Light - Past & Present ? Theory


Temporal Novice
In the past couple of decades scientists have played with light, making it faster and making it slower. Recently a galaxy that is further away then any one has ever seen before (thought to be at the dawn of the universe) was discovered, the galaxy is in redshift 7, which is 500 million years old. At present day the universe is said to be over 13 billion years old.

Now we all no like doesnt is fast, incredibly fast but its not fast enough for us to see real time of events in the galaxy, as described with the recent discovery of a galaxy that apears to be 500 million years old when we no the universe is 13 billion years old. The position of this galaxy is also said to be at the edge of the universe ( hmm ) but any way.

It has taken over 12.5 billion years for that light to reach us. And well that tells us light doesnt move fast... As we can see into the past, yes the past, this galaxy in theory if we went to it now could possibly not even be their any more. As we are only seeing the light coming from it over 12 billion years ago. Alot can happen in that time frame.

So to fininsh with them starting paragraphs, lets talk about the theory.
As we see using light, it reflects of an object into are eyes.

The scenario-

Your in front of a mirror, the speed of light has been reduced to 50cm/s (to date this speed has all ready been recoreded) using extreme conditions (radiation, gases, cold, ect..) you wave into the mirror, the light comes from the source hits the mirror and then hits your eye, and you are then able to see. But if the speed of light was slown down to the point where a delay was created that could mean you would be able to wave into the mirror wait 4 seconds and then you would see your reflection mirroring (pun intended) your exact movement.

Now that would mean you just saw into the past, the past that happen 4 seconds ago.

The same thing could happen if you increased the speed of light, the same scenario above but if the speed of light was incrased, this theory of seeing into the future using light has been shown and proven with an experiment that tested a beam of light entering a cell even before it had left it. The laws of physics were not broken though (before any of you start complaining /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ).

The decrease of light, being the easiest one to explain is the most plausable as we have done it.
The increase of light, being the hardest one to explain is the most unplausable even thought we have increased it, the concept and logic behind this idea is unknown.

Any way, i've been writing this for 10 minutes now, their is alot more i wont to say but my tea is getting cold. I'll leave you all to read, ponder and write about how exellent this theory is or you can knock it and write how this wouldnt be logical. I welcome this and i need critisum so i can expand my theory.

A good example of practicle use using decrease of light is the film DeJa Vue, even though its a crude example, it shows that if light was reflected at a slowed rate onto a targeted area and a camera or thermal imaging device was to record this happening that we could see into the past. Even though the plot behind that film was using a generator and a worm hole (something like that).
The universe is expanding with acceleration. That is the simple answer to your question.

What that means is that although the U may be 13B yrs old, the edge of it that we see is only .5B yrs old because the light has slowed down over the distance it traveled. From our reference frame, 13B yrs past, but from the edge of the U's reference frame only .5B yrs have past. The acceleration is dragging the light with it.

Imagine riding a bike down teh street and you are following a corvette that is about 100 feet in front of you. You are both going 10 MPH. As the corvette accelerates, it sgets further away and thus the time it take for the light to reach your eyes increases. But as the vette is 1000' away it is still accelerating and by the time the light reaches you, the corvette will be 1000.0002' away. If this continued infinitly, eventualy you could imagine a time when the corvette is going 200,000,000 MPH and is 12 AU away, buy the time the light reaches you, the vette will actually be 12 AU plus a few hundred feet away.

The bigger question I think lies in why the U is expanding w/ a?

Now on to your theaory of looking into the future. The Pychological Arrow of Time prevents what you are proposing about speeding up light to look into the future. Thats the simple answer.

I agree with seeing the past. Back to the vette, if it exploded when it was going 2 million billion MPH and was 50 AU (astronomical units) away, the instant it exploded, you(in your reference frame) would be seeing the car intact and in the past.

