john's rules...


Temporal Novice
john\'s rules...

so he states that nothing he has said or done will change the future. i beg to differ, what if i were to take interest in ge and nagate some ideas that they are working thus slowing them down. or even start rumors that would cripple them in the stock market, forcing them into bankruptcy and they never make it to year2034. then nano tech i lead the scientists on in the wrong direction and there is no control units for the singularities. as for cern i could plant a homemade bomb that would destroy parts that takes years to build thus pushing breakthroughs back decades. omaha could get a bad case of...say bird flu and the city never recovers and farmer general never stops the war. and there's examples, like simply phoning in bomb scares to companies that are near completion of something that is needed. yep if i wanted to prove jj right how many of these evils would i have to commit before they would hunt me down? tell me i'm wrong and it might be jj's undoing...ha ha ha...
Re: john\'s rules...

I'm sure with your wonderfully articulate spelling and grammar you could do just that!

Go on ye mighty hero, slay the beast that is 'our future.'
Re: john\'s rules...

And to think... people here harass *ME* for correcting people and pointing out their technical errors! At least I haven't picked on people's spelling and grammar... but if I did start, I admit I could have a field day with some posters! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: john\'s rules...

And to think... people here harass *ME* for correcting people and pointing out their technical errors! At least I haven't picked on people's spelling and grammar... but if I did start, I admit I could have a field day with some posters!

No you pick on people for completely different reasons than spelling or grammar.

"And to think..." not a complete sentence, "And" should usually not be the beginning of a sentence, and the three "..." periods were excessive.

"people here harass *ME* for correcting people and pointing out their technical errors!"

should be

capital P, "*ME*" is obviously not proper grammar

"At least I haven't picked on people's spelling and grammar..." OMG where to start!

RMT you get the point? You have taken whatever you are good at to choose to pick on people, and here you are claiming if you did you could have a field day. Why should I or anyone care that if you DID start picking on peoples spelling/grammar you could have this field day of yours?

At what point do you stop picking on people for any reason you can think of and start being a more cooperative and likeable person? The point I am trying to make is you DO pick on people, you even stated it. Just not for spelling or grammer yet? I suppose we should ALL look forward to having to proofread and spellcheck and pre-format all of our posts in a word processor before putting them up on TTI.

All so that RMT won't pick on us?

ps:I'm picking on you how do you like it.
Re: john\'s rules...

Still got that bug up your butt, eh Ren?

You have taken whatever you are good at to choose to pick on people
Picking on people's spelling/grammar is quite removed from calling into question their pseudo-scientific statements that they claim are correct. Would you agree that one is simply petty, where the other can result in a better understanding of established (and verified) scientific principles?

At what point do you stop picking on people for any reason you can think of and start being a more cooperative and likeable person?
How about if I follow your lead? I've pointed out to you in PM that you have also been awfully rough around the edges with denouncing some folks. And your response is that you are "playing a role"... nice cover, but I'm not that dense to believe it.

ps:I'm picking on you how do you like it.
I can take it as well as I can dish it out. Can you? You seem to have an awfully high opinion of yourself, Ren, and at the same time like to tell people like me how "easy" we have it. In that, I sense jealousy and perhaps even some regret for missed opportunities in your own life. Am I getting warmer?

Re: john\'s rules...

if someone travels through time from the future....without alternate realities...I don't like the quantum theory so I'll just say it's not "real"
anyway...if someone traveled through time from the future, wouldn't the past have taken place with the person already there?
it's not 2034 or whenever he's from....and it hasn't been that time ever, yet he appears the future...since he used a nickname, he wouldn't know it was him...until the time approaches where there is no choice or some crazy circumstance tells him he has to go to the past for some piece of crap computer. in other words, I don't think there's any way around it...if there is one time/world-line he would exist in the past and the future, if there is many world lines, what does it matter? there's very slim odds it's the same world line we're in now... he could change what he wants and nothing will be different for would only change "this" reality...and all those lame predictions wouldn't apply to us either, whatever changes happened in this world line...wouldn't really be changes...because they are supposed to happen that way....because it already happened that way

or something
Re: john\'s rules...

I can take it as well as I can dish it out. Can you? You seem to have an awfully high opinion of yourself, Ren

This is hilarious coming from you. Your approach to people who point out flaws in your posts is to stick your fingers in your ears and hope they go away.
Re: john\'s rules...

NoTime323: Starting to sound like you believe that time is unchangeable, that what happens was supposed to happen.
My only problem with timetravel etc is trying to understand it all from a laymans point of view, I haven't chosen to start learning about physics yet, apart from what I learned at school many years ago, mainly because I suppose the amount of information would be so overwhelming as to blowmy mind. :-)
To the physicists out there, I understand that time travel has been proven possible in one camp, and impossible in another, that parellel worlds theory has been disproved by Afshar in 2004, what are your takes and proof on this idea?
Re: john\'s rules...

Don't assume they built it themselves rather than buying the company that made it. The winners get to write the history books.