Let me try to clear this up

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I don't know why my post was deleted, but I am no fake! Apparantly someone used my name to stage a phony 'confession', but I am a real time traveler. Frankly I don't find it all that important to prove myself to you people, I just don't want to be looked upon as a phony.
<<Frankly I don't find it all that important to prove myself to you people>>

<<I just don't want to be looked upon as a phony.>>

The two thoughts, on the face of it, appear to be mutually exclusive.

"It's not important" is unequal to "I don't want".

Whether or not you posted the now deleted post is moot. The thought that you were pervaricating is out there. As an arrow, once shot away, cannot be whistled back again, the thought cannot be negated absent your input.

So, what say you? Is it your intention to defend or retreat?
Frankly Finchy your a fraud!

I think I'm having Deja Moo: the feeling that you've heard this bull before!

RE: Let me try to clear this up, war crimes, Darby:

There is a little problem that you had overlooked with reference to John Titor and what he had said within his post.

Said Titor had committed the fact, that there was a nuclear exchange and in this exchange, billions of people had died, some instantly.

I did vie by paper to this president, as well as other past presidents on the subject of becomeing an offworld ambassador, due to my relationship to the female Pleiadean Sem-ya-zee, which CAT is now trying to demonize.

What the Pleiadeans do, is their busniess, as long as it does not concern us Earthlings.

However what I'm getting now out of your reconsileation to Jav, is that it was all a big misunderstanding and let's all be freinds now.

Where the problem is Darby, is that there has been repeated interfearance in mass space exploration, by governemnt, for the common man.

This is so, as government is elietist any more, nor for the average citizen, or consumer as they are now trying to call him.

What I'm thinking in the recesses of my mind, is that the facts to come behind Titor are true and this exchange may come.
This is with a drastically diminsided population all of a sudden, however the way this information is being presented, is an orchistration, or a ruse.

Darby' I want you to go to the web site, Galactic Server.com and look through the section of this site, under types of aliens photos.

The information for the most part given within this site, is very accurate.You should also know that there in reality are many, many differing types of real aliens out there.

I had wanted the job of an ambassador, as part of me, understand alien cultures, like a second language ability.

If I ever make it to another world, which I want to because of how decrepid this governmental system is, there will be a point where I must justify Earth's war and why they did what they did.

Part of my conversation will be, "Well because of a loss of forsight and vision, the centalized goverment on Earth, had not elected to explore space for the masses, but instead decided to euthanize a good part of its mass population, by a planned atomic war".

At this point in time, I would expect the room to become silent, as the others who may sit in my presence may have come to the realization that governmental officals of this time period, were not only murderers, but debased and savage as well.

If in the future tense, I had found that any of you had pre-knowlege of what and how this society was going to degrade and that you all participaited in a planned charade, in order to decive me as well as others; I'm sorry this would be termed in the legal sence as knowlege before the fact and a vast war crime.

You, Pamlea More, Time02112, Carlos X, AIC, might not be around within the future tense, however the academic legal question does arise,"Do the heirs of major criminals who commit in the construction of war crimes, pay, by the legal persicutuion of their offspring"?

What I have put forward is an academic question in retoricum and you know, for the time being does not have any one set answer.

Know in a parallel society, the world known as Planet ACART, as told about by Steven's, has a population slightly greater than Earth, is only some 14 light years or less away, however enjoys a much greater level of space travel, than Earth due to its noncopputive levels, could ever hope to possably achive.

In historie's eyes, if this appearence of John Titor was a planned ruse or decption, you will be looked back on from the future tense, as a part and party in the construction of a major act of civilian euthanasia.

This is not a game Mr. Devonshire and may God help any of you, if you are involeved in any supposed construction of any part of what I have put forward here?

Euthanasia, with reference to the size of a population, does not erase the need for constructive utility, to solve certain problems of socititial groth and overpopulation.

Murder is still murder.
RE: Let me try to clear this up, war crimes, Darby:


You posted above:

<<I had wanted the job of an ambassador, as part of me, understand alien cultures, like a second language ability.>>

Just out of curiosity Daniel, what exactly do you understand about alien culture and language?

Can you give me any sort of references to your understanding?

RE: Let me try; CAT:

My post name is creedo, this is internet protocols.

I did not give you permission to reference me as Daniel, stick to protocols.

