Just an insane idea. Insane.

So this is something I don't remember coming up with, sometimes I just knock out and wake up with a new crazy but genius idea and this is one. I call it the Tui(Twi) and La(law) theory. Basically, I decided what if time was rather to be considered as the interaction between two super particles moving near the speed of light(which I named Tui and La{based off a show I watched growing up where Tui and La are the spirits of the moon and ocean and necessary for all life}). Basically Tui is the past and La is the future, the interactions between the two is the future. By suppressing energy flowing from Tui to La you can travel to the past and vice versa. So its a very general idea, but is it plausible?

for a science fiction novel, absolutely!

but how come being "La" the future particle, an interaction with "Tui" would be the future? isn`t it redundant? the interaction between those particles, if anything, would be the present.

please elaborate

for a science fiction novel, absolutely!but how come being "La" the future particle, an interaction with "Tui" would be the future? isn`t it redundant? the interaction between those particles, if anything, would be the present.
please elaborate
Its just something I came up with, I can draw it out its hard to put into words without a drawing so I'll try again when I get home with a picture

It sound's like a great explanation on how time travel will work in a science fiction story.

But if finding this out and it being true was that easy, i feel like your La Tui Theory would of been passed around a lot and already heard of by now. :)
