John Titor's prediction of Iraq War,next President


Temporal Navigator
John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next President

Hello Guys, you are doing a great job. I see that the information posted by Titor is not sold and that anyone can read it. That is one reason why I bet on Titor. There are useless predictions/prophesies made by several people which are sold and are worthless.

The main reason why I bet on Titor is,
“I don't believe that knowing a possible future makes it happen. You are capable of changing your worldline for the better right now. None of the things I have said will be a surprise. They were set in motion ten, twenty, even thirty years ago. Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?”
I want to stress this sentence- “Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?”
John predicted the next war, and now it is proved that there are no nukes.

The next sentence that convinces me is,
“The "enemy" that was attacked by Russia in the U.S. was the forces of the government you live under right now.”

‘Right now’ means Bush was the President. The Russians attack his forces in 2015. He is now re-elected in 2004 and the civil war is yet to begin.

“The President or "leader" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights. The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.”

Now in the next election, there is no way Bush re-elected for a third term. Now I want to stress on “The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base”.
Re: John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next President

There are VERY few presidents/priministers and so forth, that are not mostly interested in keeping their power base.

Politics is a funny game. Most people that tend to go into it as a profession, tend to have large egos. They often also love the prestige that goes with it.

You'll find that 'titors' comments would fit most people that get into power. Even Kerry would be the same way.

Anyone who can stand on stage in front of millions and keep a straight face while someone talks of what a great 'war hero' you are, is not a modest personality. Both were desperate to Win. Both would be equally desperate to hold on to their power.

This is the sort of thing that makes Titors basic and vague comments a joke to me. Some people even like to call his stupid ramblings, 'predictions'.

kind regards,
Re: John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next President

Titor this, Titor that.

He said nothing that could be called a prediction.

He used some common sense thinking about where America was headed and made some general statements about Political unrest. Pretty sure anyone could have and did make the same statements.

Unfortunatly we wont see the end of his "believers" until after 2008-2015.

Let's take a little ride in our time travel machine.

USA collapses (economic or violently)

"scenario 1"

1. In what is left of the USA people group together with common ideas.
2. Groups begin attacking or taking over other,weaker groups. This continues on for years.
3. Eventually the country is left with 2 or 3 groups who can start to bring everything back together and form elections. Guess what? The only groups who have survived will be the extreme Left wing, the extreme Right wing and a group of Centrists.

"scenario 2"

1. Same as scenario 1.
2. Same as scenario 1.
3. The 3 groups divide up the country into 3 separate country's.
4. Eventually the groups will have to make some sort of coalition in order to be able to compete in the Global Market. (very similar to the EU.)

"scenario 3"

1. Same as scenario 1
2. Foreign Governments get involved and we slowly become a puppet state for Europe or Russia or South America.

So, in scenarios, 1 and 2 we end up with basically the same system we have now.

Scenario 3 (IMHO the one that would most likely happen). The USA eventually becomes a socialist government being controlled by some other country.

Not much will have changed except that thousands of people have died and America as a Super Power is gone.
Re: John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next President

Hey, as I surfed through the threads, I find mixed reactions about Titor. Being a Titor Truster I like to point out his words that made me trust him. I like to hear your opinions.

“The Arab countries appear to have weapons of mass destruction. Do they use them against America?
Not against America but they are used against each other.”

How did he predict this? Since the war, more Iraqis have died than Americans due to the terrorist attack. The terrorists have attacked their own countrymen- “Not against America but they are used against each other”
Re: John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next Presi

The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.

So do you interpret this to mean that Bush will further his constitutional butchering quest, eliminating the 22nd amendment which says a president can only have 2 terms? See, what I noticed about that statement when I read it before, it that JT goes out of his way to say "his/her" when referring to the 2009 president. In the 2005 president description he gives away the president's gender as male. So I thought he was hinting at Hillary Clinton becoming the 2009 president.
Re: John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next President

While referring to the 2005 president, Titor said this:

“The President or "leader" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights.”

While referring to the 2005 Prsident he used the word ‘their’ and not ‘his’.

If he used ‘he’ or ‘him’ or 'his' somewhere else, please point it out.

Titor never wanted to be clear in his speech. I guess that’s the reason why he used ‘his/her’ instead of ‘his’. Imagine yourself as Titor coming to the past to 2000. Would you really like to mess with any Wordline or with people’s fate? In Titor’s point of view, if you travel through time and stop the 9/11 attacks, then Afghanistan/Taliban would remain while Osama carries out a more devastating attack on the US. He need not hide anywhere and terrorism would not have been taken so seriously at all, while the US police gloats over their triumph of stopping the 9/11 attacks.

One more thing is, he used 'his/her' may be because after 2015 there could have been a female President.
Re: John Titor\'s prediction of Iraq War,next President

I followed this link and went to Google news

Can you be more specific of what you are trying to concoct?