Let's compete!!! please reply

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Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Don't you think it'll be helpful for those doing the work and ourselves if we come with the perfect idea on how to prove it? This is the purpose of all these topics! We still don't know the effects that may occur. The more we try figuring it out the more we contradict. That's why many members leave. All the actions we perform have"results" before or after. The question is how to proceed. Let's see who's got enough brains for the solution. Why don't we dare? Where's the spirit? I believe we're gonna have more fun. I can start putting some ideas and suggestions. People, TIME TRAVEL is "the ultimate defense" we could ever have to what's ahead! Please reply.'
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Celebi, see, I admire your courage and your velocity in the subject. I was feeling almost that "high" when I met this forum the first time. Passion is a cute animal that bring a lot of joy and that you have to keep feeding, because one day, it tend to die... In an other hand, don't feed him too much, it's like red fish, it can burst.

I think that we might come out with more ideas as possible, it's not wasted, for shure there's a risk for anything.

For the rest, I think there's more than one type of person, one might talk, one might do, one do both, one do nothing. We can't put everybody character here in the same bag, as a matter of space and difference.

Celebi, in one of the last reply I've sent, you mentionned (I think it pointed me?) that I was negative (by getting the worst exemple?) - I won't make you a speech about it, but your latest line in your post have a taste of apocalypse, seems that we don't have the choice to find a way to time travel! To change what's going to append? It's optimist way to think about time travel, but a very pessimist idea of what's going to append... (I need your precisions on that!)

Throw-back the ball!
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

I know what you mean...It must be the "happy" stuff."I picked that up from you and said it on a happy state myself". I always read all the posts. Didn't think of criticizing you, I'm not that kind. If you take another look then you'll say it's true. I always trying to support ideas, even yours sometimes. But I know it for the next time not to exceed. Good advice of yours! I always listen.
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Oh yeah! If you were against time travel or not."Just a simple question"-suppose your answer was yes, I would try to give some advice "as a friend", just like the way you gave advice to me. Clear now?
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

My last dramatic conclusion: It's better be awared, never let your guard down! We have two choices: 1-waiting things to come, (whatever they might be)...2-be prepared by all meanings, (the best way for me) That's all dob.
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

If both of us are in here, it means "somewhere" that we are on the same lane! As you mentionned, things have to be positives, and I agree to that, why looking for the bugs? It's not my intention, I'm totally FOR time travel, but I try to be the much realist as possible.

As anywhen, it's the intention that count, I never had any bad intention in here, I believe that you either. I meant "intention" because it's maybe only in two or three generation (or even more...!) that time travel will be available, we're the ones who dream and who wants to achieve, : the pionner!

It's doesn't matter for me if I find it or not, or if somebody else (more chances!) find it or not, it's a burning passion in a field of discovery with a lot of perspective and potential.

Thank you for your support, if you understand my taught and my ideas, but on your respect if there's something wrong - go straight - and tell me, I can take it.

Always put a bit of humor, it passes smoothly!

Take cares!
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Celebi, as a matter of style (this you style you've brang inside) I'm sending a reply, just under mine...

It's about respect, what do we do about that? It might be hard to agree with anyone in here, from the scientists to the dreamers to the newbies, for shure it's not easy to always keep in touch with everybody but it is cool to get links with peoples.

From that point it really depends on your way of seing life, and the way you communicate. My actual interogation if about my language, I really stress about "how" people will understand me, english is not my native language, and most of the learning I've took it on internet and computer, so. In that case I would probably accept easily somebody askink me more detail than somebody ignoring my statement. I beleive that many people can't support to read "bad" english. And that's thru language that the meaning have to pass.

As we have to work all together as you mentionned, points like this are exemple of "bridges" that are difficult to cross...

What do you think about it?
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Language??? dob, I'm in your case too, if you haven't noticed yet..."FEELINGS is the real language" it can be sensed miles away.
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Hey dob, since you're my only communicator. Do we somehow get "charged" (not money) by posting? I'll cease my imperious comments (hope not permanent), fallowing your advice as well. Maybe its a matter of reliability, giving time to time.
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

And since this topic is gonna "die" I'll take some advantages (pleasure to myself) "The day we see every reaction as usual, then we'll become endless" Wander who I'm really are?..."bah, he's only setting things by telling, wander what he really is in real life" I'll tell you: I'm 25 years old, and look younger by the judge of others. Not god, but god is watching me. Reason why? well, everything has its reason and purpose. Bad guys: looking for their own way, but certainly is: there is more good than bad. Putting sample:"Bad loves itself" I never run out of charge as long as I have the will (could be bigger than the universe itself). Got the message? Don't worry guys, I'll remain in here with you! Applause please
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

dob, since I have your permission, I'm going straight: If the red fish bursts, I'll look for another one.
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Ah! by the way, "I do not participate in any religious activity" Changing subject, I'm an individual to this point. To my understanding let bad actions happen out or against you, and that's totally wrong! The world would end instantly. They also despise living normally. In other words I don't know what to say as a conclusion. Hey, you must say why I don't post everything on a single one. You see, there's always time for everything.
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply


I don't wanna look like a "sucker" to yourself, because I'm the only one to answer you and because I like you, I hope not!

Gush! You said so many things!!! Now, how can I comment back everything? You don't give me any chance don't you!

You did great, you told about yourself, exprimed your inside fires and that's good, I'd like to be your therapeute (shnok, I don't know how to say that word, you know, the guy who give therapy to people?) Anyway, by knowing a bit more about you, I'm now ready to give my verdict: guilty!

Ok, the redfish will burst, and so what? As you said, just go buy an other one, more resistent! The most important thing is to not buy a piranah, this kind of fish doesn't burst, but it eat all alive things in his environment, that's not what you wanna do, right?

In the latest post you remains about religion, it's ok, for that point I don't think we're on the same line, too bad! I'm not the kind who's born from a nune and a priest, so I can afford serveral version of possibilities on the subject, I don't thing we can get too wrong, following our heart...

Right now, I'm having a flash, I'm wondering if you're trying to beat the record of the "must message posted" tournament. I'm shure that at that speed you're going to kill everybody on that.

Talking about "guiness record", you can try, by now, to beat Time02112 at the long run, and as much often as you can. KIDDING!

Ok, too much time passed to work on this reply, have to get into an other one. See you lower!
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply


in de english thats "see you later" not "see you lower"
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

OK, I got it, I was wondering how long a post can be??? I never check out!

Now it's time to know the thrut, I'm sorry if I "bog" the forum or something, I promess, I won't do it again, it's only one time.

Yes it's stupid, but I'm curious, and it gonna be the next post...
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

Thank you!

Time have spoken!!!

Grammer-cop: I meant see you "lower" by see you in a lower post! You're right, I'm feeling incult right now, but that's not too bad if you understood me! Tanx

Shadow: Yes!!! It's time to talk about the real stuff, did you got any?

Otherwise, the thing I was trying to say, is that I'm going to send the longest reply ever. But I just tryed and it didn't pass, I think that was a bit too long, so I'm gonna try a bit shorter now...
RE: Let\'s compete!!! please reply

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