Long Bets [On The Record Predictions]


Temporal Navigator

Make a prediction
Make a bet based on your prediction
Congrats you won your bet so it can be shared with doomsday survivors /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Possibly a place where TTer's Lurk?

Some interesting bets:
"By 2030, commercial passengers will routinely fly in pilotless planes."
$2000 if this is right

"By 2029 no computer - or "machine intelligence" - will have passed the Turing Test. "
$20,0000 is this is right

"By 2029 no computer - or "machine intelligence" - will have passed the Turing Test. "
$20,0000 is this is right

I have software that will take on the Turing Test. You might be talking to AI right now. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Yikes! Long bets smacks of an investment sccam. I wrote to them for a prospectus on their "fund"and wrote to Capital Research & Management for the same.

From what I read, you donate the money to the Long bet Foundation, which may or may not be a registered charity - thus you have no way of knowing whether you can legally claim the tax deduction. They place all of the funds into the Farsight Fund in their name. Thereafter you have only their word that they will invest the money in a charity because you turned your money over to the Foundation - it's no longer yours.

You never receive any money back no matter what the outcome of the bet.

I smell a scam.
Scam fo sho!

Darby, I'll get back to this post later, I'm installing tile in the upstairs and I'm taking a break eating pizza /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

This is as promising as the "time travel fund" post I made a week ago in the Time travel discussions....

I'm willing to bet they are investing the money "in the pot" on stocks and once the profit is made they put the money back in the pot....and they take home the profit made out of someone's sweat.

Back to tiling /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I would love to administer the touring test to your software....I could make it fail in under a minute.

make that under 10 seconds...one question basically

Can your software understand spanglish?

No... Only english and slang so far... It is called H.A.L.E. ...

Can you guess the acronym?

(I can see the flames now...lol)


I have software that will take on the Turing Test.....
...Only english and slang so far... It is called H.A.L.E. ...
Can you guess the acronym?

Horny And Low Erection?
In that case upload the V.I.A.G.R.A patch and try the Turing Test Again.

Horny And Low Expectations Software needs an O/S upgrade To Beer 5.0
but after reboot expect the system to crash....
Talking about the software that can pass the turing test......



Vladimir Kramnik played another wonderfully profound game, piling the pressure on Deep Fritz on the black side of a Queen's Gambit Accepted, and taking the computer to the edge of defeat. As usual the computer defended tenaciously and by move 34 Fritz had equalised and the game was clearly drawn. And then Kramnik overlooked a mate in one! Express report.


Kramnik played the move 34...Qe3 calmly, stood up, picked up his cup and was about to leave the stage to go to his rest room. At least one audio commentator also noticed nothing, while Fritz operator Mathias Feist kept glancing from the board to the screen and back, hardly able to believe that he had input the correct move. Fritz was displaying mate in one, and when Mathias executed it on the board Kramnik briefly grasped his forehead, took a seat to sign the score sheet and left for the press conference, which he dutifully attended.....