
Temporal Navigator
Perhaps JT said WACO because WEYCO would be giving away too much, too soon. I heard about this company in Michigan firing people because they smoked, even at home. But I didn't hear the name of the company read outloud until this morning. Either the reporter pronouced the name wrong or it sounds exactly like WACO.


Already hard-hit by high taxes on cigarettes and limits on places to puff, smokers in Michigan now face moves by some employers to either refuse to hire them, or in one case, to dismiss those who won't quit. And state law doesn't protect them.

That happened earlier this month when four employees at Okemos-based Weyco refused to take a test to determine whether they smoke. Weyco considers smoking - or refusing the test - to be a fireable offense.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan has decided not to challenge the move by Weyco, a medical benefits administrator, because there is no state law prohibiting employers from controlling behavior outside the workplace, ACLU spokeswoman Wendy Wagenheim said.

At least two dozen states do prevent "lifestyle discrimination," she said.

Michigan, with 1.9 million smokers and one of the highest cigarette taxes in the nation, has none of the "smokers' rights" laws found in 29 other states, so there isn't much that employees can do.

I know it seems silly but smokers are pretty cranky people. If over the course of two years, every smoker in America lost there job. That would be choas. Watch out for this one.
Do you recall around what date they mentioned it? I saw 2 titor threads in the past 30 days there (they dont appear to have a search and google cant Weyco on that site.)
the titor character was into posting predictions of sensational news stories which were already in print, he meant david koresh type events, if you don't know who that is I'm guessin you believe titor is for real.

-- Razimus
Let me see if I have this straight:

Cigarette smokers are going to revolt over the loss of jobs, employ the Russians as their allies and thereafter "smoke" the planet with hydrogen bomb tipped, rocket powered intercontinental ballistic MRV'ed cigarettes?

Sounds plausible to me. In fact it sounds like an absolutely right-on probability. Moreover, because the Russians like their cigarettes and vodka so much, I'll even predict that the missles will not be solid fuel powered. They will be powered by (charcoal filtered) Stolichnaya alcohol.

LS/MFT - No, not "Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco" - "Lithium Salting Means Fine Tritium." A better hydrogen bomb.

WEYCO = WACO? Slam-dunk. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif :D /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif ROTFLMAO. Thanks, Darby!

I think this thread might be the one that wins the prize for going further than any other to stretch current events to fit Boomer's "predictions".

I think people are clutching at straws.

It'll be good once we get to 2006, then the Titor saga will finally die, and the real TT threads will take over.

Apart from Anomalies.net of course. In which case it'll probably always be a case of a 'Titor forum', rather then a TT one.
I think people are clutching at straws.

It'll be good once we get to 2006, then the Titor saga will finally die, and the real TT threads will take over.

Apart from Anomalies.net of course. In which case it'll probably always be a case of a 'Titor forum', rather then a TT one.

You are probably right, but who knows, there are 335 days of 2005 left yet, so who knows what will happen. I will keep an open mind until at least 2008. I do agree about strecthing current events to fit predictions in this case though. You are probably right about Anomolies.net too. lol
It'll be good once we get to 2006, then the Titor saga will finally die, and the real TT threads will take over.
Like you, Olly, I would hope that this comes true. However, I can easily see some of these nutjobs dragging their belief all the way out to 2008, because "Titor said we would not recognize the civil war until that time" or some rubbish like that.

Don't forget, there are still people to this day who think the earth is flat and we never went to the moon! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
"Titor said we would not recognize the civil war until that time [2008]"

Ah crap! I didnt know about one. Yep thats pretty much screwed us all over. Roll on 2009 then.

*collapses with grief, on keyboard*

To be honest some one will probably find a way to drag it out all the way up until 2038.

kind regards,

Apart from Anomalies.net of course. In which case it'll probably always be a case of a 'Titor forum', rather then a TT one.

I'm hoping that you're not correct. But the Anomalies TT board was born of the Titor Saga.

There is a ray of hope. During 2002 and 2003 there was a period of about 18 months where Titor was not a major topic anywhere on the Internet. That includes both TTI and Anomalies.

I have to admit I've been posting a lot about Titor lately. I don't know why but I keep stumbling on connections to his story that are hard to shake.

I'm sure I will get over it soon.
the titor character was into posting predictions of sensational news stories which were already in print, he meant david koresh type events, if you don't know who that is I'm guessin you believe titor is for real.

Raz, you asked me before, I was pretty convinced it was a hoax and who was behind it. Then MEM pointed out Yellowstone connection and now I'm back to being scared crapless. I don't know what to think, but for me it's over this year, and the year after that is the olympics so there will be no question.

Waco was in 1993. Waco is a huge massive story that starts in 1929.

WACO INFO I READ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_Davidian

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.

