Just a thought...


Super Moderator
Wouldnt be something to be able to digitize alot of our modern advances in technology, infuse the data into a lazer beam, shoot the beam off into space towards a specific target. Once reaching this target, the beam is reflected back towards Earth and arrives sometime thousands of years in a future location of Earth.

Just in case something does go drastically wrong on Earth, receiving stations could be set up to await the return of that transmitted data, and reclaim any lost technology.
I doubt even a super duper-ly intense laser beam would survive the diffusing effects of passing through our atmosphere, traveling across space filled with dust, traveling back through space filled with dust, and passing through our atmosphere again. Not to mention, things in space, well... MOVE. You'd have to do some SERIOUS math to get a beam to even hit the target, let along refelct back and hit the earth.
I guess it was kind of unrealistic at that. Thanks for the input. I would think there are better ways of retaining our ... er ... modern wisdom. Maybe we could build some kind of structure that would remain standing for centuries or place the information into some type of mythology that would be retold through-out the generations to be extracted a later date....oh...those were already done.