I've already answered you twice on this, as well as other, and I will not repeat myself.

Go to old post, what I've told you about my joining with Semjase, within the biological sence, is true and accurate.

There were some people that underground bases had changed in the past, by the way, however my change was coincidential to both this time local and happening.

What you want to do, is attempt to pull me to your belief system, so that you can again errect monotheisity.

This won't work, as spiritually the Jewish, as well as the many other religions are going through spiritual as well as moral collaps.

It's not just you.

I serve on a chat line for helping peole and a young person who was of a certan faith came to me, asking such and such about their comeing career and would everything be normal within their church once more?

I had asked for more information, however what I could not say, is that everything would be normal again.

The Vietnam War almost, or did both demoralize and tear America apart.

The Iran U.S. Embassey affair again shook confidence in American soveringtiy and made us question.

The Watergate affair, in a great part shook the confidence American people once had within their governmental system of doinmg things, especially fair and unpartial elections.

Once this was done, then the Clinton scandle was the coup-de-gras, that finnally drove a mortiflying stake through the America public's heart of intention towards the future.

And all you can do CAT, is go after what you think might be vulnerable on me, so that you can win points.

The biggest change in America was not Jerry Farwell sliding down a giant waterslide at the American Baptist Convention.The most valued peice of information was a little known nutral valued book, entitled The Andreasson Affair.

From these set of books by Luca, came the starteling revelations, that there were also undecisive seams within the abilites of the Angelic heiarchies, within their reference ability to fully understand Earth based humans.

Clara, before she was jumped on within the board correctly pointed to this fact about Betty Luca and what was brought out within the book.

I have nothing to hide and have made past full disclosures.

By the way, I had encourage to to dig deep a on information on the web sites I had mentioned before.

Did you do this, or are you hopeing that the Jewish Allstars, will beat the American Baptist Convetion this year, in the bibilical toorahic playoffs and the Jews will be great for a change?

Pimps get beat up occasionally, as they get caught lieing, CAT.

You were in the military you said and placed around the world.

You know when Pete gives his speal about Sue being the greatest jump in the world and she is not only tired, but has the clap as well, what the G.I.s are going to do to that pimp?

Governement as we see it, is all lieing whores.

It runs somehow, provides on a sometimes basis of corruption and the police and or judicary is always one step behind, looking as to why certan things were done.

I can, if allowed fill the ticket for the job descrition. However what I don't think will work, is trying to pump-up any religious belif system, for crooks to hide behind, when a new direction that we should have collectivly gone as a society, has been totally ignored.

That's not my fault and my qualifications to you are not an issue here.

I did not mean alien language, however the ability to relate to a good portion, not all alien off-worlders, if this access bar should be provided by governement.
RE: Let me try to clear this up, war crimes, Darby:


Having never met nor communed with any youth in Asia (or octogenarians or vegitarians in Asia for that matter)I'm sure that I don't have a clue about that of which you speak. Perhaps we should bathe them in strawberry yogurt: tastes good, unlikely to shield against Titor Missles but if he's right at least they go out with a decent flavor. Then we can save them by parading them nude in San Leandro.

In any case, you and the Titorists (no, that's not a 60's pop-rock band)will know one way or the other in six months. 2003 is upon us and if he's correct there should be a pandemic outbreak of "Waco-like incidents" (which he refused to define).

Oh, and Mad Cow Disease should be a major headline disease today and "It" (the flopped unicycle) should be the biggest news to date. He's already falling seriously behind with his (non) predictions.

And why would CAT demonize Semian Yahtzee? I think that it's a very nice game. Not as nice a game as online rumination, to be sure, but nice anyway.

Are you a Blue Oyster Cult fan?
RE: Let me; Darby et al.

Reply to Darby then historical note.

What looks funny about the time Titor appeared, is that you and Rick haveing ex-mill intel backrounds, werte in the fray of everyone arguing then.

What it looks like and I say this unpartially, is the entire Titor affair was orchistraited.

Boomer, thuis guy you say was from Canada, then comes along, as a distraction to the Titor affair, it seems to spread intrest from one central issue.

Gee' these actions somehow look like a ruse to me?

Hostorical note, I am not what one would term a counter culture person.

Forinstance my registered imput on the reintroduction of andramous fish, on the early papers that were asked. I had said that there must be a pre-engineering walk through accessment, rather than leaving the stream-bed as it was.