The problem with the faster than light thing is that as light is photons traveling in a wave form.... This is is tough to explain.... whne a lab produces a photon in a medium BEFORE the photon is produced, they are only predicting the quantum spin of the matter where th photon appears. This quatum spin energy is strange and I havn't put that much thought into it yet, but the spin energy is like a magnetic feild or a gravitational field. Maybe its the "ether"wind that flows through teh U according to Albert. The spin happens instantaneouly over a distance (so even though the photon from a laser may take a .00000000001 second to cross the lab, the spin energy can be recorded instantly, thus the light can be recorded BEFORE the photon has time to get there. If you could see/feel/understand spin energies, than yes, you could "see" into the future in any direction or distance. BUt these spin energies are weak nuclear forces and although they are incredibily small to begine with, thier intensity decreases hyper-expotentially (meaning the fields decrease exponently over distance, but over lap in time (since it is an instantanious effect)). This means that not only would all the future events be fortold all around us, but all future events, from everywhere, would be overlapped.

Now here's the biggie.... As this overlapping spin energy disapates (as time goes by and spin energy converts to other forms such as mechanical, light, heat, magnetic, gravitational, etc. ) the density of the U decreases and to balance this out, the Universe expands with acceleration.

So, basically the acceleration of the U is a result of future becoming past. If/when the spin energy runs out, the universe will slow down, contract, and start to crush in in itself with ever increasing mass/gravitational forces. At this fpoint you will be able to see the future, but the not he past, as we do today. That will be one cycle of expansion and contraction of teh U, or one .... we don't even have a word for that yet!
In the past couple of decades scientists have played with light, making it faster and making it slower.

The last couple of decades? Try the last century and a half, at least. We've pretty well understood the basics of refraction and reflection since the time of Maxwell. There's nothing particularly surprising about reducing the phase velocity of light as it passes from one medium to another. That's expressed by the Index of Refraction of the medium. If it was possible to "see into the future" or the past by slowing light all you have to do is shine the old flashlight into your swimming pool. The Index of Refraction of water is positive - light appears to travel more slowly in water than in air (or a vacuum). Actually it doesn't. It travels at precisely the speed of light in a vacuum between electron orbitals of individual molecules but the photons are diverted and also absorbed-emitted by the electrons. A typical photon emitted at the core of the sun takes about 1 million years to reach the surface.

Your in front of a mirror, the speed of light has been reduced to 50cm/s (to date this speed has all ready been recoreded) using extreme conditions (radiation, gases, cold, ect..) you wave into the mirror, the light comes from the source hits the mirror and then hits your eye, and you are then able to see. But if the speed of light was slown down to the point where a delay was created that could mean you would be able to wave into the mirror wait 4 seconds and then you would see your reflection mirroring (pun intended) your exact movement.

Now that would mean you just saw into the past, the past that happen 4 seconds ago.

You don't even have to go to any extreme to get the same effect. Just stand 1 meter from the mirror. Light propogates at about 300 million meters per second. The photons travel from your face to the mirror and back in about 150 millionths of a second. You're seeing your reflection as it appeared in the past, not the present.

But that's the reality of everyday life. You never see "the present". No matter what your eyes detect they are seeing the past. And the time reference that I gave above assumes that once the photon hits the rods or cones of your eye the mental "picture" is detected instantaneously. But nerve impulses are electro-chemical processes and propogate at less than 1/10th kilometer per second. By the time that your brain processes the input you're perceiving not millionths of seconds into the past but milliseconds into the past.

The fall of absolute simultaniety of a core precept of special relativity.
People on this forum are smart, and if i get the reasoning behind your U Wind theory/story thing, then you are saying that as time changes the size of the universe changes to compensate for the extra time that is created?? As time catches up thee universe shrinks??

And Darby i dont follow anything you just said /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif but i ment noticable past images, but yes ok.

And Darby i dont follow anything you just said but i ment noticable past images, but yes ok.

Light travels at a finite velocity. Therefore it takes a certain amount of time for light to travel from point A to point B. When you see something with your eyes it is the photons that traveled from the event to your eyes that form the image.

