Larry Haber Interview About John Titor


Chrono Cadet
So what if John Titor is really fake? Did Larry Haber used photomontage? How did he got photo history of World World 2 Era? Who said that by reinterpreting his own words can’t explain further details possibly not allegedly so-called real Men in Black american government agents are not trying to sillence him permamently like possibly allegedly Carl Allen explaining ancient,myth technology of ships teleportation technology evolution during World War 2 Era possibly during Pearl Harbor attack during attacking Hiroshima by putting atomic bombs,right?

So does this U.S.S. Eldridge and John Titor sounds all like big scam,right? Was that black & white photo taken from history museum or what?


A problem that at least I have in responding to one of your posts is…well…typified by your OP in this thread. You’ve tossed out a dozen different topics in a single paragraph. Pearl Harbor, atomic bombs, space aliens, ancient aliens, secret ships, Titor, MiBS, WWII, Carl Allen, teleportation, mythical tech, ad nauseum. All in one paragraph? WTF? How does one respond to that? Can I suggest that if you have a question that you focus. One topic per paragraph, which is actually a large part of the definition of the word “paragraph.”

So I’ll just respond to the Eyesview Episode 5 video. Here’s a link to their long ago abandoned web page: whereisjohntitor - YouTube The boys originally contacted me in 2010 and I gave them the information about the PO Box in Celebration and the link between this site, its owner MOP (Raul), the township of Celebration, FL, Disney Corp and Larry Haber that was present on this site long before Titor/TTO came onto the scene. The nonsense about his son and his brother came from someone else who just had to drag real family members into the fray. Today you can go to jail for that in some countries. The boys were well briefed by me, they had substantial background information and had an interview set up. And even though they were admittedly out “to debunk the time traveler” (their exact words at the opening of Episode 1) they blew it. They were young, amateur video journalists who were nervous doing the interview. They let Haber manage the flow of information during the interview and completely forgot to ask the key questions. While Haber says in Episode 6 (the interview) that he was just the attorney for Momma Kay Haber and had no idea how anyone could possibly connect him as an individual participant in the story, the boys knew better. I gave them the common email address used by Haber, the John Titor Foundation, the group that wrote the Titor book and Ben Z. As I recall it was [email protected]. (See below) But they let him get away with his story without asking him the key questions even though they knew he was not being forthright with them. Next they made an absolute rookie mistake. As journalists what did they want from an interview? They want to interviewee to slip up and “say too much”. Apparently Haber did say too much and had it on camera. Days later Haber called them and convince them to delete that section of the interview. They had a scoop and let it go. If Larry Haber said too much that was his screwed up, not theirs. They were not obligated morally, ethically or legally to delete anything. And that was the one and only interview they ever had with Haber.

Anyway, they produced Episodes 6 through 13 and that was that. None of it was very enlightening or even interesting. After Episode 13 they never posted another thing on the channel.

NOTE: I didn’t post the full email address because it was abandoned years ago and is now being used by a regular person. My fear, justified by being involved with this for just short of a quarter of a century, is that some chucklehead would take the opportunity to harass the current holder.
Probably it’s the same reason of why symbolically,metaphorically Dan Aykroyd cancelled tv documentary somehow related to the ancient,mythical for instance,as an example even these days,nowadays it’s probably none of my own business by reinterpreting his own words I heard that some real MiB agents had met him.
I heard that some real MiB agents had met him.
You see, here we are again. You heard what exactly and from whom? When did you hear it? Was it a reliable source? Was the information itself reliable? If you consider the source reliable, why? Same for the information. And what do you mean by “they met him”? Met him for a drink? Met him for dinner? Met him on a movie set because they were technical advisors? Met him in a dark alley? If it was an online source, where can we see the information (URL)?

And aside from the Men in Black movies, what the hell is a MiB? If you mean FBI agents I have to tell you a little secret. I’ve known a couple dozen FeeBees professionally and with one class of exception I can’t recall ever seeing one of them wear a black suit. Browns, blues and grays for sure. But black suits? Only at funerals and formal dinners. You do know that the Men in Black movies were sci-fi comedies making fun of UFOs, LGMs and MiBs, right?