Is the future as \'real\' as the past?
I may have been a bit sketchy on the details concerning matter and the speed of light, it was just something that I remembered whilst reading the time dilation query..It's been floating around inside my head for years in some vague form or other..
Anyway, you ask what I base my "the future is as real as the past" comment on.
Well..Firstly I apologise. I didn't mean state it as categorical fact, but part of my theorising.
It's all to do with that old chestnut, "Time is an artificial concept created by beings living in a linear existence". It is how we perceive the universe, because we are limited to perceiving events only in the order of cause and effect, if you like. What if, this constraint is not a universal law? It's difficult to think of the universe in these terms, but how would the time/space continuum appear from the perspective of the universe itself? Because we can't comprehend such a concept, does that mean that such a perspective can't exist? If time is truly just our perspective (artificial?) may there not be something else in the universe that is not restricted in this way
Imagine if you could see the universe from beyond a linear perspective. You could then (theoretically) see every event, regardless of 'when' it occurs. Time itself would become utterly meaningless.
You may say "yes, but how could we ever 'see' beyond our natural perception?". Well, I don't know, but since we don't know how to time travel either, I'd say that you can't rule out the possibilty that the two problems are interlinked.
The future may not seem real to us, but consider time travel itself. If it becomes possible to travel to the past, then it is possible for a time traveller from the future to arrive in our 'present'. They would be 'real' and would have come from a 'real' point in the future, hence that future is 'real' We can't perceive it, so it may not seem real to us, but nevertheless, it must...exist (in a manner of speaking), making our perception irrelevant to the fabric of the universe.
Whether you hold most stock in a single predetermined universe where time travel is integral to history(which I'm beginning to as I feel that it's cleaner and more ingenious), or in a universe containing infinite alternate realities, (one of which has just been created by said incursion) makes no fundamental difference. The time traveller is real and he/she came from a real point in 'time' relative to us. If this is not so, how would time travel into the future be possible? I'll leave that alone though, that's another can of worms.
This is related to the question of whether or not something exists if it is not perceived by anyone or anything. I find the idea that something has to be perceived to be real ridiculous. It would suppose that human perception,ie linear perception is the be all and end all of the universe, with no other form of perception possible. Is this another case of human arrogance? Because let's face it, there is lot about the universe that we are ignorant of..
Anyway, who knows?? I don't
) I just feel that considering the time/space continuum from outside our normal frame of reference may well be a neccessary factor when actually tackling the problem of time travel. If 'displacing' matter through time is universally impossible though, I suppose that theorising on perspective will never be more than academic..