It took a fixed amount of time for those photons to make the trip. The event already happened by the time that the photons arrive at your eyes. You are seeing the past, not the present. You never see the present.

As to the part about "slowing light": there is nothing new about that. Maxwell, in the mid 1800's, explained that property of light as it travels from one medium to another. Example: light traveling from air into water, glass or a diamond crystal. The light is slowed when traveling from air into one of those media.

However, there is nothing strange or unusual that is going to occur when the light is slowed down. Light does this all the time. If simply slowing light down can create a time machine then you should be able to create a time machine by shining a flashlight into a cup of water.
All the energies imagineable (including the classics like light, enthalpgy, matter, gravity, electro-magnetism, etc, but also including time and cognative thougt) interact with ea. other. The unified theory, simplified. Like the strong nuclear force holds together neutrons and protrons to make atoms or like a gravo-magnetic field permiates 3D space around moving masses, time and thought bleed themselves throughout the Universe, between the sub-quantums.

The size of the U and the current relevistic speed of light (a measuring tool for determining state/time of Univeral cycle) are directly related to the amount of thought energy over time. If new knowledge is created, then to balance that knowledge out, time must pass. E=mc2 just like E=Tt/time2.

You can quote me on that one, as I believe this is teh first time that equation has ever been published. From Als and mine equations you can deduct that A) the speed of light is dependant upon both current universal time and thought (or knowledge), and B)...lets save B for later.

Well, if you look into a mirror and have a pad of paper and a pen and start writing with what you consider your normal writing hand, then as you look at the mirror and not at the pad of paper for even if the writing is crooked and you already should know what it is you are writing having done it so many times, that when looking in the mirror you are doing it with your opposite hand and arm. Thus, when you remember the movements while not being at the mirror but at a kitchen table, without thinking consciously about what it is you are doing and put the pen in your opposite hand from your usual writing hand, then you should be able to write out the same thing you did before, and when you take it back to the mirror and show it in the mirror, then you can read what you wrote, thus proving that you can write with the opposite hand and backwards from right to left if you wish to.

So what does that have to do with light, you could be in a total dark bathroom also and in a dark room you can open up the film canister and develop the film of the light from the stars you just took, and make photographs of that film?

Thus, people should know what they are doing at all times!
So what does the measurement have to do with light traveling in SpaceTime?

It does not. You are not measuring the light of a galaxy or star 500 billion light years away, you are measuring the Spectral Lines of the Elements contained in that Sun or Galaxy that far away plus adding a Redshift factor in because Light bends in SpaceTime due to Mass and never ever travels in a straight line to your eyeballs anyway, and along the way it passes by other atoms and interacts with those atoms so it is never the same photon anyway that traveled here. The only thing you are picking up with your eyeballs is Information and how you deal with that Information means that either you knew what you were doing in the first place or you did not know what you were doing. But you should know what you are doing at all times.

Thus without building some means of Transportation to even get to that Star or Galaxy that far away you were merely moving along with the Earth around the Sun which is moving also and rotation on the Earth and were traveling in SpaceTime within the Framedragging of the Earth and the Sun, and although the Light from that Galaxy is pretty, it served no usual purpose anyway until you decided to consciously think about what could prove anything anyway, and thus you were a Stuckie here still on Planet Earth.
So what does that mean as to the distance that star or galaxy is away?

If your Warped Spaceship can bend Space enough as to cut down the amount of Time it would take to get there, that Star or Galaxy would only seem to be Right Down the Street from Planet Earth where you live.

Thus if you press your eyeball to the mirror and now look the only distance away you are is the refraction reflection elements contained in the coating of the mirror to determine how far and fast the light is traveling back to your eyeball.

Although you can never ever be on top of anything, you can only about cut down the distance away in steps but never make it Zero!

It is all Relative in SpaceTime! (Frames of Reference that you are using at the time.)