Let it be noted...


Super Moderator
...that NONE of our would-be time travelers (i.e. hoaxers) predicted the DEMS would re-take both the House and the Senate. And quite frankly, given the polls and the dissatisfaction with the Iraq war, it was probably much easier to predict than, ohhhhh, let's say a pending invasion of Iran! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Also, it was my conclusion that the U.S. doesn't have enough troops left available to invade Hooters.
In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams was accused of making an agreement with Henry Clay called a corrupt bargain to win the presidency of the US, and to nominate Clay to Secretary of State. This was a significant controversy at that time, news worthy in the eyes of most citizens. I guarantee not too many people today would consider this as common knowledge. It also had impact on the 1828 election.

The Democrats retaking the House and Senate in 2006 would not necessarily be a significant event for a time traveller years from now to be aware of. It is a significant event in the present day. However, in the future it may not be so significant. A time traveller may not be well versed in past events, perhaps by rule. It also may not be feasible to jump ahead in time to obtain knowledge about future events to relay back just to answer questions. My point is that a lack of prediction is not necessarily a solid case for a hoax.
My point is that a lack of prediction is not necessarily a solid case for a hoax.
I agree.

However, at the same time, some of the "predictions" made by some of our TT hoaxers were certainly much more subtle than this political change of power in the US during a critical war in Iraq and against terrorism. For example, our recent hoaxer Qronos16 was making predictions about an impending stock market crash, and he quoted the level of 12000 on the Dow Jones as being in the area of when the crash would happen. Now I ask you... without using google to look it up, can you tell me approximately what the level of the market was for the crash of 1987 or 1929? Certainly remembering that specific number is much less likely than remembering a general political sea change in the most powerful nation on earth.

Found this on another board. hdrkid posted this on the 30th of October.



Joined: 22 Nov 2004
Posts: 48
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:36 pm Subject: 9427 Reply with quoteBack to top
Thanks Stormy.

I predict that the dems will take the house & senate in nov.
That Hillary Clinton will beat McCain in '08.

That the US will still be in Iraq in 2008, but that Hillary will start to bring troops home in '09 and cut both defense spending and go after big pharma.

Also that Hillary will make reforming healthcare a major issue.

Short defense companies and pharms, cuz Hillary is gonna win! Smile

BTW, Jesse Jackson warned Barak Obama about going against Hillary in 2008. Funny how he also said that Venezuela has more oil than Saudi, this fact is not well known outside of certain circles. Shocked
Good find Eric,

Although I must say, such a prediction on OCT 30th, when the media, pundits, and pollsters were all pretty much saying it was a distinct likelihood makes it more of an educated/informed guess than a TT'ers prediction. Now, if this had been predicted in 2004 or 2005 it may have been more interesting.

Let's see how hdrkid does with the Hillary prediction. But then there are bunches of people (some not even claiming to be TTers) who are predicting this already. But not me! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It doesn't take a TTer to make a prediction about her being president. The chances are very good in her favor, but I still think it is a long shot IMO.

...that NONE of our would-be time travelers (i.e. hoaxers) predicted the DEMS would re-take both the House and the Senate.

I'm also surprised that none of the would-be TT's made that predicton. As a prediction, based solely on historical statistics, it was an easy call. A Lame Duck President's party almost always loses a dozen Senate seats and two dozen House seats in the mid-term election.

Jennifer S. (HrdKid) is all over the board with her shotgun predictions during the past three years. If you research her posts on Paranormal Network (when it comes back up - assuming that the new owner includes her old threads on the new board) you'll find that she predicted everything under the sun - just so long as it was doom & gloom. Some of it had to stick simply because of the volume.

I read all the threads with hdrkid. I know she is a hoax, just like the rest. I am a member of The Paranormal Network.

It's been down for sometime now. Is that board ever gonna be back up. The hoaxs there are very entertaining. I loved reading Yardstick. LOL

Paranormal Network is no more. It's now called Anomalies Network - for now at least.

I think that the new name is a bit of a problem considering that there is already an "Anomalies Network" that has been running for about 10 years. I think that it's a problem probably because I'm an Admin for the original Anomalies Network.


I checked yesterday and Jennifer's old thread is still there.

Your old Pananormal Network/Paranormalis UserID and PW should work on the new site.