Judge to decide the fate of a particle accelerator


Temporal Navigator
Judge has to decide the fate of a particle accelerator that could create a black hole or turn Earth into a shrunken dense dead lump of “strange matter.”


I don't know: in one side this is a progess in science but in the other we are creating a black hole which is not fully understood..therefore how can it be calculated as safe?

After years of trial an error with gravity we came up with laws and calculations, but how many years of experimenting with black holes have been made?

sure all science takes risk at one time or another but then again would you let scientists play with a force that has been observed to consume galaxies?

from another site:
"Their suit also says CERN has failed to provide an environmental impact statement as required under the National Environmental Policy Act."

Environmental impact: small, unmeasurable chance of crushing the entire planet. Otherwise, none.

any thoughts?
Good evening. Out of shear curiosity I have found this site and I am always up for intellectual conversation. I am of this opinion.

If they succeed, we have working giant particle accelerator. If it does destroy the Earth, it will solve all humanities problems in an instant, and no one will care (if no one is alive to complain, it makes no difference. It will also solve all problems like hunger, poverty, war and every other issue mankind has because there will be no humans).

If say go for it. If we get it wrong, at least the scientists don't need to apologise. We have nothing really to lose and everything to gain. Better to advance with risks than remain forever stagnant in the past.