Just built my first microcontroller circuit!

To anyone who cares:

The USBASP is a cheap (and therefore popular) programmer for Atmel microcontrollers. However, it's necessary to use 3rd party software (WinAVR & avrdude) to access it. This wouldn't be a problem, except that it's very difficult to get it working. Apparently it includes an incompatible version of libusb and/or the usbasp driver. It took me all night to configure it properly. It may be worthwhile to spend a little more money to have a programmer that works directly out of the box using AVR Studio, if you don't feel like playing with it for hours. It's frustrating but does work well once it's configured properly.

I just got my first button working! lol Sounds insignificant, I know, but I feel accomplished. :D Now I can flash LEDs in a circle OR all on & off at once. Real I/O, oh yes. Next I shall build a time machine and a space ship! Or maybe take it in steps... lol
No, thought is not always random, but you asked how to spot rings and regrow trees and the best way I've found so far is to do the spotting/navigation with the mind. Sounds kooky, I know. I don't dispute that. Deal is, I don't think very many people can do it, therefore they would need assistance from a machine and machine would have to process the input (or magnify) from the mind.

With out this psychological anchor, time travel itself becomes random and you get "lost in time".

I think the technology needed/missing would be a EEG or fMRI type machine that can process a linear stream of thought. It does not have to have the processing capability of a human brain, just enough to hold a thought, so to speak.
Sounds kooky, I know.
I like cookies. :D

No, thought is not always random, but you asked how to spot rings and regrow trees and the best way I've found so far is to do the spotting/navigation with the mind.
This isn't some HDR thing you're talking about, is it? Or "astral" time travel?
NO astral TT. Problem with TT is not the technology to bend the dimension, but rather the processing power to navigate through. Computers are not even close and only the human brain has the power to navigate through time. Anchoring, or reference points, are key to controlled travel. Without them, you can not tell a computer how much energy to input into a system to go a certain distance. That is why until there is a valid brain/machine link interface, all physical time travel will be un-controlled.

You put on quite the Rennaisance Man air, don't you?
But I have a term for folks like this. I call them "huffer bluffers". They do lots of huffing and puffing as if they have all the answers, but in reality they are just bluffing. Hence why you give answers to people that sound "intriguing" and try to sound as if you have the key to any technology one could hope for. But some of us know the difference between "hope and change" and real engineering to make a capability come to life. Given I know you are a conservative, I am sure you would not like to be compared to Obama, but he is a much better bluffer than you, because look where his bluffing got him! :D

As for:

Anchoring, or reference points, are key to controlled travel. Without them, you can not tell a computer how much energy to input into a system to go a certain distance. That is why until there is a valid brain/machine link interface, all physical time travel will be un-controlled.

What about this?

<font color="red"> "And the future of this tech is even wilder: Implantable brain electrodes may be just around the corner." [/COLOR]

So there you go. Now you can tell us, explicity, how it all works! I've got my popcorn. Can't wait for all the details! :D
lol I thought I was the only one who noticed 'empty' responses. :D

By the way, mind-reading technology has the greatest potential for evil and tyranny of all currently-conceived ideas. Ever heard of thought crime?