This protocol would involve engineering asked public bids and went by the line and letter of state indistry base protocols.

This would have ment in-stream modification to sute reintroduction of some anadramous fish.
However because the flow of the stream would have been modified, this would have not ment the loss of a man's house, which had just reciently happened concering this said stream-bed issue.

I am not what one calls a fluffy Earth person bunny type person, who is wind swept and has the freckles and the sun in their hair.

Nor one who is so wholistic, that they imerce themselves within large vats of yourget and cry at the sight of beautiful sunsets.

On audible sounds, everthing from neolithic rudamentry sound makeing objects, to more advanced sounds.
RE: Let me; Darby et al.


Game Yes, but technically NO! I witnessed something 9 years ago that planted the seedling in me regarding Time Travel. It opened the door with numerous unanswered questions. Up to date, it has certainly made me think otherwise!


I heard that they are tremendous in concert! I listen to ALL TYPES of music though.

And yes Creedo,

I kind of familiarized myself again with Betty Lucca after you had mentioned it the first couple times. I even read her book a couple years back about her story.

I myself had fallen victim to this and had a similar experience. I think I had posted this some time back to Clara.

And my observation of this could be strictly categorized as purely DEMONIC in nature! They are technically highly advanced multidimensional beings that have mastered hyperspace and Time Travel!

And so to answer your question Creedo, I am not trying to win any sort of points with you, nor am I trying to covert you to my customs or way of thinking but to advance you to a higher state of understanding! You would think such a alien cultural person would be familiar. I mean if you cant understand your own race and people of this planet how on Uranus can you possibly be an off world Ambassador?

UNDERSTANDING IS NOT ENOUGH!!! the mind has to be mentally strong enough in order to endeavorly cope in their technically harsh and foreign fragmented environment for long periods of time and space without going into some sort of cultural shock and depredation of consciousness. Space is really not what you think. It is enormously confined and deadly quiet! few travel alone...One would have to have the type of personality of a loner that is fully functional by ones self in order to able to adapt.

RE: Let me; CAT.

The tellings in Earth The Pleiadeans Keys To The Living Library and how the Pleiadean Heiarchy supposedly exist today, do not match, why?

2.What post number was you similar to Andreasson Luca post, please and where?

3. On the Pleiadeans, I know that some of them are useary of humans, however some others, are instructive.

Both these potentials don't match, I am investigating, however I can't just extinguish my link to Semjase, if it is a full genetic link.This is impossable to do.

CAT do you go demonic by name, term, or past recitations of what you know that the Pleiadeans have done?

Thanks, the creed
RE: Let me pull that slide rhule\'?!Alc

Oh yeah' and you need someone to pull that slide rule out of your but, cause it's sticking out when you go walking around.
RE: Let me pull that slide rhule\'?!Alc

I think you need the FBI to shoot you!

As for your mouth, I like to see you try, if I had a slide-rule.

Get an exorcist!
RE: Let me ,Alc

I feel Al c is hurt, shocked and infantile within her demenor, if this is her.

The mouth part of the preceeding post indicates a need for oral intimacy.

This comment is really not directed towards me, as this statement by supposed Al c indicates a need for companionship?

In this society, most acceptable theorist, are kept isolate for the pourposes of the heiacrhy.

Please note additionally, that this web site does not post i.p. numbers for identification, as sort of eletronic tag placed on all communications, to keep the board posters assuming false idneities.

Who had posted under the Al c name tage, may not really be Al c?
Let me creedo

I take 1 day off from the posts, and I see your going crazy with your Alien crap again Creedo. And it’s not so much that your mouthing off to anyone who doesn’t share your vision about them, but that your exploiting your wiccan powers to see into Al C. life and use it to shut her up. You’ve tried this before with the TTA and CAT, with no success.

Would a good witch do that? Make threats, and look into a person’s private life and exploit it for all to see, just to get rid of her, and off your back? What kind of person would go below the belt, just because she mentioned Jesus Christ to you? Does that name bother you? And if it does, why then be so uptight about it? Do you feel that the more people mention the name Jesus and exorcist to you, that the demon inside of you is struggling to keep it’s control over you?

Just a thought

RE: Let me tell you what to do.

Well' yes of course you would TTA, what type of hand lotion do you use anyway?
RE: Let me tell you what to do.

