Kabballah and Time Travel


Super Moderator
In response to the accusation that cabalists have invaded TTi, and have some subversive motives behind their postings, I feel somewhat astonished that anyone researching time travel would choose to ignore any data gleaned from ancient texts that may contain appropriate information being offered for review. Many of the concepts were encoded into theological texts and I would think that we who pursue deciphering the coded information would be welcomed here in TTI and it's endeavor.

As far as classifying myself as a Cabalist, well, yes, I would be classified as a 'Christian' Cabalist. Big Whoop!

Merely because I identify with many principles contained within the ideaology of The Tree of Life, doesnt dis-qualify any proclaimed Cabalists from contributing to the possible success of time travel, nor should anyones personal theological ideals effect their participation in these forums.

My personal theological beliefs do not mean that the related texts are not relevent to the cause here in TTI. I find the written material astounding and am amazed at how advanced some of the writers of that era seemed to be.

In researching time travel, many questions arise as to what time actually may be, what forces are at work and how they can be utilized to travel in time.

This quest isn't so far off from what the authors of many of the texts within the Kaballah have addressed. Sure, they are written in theological formats, but this shouldnt detract from the principles of creation they explored. The dynamics the ancients studied seem to become validated as truth in our modern times, as our scientists discover "new" components of existence, and these "finds" turn out to NOT be so "new", as they were written into many of the Kabalistic Texts long ago.

But because of there theological nature, they were dismissed. Too Bad...the idea of dark matter was known by Cabalists long ago. The dynamics regarding dark matter are also contained within those texts, but I guess most folks will wait until our modern scientists "find" out about these principles and present them as "new'!

Am I advocating that anyone become a Cabalist? No!

All I am saying is that these texts are worth looking at and being applied to our quest for successful time travel. The primary principle in the Kaballah is Equilibrium and Balance. I feel this principle is also a primary concern for any temporal craft and the energies it uses to operate.
There are a many concepts of how Equilibrium and Balance play a crucial role in the creation of and maintenance of our Universe written in the Cabalistic texts.

The Kaballah also adresses sacred geometry. Whether the geometry is actually sacred or not, doesnt really matter for our purposes. The following link will provide ample explaination of this proclaimation...

Worth a Look See

If anyone bothers to scan through this site, I think you will find alot of information that is extremely relevent to time travel ideals.

I have found that most threads that are actually written for investigation and research towards time travel just fade away down the list of threads, where as other threads seem to continue and they actually have nothing to do with time travel at all.

Is it possible to begin anew and carry a theory to a conclusion after all the aspects and avenues have been exhausted first?

Thank-You for your time and patience.
I could not have said it any better myself, OvrLrd.

I "force" Qabalah (my preference for spelling) on no one. Instead, I offer the results of my own scientific investigations for how the ancient texts match what we know (and are learning) about scientific "reality".

Any intimation that I am trying to force people into certain spiritual/religious beliefs is simply incorrect and misguided.

I finally see this statement made by Ray.

This is a guarded observation, however never the less, he has made this.

I can't in good conscious however, get Ray to understand, that things change with time.

There once was a brilliant robotacist who went by the handle Aniken Skyewalker.

This kid was so smart, that he knew how to access the interplanetary net and gain access to a protocol androids schematic and so build his very own rendition of this droid, where he stayed, supposedly at a large junk yard.

Things, went bad from this point, but Aniken learned.

What is not realized by my good friend Ray, is that if Aniken were around today, he would probably run screaming away from all or most that is military.

It would not be that Ankiken is chicken or what is perceived as chicken, it would be that Aniken had observed up, close, all the horrors that can come within this line of logic.

So Ankiken's intonation today, would probably be that of a more genteel form of pursuit. which would mean that his droids, today, would sit next to a planter draped with a hanging plant, that hovered over the seated droid, rather than some other pursuit.

It is hard to get Ray to understand some things, but I love him inspit of himself.

Maybe in some very odd, arcane way, this is a good direction?
Hi OvrLrdLegion:

After my last response to MEM on the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI), I had a thought, and it prompted me to reply to you in this thread about it.

You and I both know, from our often "spicey" debates with others on this very forum, that people will often dismiss the knowledge present in the Qabalah when it turns out science validates some part of its knowledge. The way I saw both Roel and trollface deal with this was to the effect of the following (paraphrased): "Science didn't validate any such thing. Science discovered the relationship and you saw that it somehow fit the tree of life pattern. It is just you as a human doing pattern-matching... the meaning that you assign to it from what science has discovered was never really there. You are just putting it there with your mind."

The scenario I described in the other thread about how the MWI is supported by our reality being described as many, parallel, interconnecting Hubble Bubble wavefronts. As you know, the deepest teachings of Qabalah have taught us that we DO live amongst an entire field of universes, and it is our spirit that is our vehicle for being able to cross from one universe (one Hubble-Bubble centerpoint) to another.

So, I would like to drive a stake in the ground here, and make a statement that I think it hard for skeptics to refute. The MWI is something that science is now taking seriously, and are already starting to show (via dark matter, dark energy) that it could very well be a proper interpretation of our physical reality. I would like to point out that the MWI, its implications, and the techniques required to manipulate energy with respect to our MWI reality, has been taught in the knowledge of the Qabalah for thousands of years.

Thus, in this case, one cannot claim that "science came first and you just made it fit Qabalah and the Tree Of Life." In this case, Qabalah came first, and science is just now catching up to the understandings that the esoteric traditions have passed down for centuries upon centuries. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Would you agree?
I completely agree. The interesting factor is that "they" never bothered to read any portion of the Qabalah for "themselves". This was/is because in is encompassed within a theological format. As soon as God was mentioned, it was thrown aside, regardless of the fantastic information appropriate to the research of time travel.

I encoded information in the God thread, and nobody deciphered it out of the posts. Instead, as usual, it was missed. This is where our discussions on awareness comes to light. How many brilliant minds miss out on valueable information because of hang-ups on " religious " texts.

As we both have pointed out, the time period in which the Qabalah was written was when any thoughts contrary to the beliefs of those in power, resulted in dire consequences. This is prevelant today from the responses (or lack of) by many in this forum. Imagine if they had the ability to send us to the gallows?

I visit Christian Chat rooms frequently, as you know the reason why, RainmanTime, and it amazes me that almost everyone is insulting each other, instead of paying attention to the real issues.

If we are to progress with time travel as a possiblity, one should review all avenues of information, regardless of how it is shrouded. The silver platter syndrome comes to mind or the search for the obvious. While people expend so much energy finding methods to rip others apart, somebody else will finds the keys to the temporal vehicle.

As an example...if we place a link to temporal geometry formula's..it is a remote possibility it will be reviewed; However, put Sacred before the word Geometry, and it will not get a second glance.

By the way, I found a CD that had the first Words( Hebrew Letters ) of Genisis translated them to corresponding musical notes. They took the results to a composer and he was able to actually play music from the sheet without any changes having to be made...amazing isnt it?