Creedo and Zeta1 both dress up in Irish garb.
Now they are like twin brothers?
Creedo says in addition to Zeta one's claim, that time to humans, is also defined by the relative development of heiarchies.
That there is not only a nutral frequency, that humanic life forms observe most of their reality from.However' both an up and down frequency, that one by changing the modulation of an outside event frequency, one can either go up or down within human's assinged frequency.
I think that the c the chain of events is never more exciting, till creedo and Zeta one dress up for Saint Patty's Day?
Can you say, " We went zero within my favorite stile of flying saucer and only hovered outside of humans assingned frwequency.
And when we did such, we saw the fairies dance and play, as the flowers would bloom one day?
p.s. Zeta 1, do you have a favorite toy that you take to bed with you at nighty night time, like a Teddy Bear?
Do you kiss your bear goodnight, when you say your prayers and the close your eyes for sleepy time?