<<Well' yes of course you would TTA,>>

Would what? Be a TTA
of course I would.

<<what type of hand lotion do you use anyway?>>

None actually, but what does that have to do with anything

That’s like strike 4 isn’t it Daniel? Still unable to read the TTA must be frustrating the hell out of you

I’d tell you the secret, but I don’t “remember” it :P.

TTA, Don\'t mount horses if they are only 2 foot tall and eat trash

I'll tell you how I feel!

You want to know how I feel, I'll tell-ya how I feel.

My favorite Hollywood dog movie star, I now find out, had sex in people's lawns, with five other of his friends.

He also ate garbage and would pee in places that he was not supposed to.

I found this out and it has ruined me!

On Wynonna Ryder, I find now thats she's a recovering clepto.

How do you think that this makes me feel, when I once had a kind-of crush on her?

She made me get a medium, well'soft or hard-on?
I can't figure out which, but it wasn't really hard, however not really soft anyway.

She just did that to me and now this has destroyed me too!?

How could you have done this to me, Wynonna?

And Bushe's daughter???!

When they got in there I said to myself,, "Oh they are going to have a moral family in there now and everything will be right and such"?

Well I find now, that his daughters are wanting to learn to be bar-flies.

How on Earth do you think that this makes me feel?

I have a full sized wall poster of President Bush in my bedroom, dressed in his speedo, standing next to Mark Spitz, the one time Olympic swimming champion, singing, "You can do it' you can do it a Windleis, yes you can' because it's the best lumber sold at the price"?

How the Hell do you feel that this makes me feel?!

Screw Al c, put her in a Steven King newer version of Chistine and push her over the hill for all I care.

You know they should put an a.p.b poster out on the Bush daughters to all who tend bar, with the warning to serve them iced tea, or leamon-aid only?

Oh crap TTA' I thought that this was going to be Cammalott, but it's more like slutt-in-the-lot instead.

How would you like to look up from a family invited meal and see your childhood hero fornicating on your front lawn, with nine others of his friends over on bitch in heat???!!

This is absoluitly prespostrous and I can stand it any more. please' oh please' give me guidance on what's going on with my wonder dog hero, the Bush daughters and Wynonna Ryder?

Oh Winonna, you the only girl whos even made me get a medium soft, whatever that is?

P.S. The post with sucess with time travel, posted by Mike, I went only so far into it.

Saw sings of the Devil, do you think that this is a bunch of demonic crap, or what?

Take care, and kill your rabit carefully with good swift measured strokes, when it sits in your lap?:
RE: TTA, Don\'t mount horses if they are only 2 foot tall and eat trash

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 30-Jun-02 AT 09:53PM (EDT)</font>

Daniel, you said:
<<You want to know how I feel, I'll tell-ya how I feel.>>

No not really. But I’ll hear you out anyways

<<My favorite Hollywood dog movie star, I now find out, had sex in people's lawns, with five other of his friends.>>

That’s to bad. It must of really disappointed you.

<<He also ate garbage and would pee in places that he was not supposed to. I found this out and it has ruined me!>>

Why was he your favorite movie star to begin with?

Did you perhaps see him as weird and “misunderstood,” as maybe being the reason why you could relate to him so well?

<<On Wynonna Ryder, I find now thats she's a recovering clepto.
How do you think that this makes me feel, when I once had a kind-of crush on her?>>

I don’t know Daniel, hurt obviously. But a grown educated man should know better then to expect to much morality, if any from Hollywood

Cause quite frankly, in my opinion they are all morally lost. And those who aren’t, are in co$ cult

<<She made me get a medium, well'soft or hard-on?
I can't figure out which, but it wasn't really hard, however not really soft anyway.>>

Is that were the hand lotion part came in, wanting to share with me your favorite brand and swap stories

<<She just did that to me and now this has destroyed me too!? How could you have done this to me, Wynonna?>>

She maybe cute, but what was it about her to turn you on to think she was wholesome? Did you even have a reason to think she was?

<<And Bushe's daughter???! When they got in there I said to myself,, "Oh they are going to have a moral family in there now and everything will be right and such"? Well I find now, that his daughters are wanting to learn to be bar-flies. How on Earth do you think that this makes me feel?>>

I know what you mean. And it’s a shame that not even the president of the United States was able to fully raise 2 morally sane daughters. Personally, from what I’ve seen here in California (and may hold truth in other areas), I know what a lot of caucasian fathers -daughters are capable of, and it’s really sad to say the least the way they resent what they were taught, by going against it every chance they get.