(How can that type of thing "get worse??").

When he said 2004 I think he was questioned on the start date, and later said 2005, I'm not sure about this but I did read something about him being inconsistent on 2004-2005 being the start date.

Either way, that didn't happen. At all. NO event even closly resembles the full and complete history of waco. I don't think anything ever could.


POSTER:How does the U.S media cover the civil war? Is it unibased or does it favor one side?

JT:I don’t remember a great deal about media coverage during the civil conflicts. I would probably characterize it the same way you see coverage of Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian Gonzalez.

How can anyone compare Waco to Ruby Ridge, and those two to Elian? Other than "non-stop 24 hours, turn on CNN and if they aren't talking about it they will be in 5 minutes"... I don't think he is saying anything as to the "type" of event to watch out for. He is answering the question about the press and saying "non stop 24-7 dude" in his lame JT way.

RUBY RIDGE INFO : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge
ELIAN INFO : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elian_Gonzales

If he said "Waco type" to mean violent standoff's, the easy way to avert the war is to simply follow the instructions of the police. The cops work hard like everyone else, help them out, make their job easy, they'll get you out as soon as they can if you are innocent and you cooperate.


If next month, Weyco's policy is adpoted by a few more administration companies, and the months that follow corporate health care co's start jacking the price for any employer who doesn't have the same policy - things could get crazy. Basic human rights man.

I'm not sure what to do if this is the case.. I don't like needles. I would quit and hope that my next boss didn't make me get a needle. ( I would quit even if I didn't smoke, I hate needles)

And this Weyco could get worse in the sense that it starts with everyone giving blood to test for smoking, and then other things. It might not be legal to fire a drunk or someone with diabeities now, but give it time. The alternative to civil war then becomes like that movie "Gattaca" ( http://imdb.com/title/tt0119177/ ). I'm not sure what world is scarier in that case. I'd be branded a farmer prolly so I prefer the movie.

And I mean most people don't smoke, and us smokers just drain the system. We are some sort of super beings that if we only didn't smoke, we would live forever and never cost any money. So when you are forced to give blood do it with a smile knowing that us smokers got what we deserved for costing you so much money. And cough next time you walk by a filthy smoker who's polluting your air with his dirty smoke upon which, he payed %2000 percent tax!

Song: War Within A Breath Lyrics
Artist: Rage Against The Machine
Every official that comes in
Cripples us leaves us maimed
Silent and tamed
And with our flesh and bones
He builds his homes

Southern fist
Rise through tha jungle mist
Clenched to smash power so cancerous
A black flag and a red star
A rising sun loomin' over Los Angeles
Cause for Raza livin in La La
Is like Gaza on to tha dawn of Intifada
Reach for tha lessons tha masked pass on
And seize the metropolis
It's you that it's built on

Everything can change on a new years day
As everything changed on a new years day (2x)

War within a breath
It's land or death (4x)

Their existence is a crime
Their seat their robe their tie
Their land deeds
Their hired guns
They're the crime

Shots heard underground round the rapture
Tha world's eye captured
At last in a Mexican pasture
Tha masked screaming land or death
Within a breath
A war from the depth of time
Who shot four puppets in a line
Who shook all tha world bankers
Who think they can rhyme
Shot tha landlords who knew it was mine
Yes a war from tha depth of time

Everything can change on a new years day
As everything changed on a new years day (2x)

War within a breath
It's land or death (4x)

Anyone ever wonder if rockstars like Zach De La Rocha or Marilyn Manson are from the future?
in response to:Song: War Within A Breath Lyrics
Artist: Rage Against The Machine
i have to admit those lyrics are just a bit creepy. makes me wonder just a bit.
the Year 40230.42

the Place Earth

the Mission "Find John Titor"

for close to 30,000 years we have been sending back time travelers searching for the Elusive John Titor.

the reason : Earth has become obsessed with John Titor, an overwhelming movement of die hard Titor lovers have kept the story alive. So we must find and get rid of Titor otherwise this nonsense could go on for another 38,000 years.
If he said "Waco type" to mean violent standoff's, the easy way to avert the war is to simply follow the instructions of the police. The cops work hard like everyone else, help them out, make their job easy, they'll get you out as soon as they can if you are innocent and you cooperate.

Not everyone is sensible enough to do that though, there will always be idiots who fight against the police, innocent or not. I mean how often do you hear about some guy who gets pulled over for a minor traffic violation, but decides to run away because he doesn't want to get a ticket, even if he has nothing to hide. There is always one person (and sometimes many) willing to go over the top.
During 2002 and 2003 there was a period of about 18 months where Titor was not a major topic anywhere on the Internet. That includes both TTI and Anomalies.


Ha! this is the stuff of legends, surely? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif