Looking for the truth!


Temporal Novice
Hi I am a writer & film director in London currently working on an idea for a film about time travel. I would love to hear from anyone who has an opinion on the reality of time travel. Weather you belive it or not you are obviously intersted enough to read this site so please send me any thoughts you have...

The truth is that there is many lies regaurding time travel. A certain element of scientific, theoretical belief is involved. I belive time travel is possible as do the likes of Stephen Hawking. It is explainable using scientific knowledge that we at the moment possess, quantum mechanics, Special Theory of Relativity and classic Newtonian physics. The problem therefore is, in a few short hours, someone claiming to be a time traveller will send you a post. You yourself will probably be able to determine that all are hoaxers, depending on your disposition of course. I feel that the problem giving out solid theory and the means to make a real time machine id that this will flood the forum with hoaxers using a logic and theory i gave them. I will consider private messaging you.

Good Scientist
Timeless travel does exist. But how much people know about it is what is questionable? I believe any one who has not traveled in time can only tell you what they have read or learned about from others not necessarily what is or isn't real about it.
The grandfather paradox, is you being able to travel back in time, and say kill your grandfather, you would never be born would cease to exist and so the jounery would never have been made. If this is true then you could not have killed your grandfather because the journey never took place.

Time is 'relative', this means several things when not in any one context. Time is relative to who observes it and what they are observing.

Good Scientist
You are right, exactly, time travel is declared possible by some of the greatest brains today and impossible by others. This leads to hoaxers trying all sorts of rubbish, that we can think of, speaking our language and slang, with incredibly western biased predictions and attitudes, with no proof, hiding behind the (multiple worldline) quantum mechanics theory, which if they use, why do they reveal themselves to us, to change subtly is still a change. Most of all their complete lack of proof is the easiest way to RIP their story into shreds.

Good Scientist
I have gone backwards in time once but only within my own existance. I got to revert back to my mothers womb and I don't realy consider that time travel. I personally know nothing about it? I guess I am really dumb since the explanation you gave about time being relative didn't click.
More important to me is that I realized today after talking to all you guys that each time I traveled I was not at a stand still but was moving. I guess I got so use to doing it I never really considered using it for longer periods of time to access the future physically rather than mentally like I always do.
Perhaps NAI you are an Unconscious time traveler. Maybe you are moving yourself through your own life at different times in your life. If so I advise not moving too far forward, don't want to end up 6 feet under.