<<I have a full sized wall poster of President Bush in my bedroom, dressed in his speedo, standing next to Mark Spitz, the one time Olympic swimming champion, singing, "You can do it' you can do it a Windleis, yes you can' because it's the best lumber sold at the price"? How the Hell do you feel that this makes me feel?!>>

About what? President Bush in speedo’s
, or that he’s advertising lumber?

<<Screw Al c, put her in a Steven King newer version of Chistine and push her over the hill for all I care.>>

How do you expect everyone else to live morally? For people not to steal, young girls not to drink, and people not to have a sex party in their front yard for the whole neighborhood to watch: if you your self are giving very little regard to your own impure thoughts and impulses?

Your eagerness to rid this forum of someone who didn’t even say anything wrong to you, or has not even stepped up to the level of heated conversations that the TTA has had with you for months, is enough to warrant her to be thrown off a hill?

I don’t see the moral logic in that? And it’s a hypocrisy to what you say that you feel in regards to everyone else.

<<How would you like to look up from a family invited meal and see your childhood hero fornicating on your front lawn, with nine others of his friends over on bitch in heat???!!>>

Well how you do think many felt about Michel Jackson when the allegations were made? I’m sure many were huge fans of him, who were now left with ?’s about him. He was the hero of many kids around the world, who looked up to him.

Now whether he did what he did, or didn’t, is beside the point. It’s obviously never going to be the same, nor will he ever be seen the same way again.

How do you cope and get through with the disappointment? I guess you don’t. They did what they did, and you are not responsible for their actions. You must realize that, and try your best to move on. The feelings of betrayal may never leave you, for you gave them your heart and admiration, to only have it thrown out and spat on.

Knowing how it feels to be hurt and disappointed, all you can do now is learn from it, and hope that you never do it to anyone. For knowing how it feels, why would anyone want to make another person feel what we gone through?

<<Oh Winonna, you the only girl whos even made me get a medium soft, whatever that is?>>

Uhhh, okay
. A little to much personal information there Daniel.

<<Take care, and kill your rabit carefully with good swift measured strokes, when it sits in your lap?:>>

I don’t own a rabbit. In fact I don’t own any animals anymore. I had a cat, but she ran away

RE: Let me; Darby et al.


Let's clear up the confusion about "the guy from Canada" and "Boomer":

The "guy from Canada" is Steven Antles. He has one time travel video posted and about 9 months ago promised another. His video may at sometime appear on DarkPlanet's web site. Denny Unger is awaiting that video. So far, no second video has been forthcoming.

"Boomer" is John Titor. I named him "Boomer" because I had came to the conclusion that he is of "Baby Boomer" age and may live (or had lived) in the San Francisco Bay area - Palo Alto. He named me "Tar Baby".

Over a year after he left this (possible) Bay Area connection ultimately lead to another possibility for just who Titor really is. Titor's political philosophy is very much Agrarian-Libertarian and he claims to have had a family member who worked on developing first generation of IBM PC's (5100/5110). He also claimed to have friends in the Physics Department at Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA). One particular family in the Bay Area has members very high up in the Libertarian Party organization. Another member of that family is a very presgigious engineer who, in 1975, worked for IBM and was involved in the IBM PC 5100/5110 development project at their Palo Alto facility. This lead was developed from a Titor look-alike thread on About.com, "I am an Alien". It is probably just a coincidence.

Steven and John made their appearances many months apart. In fact Steven Antles did not make his appearance until after P2P closed and Titor had left.

I didn't pick up on the Titor story until after he had made the majority of his posts here and after he had started posting on P2P. I think that my first post here was a "Hello" to Pamela, John and Javier, having noted that they were contra-posting on both P2P and here at the Institute.

Institute member John Trott caught my attention in his contra-Titor posts because "trott" can be seen as a quasi-anagram for Titor: Trott had the same first name as Titor, "trott" spelled backwards can be seen as "TT_O tr"(TimeTravel_O traveler) and "Trott" rearranged is "Titor" sans the "i". It was apparently another false lead but interesting none the less.