Liquid Metal Spacecraft


Super Moderator
This is based from a dream I had this morning. I don't know if anyone has begun experimentation on such a craft, but as I contemplate the possiblities, I see this going into many directions.

If we were able to melt titanium/ or similar metal and bond it( connected by molecular means ) with an acrylic, then at high temperatures it would be in a liquid state. The mix is then injected into molds and allowed to cool. The result would be a seamless craft that could be further streamlined with polishing of its surfaces. The craft would be sealed with the acrylic closing up all the gaps that may exist between the metals and bolster the integrety of the vessel.

Other materials could be blended in with the mix. Perhaps some positive/negative charged particles to allow a mechanically induced charge to envelope the craft and utilize the energy either for propulsion or in escaping gravity.

Any thoughts on this craft? or how to develope the idea further?
If there is anyone who has knowledge about the concept of blending materials together to create such a craft, I would like to hear from you. My co-worker and myself discussed this concept for awhile, and his knowledge brought up issues that need to be addressed.
The materials have a wide difference of behavioral tendencies under pressure or different temperatures. The craft moving through the atmoshpere would heat up and moving through space would cause the craft to be subjected to freezing cold.

My response to this problem would be to expand on the field of energy enveloping the vessel and creating a stable environment around the craft.

And what materials would be best suited for experimentation on the development of this craft. I know that melting titanium would be tough, and the difference between titanium and any plastics would certainly cause problems if a blending was attempted.

Any propulsion experts out there? What type of propulsion system could developed for a symetrical, seamless, lightweight, craft that could have any number of ingredients injected into its skin?

And if possible please list any problems you see with the creating a vessel of this type. And possible solutions, too.
Solar sail type power, laser beams concentrated on the hull or a plate to create power. The possibilty of taping into the dark matter that pervades the universe, variations on gravity power.
There may be an easier way of creating the craft, think of onion skins, with each layer seperated by magnetism, with each layer having less than a 5mm gap between layers. Just a thought...
There was a second part to the dream as it continued a few days ago. The tail of the craft has an array of what looked like heat lamps. And these were also in strategic locations along the bottom of the hull.