Just joined... need help...


Temporal Novice

I've been sifting through posts and this forum really seems to be filled with enthusiasts from all over the place.

Maybe you can help me.

I need to get back to April 3, 2001, 12:00 AM EST.

Any help would be much appreciated.

If you're serious about helping me, reply to this topic or send me an E-Mail.
I would also like to go to July 15, 2030, 12:00 AM EST.

I want to go to my past and not really change things, I just want to relive up from April 3 until I'm ready to come back or I get back to current time (Friday, August 9, 2002, 1:51 PM EDT) whichever comes first. However, I would do better to do so with the knowedge I possess now.

And I want to go into the future because I want to see my town in 30 years and everything else. Perhaps bring some music back from the future.

Hope someone can help me!
Theres one things I can think of. But they are kind of umpratical. You could try tofind a wormhole. OF course that is kind of impossible at this time in life.

I would like to find a half billion dollars in my checking account. Perhaps you could help me by depositing that amount.

Thank you.
LOL at shadow,yeah me too.

LOL find a wormhole,ive gotta try that on a passer by,what ill do is ill go into town into my local highstreet,and ill stop someone and say "hi,i need directions"
theyd be like "ok" and ill go "ok well could you tell me where the nearest wormhole is,dont have to be big" theyd frown and you go "oh no its alright as long as its within a half a billion miles i dont mind".