often
depends on how well we handle adversity. Hardship can be
character building in that it can not only make us stronger but
more compassionate.

You are still talented. All of us err. Consequences vary. Learn
from your mistakes, make amends and seek new opportunities.
Find better ways to cope with stress, and you’ll both feel and be
more lovable. Moreover, take care in the use of psycho-tropic
drugs, as I’ve observed subtle to extreme side effects in many
persons prescribed them.

Peace be with you.


Do you think traversable wormholes greater than the Planck scale might spontaneously
as sporadically appear and disappear in the case of time slips? Insofar as controlled time
travel is contingent upon man’s finding a feasible way to move at the speed of light, he'd
have to go 150 times faster than the speed at which objects circumstantially approach the
supermassive blackhole nearest to us. Are you aware of any other potential means of TT?

Time Tunnel,

Your recurrent role here tempts me to cast you as the star of
“The Return of Dr. Frankenstein” by none other than myself--

Time Tunnel as Dr. Frankenstein
Ghost as Escapist I
Rommel as Escapist II
Brian as Escapist III ...
Multiple TTI members as themselves, e.g.
Syzygy as Accidental Time Traveller

Fast forward to Scene IV
Enter the accidental time traveler:

Let’s talk time machines.
- That my accidental time travel took place in an automobile is probably
incidental. However, neither did I nor do I own a souped-up Delorean.
- Minimally effective, Brian, is the Vortex Conveyer.
- The sleigh model
has an ominous homonym. A contract for its use could have so many liability
clauses in it that its inventor’s name might as well be Claus.
- And I suspect the only reason Time Tunnel is designing a ‘two wheeler
is because the cost of a space craft makes insurance unaffordable. Speaking
of insurance, it’s a good thing a previous client of his was insured for loss of
limb. Still, as you might have gathered from the above reference in hypertext,
the customer was expecting a five-star hotel--one with poolside bar service.
She arrived a few hundred years after the check-in date for her room reservation.

Granted Time Tunnel’s travel agency is the only franchise of its kind with,
depending upon what one can afford, three other extraterrestrial locations,
all of his success so far is in journeys to the future. That and his negotiations
for body parts should give you, Brian, some hesitation. Let’s just hope the
last guy (see second-to- last sentence therein) he offered to help get back to the
past didn’t forsake half of the family jewels prior to his sudden disappearance.

If it’s any consolation, Brian, our emissary has returned from his overseas quest
for wisdom and has a message for you. ===========================================================
We measure time by watches.Aging less and more has to be a form of time travel.Because if you age less than someone else you end up in the future.No matter how small that might be.If you age faster than someone else .The other person that ages slower than you would get to the future faster than you.No matter how small that might be.

Yes, aging at a slower rate than someone else is relativistic time travel. People living in Quito, Equador age more slowly than people living in Anchorage, Alaska. People living in San Diego, California age more slowly than people in Anchorage and faster than people in Quito. Why do they age at these different rates? The angular velocity of Earth's rotation is greatest at the equator and least (in our scenario) at Anchorage. But waiting some time and then moving the Alaskans to San Diego, San Diegans to Quito and Quitenos to Anchorage won't result in the people carrying along with them some sort of time travel reserve that builds up.

Don't be too discouraged. You've obviously given this some thought and tried to draw what you believe to be logical conclusions based on your knowledge of Special Relativity. You got it wrong but at least you did put some thought into it. That's far better than most.

If you'd like to get a good pop-sci snapshot of Special and General Relativity I would suggest that you go to Einstein, Albert. 1920. Relativity: The Special and General Theory

That is the URL to the online edition of Einstein's 1920 booklet "Relativity: The Special and General Theory". Einstein wrote the book with the general public in mind. There is very little math in the book and what there is is at the high school level. It explains the basics of both Special and General Relativity. You won't come away as an expert or a physicist but if you read it over a couple of times you will come away with a better understanding of the theories than 95% of the population.

Do you think traversable wormholes greater than the Planck scale might spontaneously
as sporadically appear and disappear in the case of time slips? Insofar as controlled time
travel is contingent upon man’s finding a feasible way to move at the speed of light, he'd
have to go 150 times faster than the speed at which objects circumstantially approach the
supermassive blackhole nearest to us. Are you aware of any other potential means of TT?


I don't know what you mean by time slips. If you mean something akin to wormholes connected to massive black holes spontaneously quantum tunneling from Point A to Point B then, yes, it's possible in the sense that there is a probability associated with that outcome. This assumes, however, that wormholes physically exist and are not just mathematical constructs implied by General Relativity and quantum mechanics (quantum tunneling). The answer to that question remains open. With objects of ponderous mass the probability associated with things like quantum tunneling is tiny in the extreme. As a function of time, the probability would tend to require more time than the universe is expected to exist.

But you also threw in the qualifier "traversible". That introduces and boatload of real problems. Though the answer to whether wormholes actually exists is still open, the math also states that traversibility is not easily accomplished. There are huge electrical fields, Blue Walls, gravitational tidal forces, accelerations approaching the speed of light and pinching off of the wormhole - issues that can't be resolved at this time, if ever. Kip Thorne's graduate students at Cal Tech were tasked with finding some sort of solution to the pinching off problem based on a request by Dr. Carl Sagan while he was writing "Contact". They came up with a form of exotic matter that would have negative mass and thus would have the property of a form of anti-gravity. The solution was to line the throat of the wormhole with the exotic matter to prevent it from closing when normal matter entered.

The exotic matter they envisioned isn't known to exist and if it did it would take trillions of tons to line the throat. The minumum radius predicted for a traversible wormhole is measured in thousands of kilometers.

Another problem with a spontaneously appearing wormhole is where it leads to. It doesn't allow going just anywhere or any time. It leads to where it leads and it is a one-way trip. And that's the real rub. We have discovered certain celestial objects that might be wormholes but we see no evidence of whiteholes at all (a white hole being the one-way exit from a wormhole).