RE: \"Just say no!\" (to Universe.come-on) hmmmm\' not that easy?
AT TAC' it's not that easy to say no to these people and I'll tell you why.
Go to their web site and key in on the scroll on the left.
Now go down to where you see picutres, good alright, go in there?
Enclosed within their pictures file, are photos of the Pleiadeans I never knew of.
They even have someone dressed in one of the silver space sutes, which is very, very, rare.
What I don't bargan for, is the one size fits all, that the space brothers are trying to foist our way.
Nor do I care for the hidden agreements with the Grays that they have with the Pleiadeans.
My opinion is, even though I'm relaited to their cosmonat Semjase, is that we humans are not a grown crop for E.T.s.
In this respect we're right, however in their want to harvest us, as one would harvest a bunch of dumb-bots into the bottom of a large flying saucer; I'm sorry Semjase my sister, "I don't know what's on the menue and as to whether or not it will be us or not"?
This is my opinion and I would call for honesty on their side as well.
Remember the personnas of the Ashtar High Command and The Pleiadeans Homeworlds, are by a lot of experts tellings, are not supposed to be joined?!
If this is so, then why all of a sudden, are they joined here?
Also know that according to both Menger and Adameski, in their writings and photos of what E.T.s want, they would meet us down here, socialize with us and try to make a meeting place here on Earth.
Why so all of a sudden the big change and now we have to all be evacuaited from Earth, as one would collect dumb cattle.
To the E.T.s invovled in this apparent ruse, "Don't you think that the thoughts of herding people into box cars, headed off to such places as Bergen Belsen, Dachau as well as other past Nazi gasing creamatoriums has not crossed our collective minds?
We want a right to travel into space on our own, not a subject puppits from either a manipulative government, or E.T.s that once were as a species are in capture, would use our genetic matter, for their own pourposes, against our collective wills.
I say NO too, AT TAC, however with much more definition.
Thank you the Creed.