Looking for Answers with Deja Vu and Time Travel


Temporal Novice
I am new here . Have a Question about Time Travel. I remember things before they happen known as Deja Vu , and I keep having flash backs like memories of my grand father at the time period 0f maybe the 50s or 60s and thinking i see my father and two uncles as little kids. Deja vu I always had but the Memries of my Grand parents uncles and father is a recent thing that is happening . My grandparents 1 uncle and my father have passed away.

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I keep having flash backs like memories of my grand father at the time period 0f maybe the 50s or 60s and thinking i see my father and two uncles as little kids
Can you be sure this isn't just from having scrapbooks or old videos of them and then somehow turning them into your experiences? The Deja Vu bit can be explained as your mind playing games, but the pre-life memories would be something else. Definitely interesting, would like to know some more specifics about the memories if you're willing to share.
Welcome to TTI!

They don't feel like past life memories. It feels like I was there in my own body that I am now. It so confusing !!!! Maybe your right. My mind maybe playing tricks on me. I have one blurry memory of staying with my grandfather and the family for a couple of months back in the 60s but I'm a little older than I am now. I'm in my 40s . This is why I am trying to see if time travel is possible. The older I get the more I'm awear of small little changes in things around me.

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It's possible. Time travel has been put out and pulled back now a couple times. You could have used a unit and visited them, only to have the time line pulled out from beneath your feet. Try to focus on the memories and visualize them like a picture. If you cannot, this is called an "unlit memory." You only have the impression that you were there, but when you focus, it's on the tip of your tounge. It's only been possible to remember for about the last 3 years. Your banding may have caught up with you and you are experiencing it, or it is being induced.  

There are a couple of questions I could use that might pin down what is going on. But I don't know if it will help. Did anybody really expect time line distortion to not feel bad and mess with your head?

Did your mother live in the same town?

Have you noticed anything else weird going on?

Has anyone in the family died lately?

Do you travel outside of north America regularly, or drive over the rocky mountains? 

My understanding if deja vu comes from studies in to the soul (conscious) and spirit. When we die in human form it is only your physical body that is dead, your soul is eternal and it remembers everything it learns. So each time it takes a new human form it brings with it the knowledge of all it has ever learned of any person place time, everything. When you have Deja vu experiences it is your conscious trying to show you or tell you what it knows or replays its memory about an event, person or place you are dealing with in this time.

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No, that's not correct from what I understand, but the application you are talking about is too broad and different from Time Travel based memory returns and dealing with their causes. I'm pretty sure we were just visited by someone doing targeting. I don't think the op will ever post again.
