John Titor's identity revealed to be Morey Haber


Staff member
When I rewind these years, I think somewhere it was said "let's see how far the internet will take this..."
When I purchased this site from Mop back in 2014, the Titor aspect was one of the motivating factors for me - Despite one's opinion on it, it's a piece of internet folklore that deserves preservation.

I've always been a fan of the John Titor story, but have never been anything other than agnostic about the prospect of it being factual. I just thought it was a cool story.

Time Travel Institute is where John Titor first posted, and much of the traffic this community received over the years was largely thanks to that story. In fact, I doubt if there'd have been a TTI beyond 2003 or 2004 at all if it weren't for that urban legend; if you look through Mop's posting history, you'll see more than once instance around 2005 where he talks about shuttering the site.

Many of you familiar with the Titor story are probably also familiar with John Razimus, who's posted multiple Hoax Hunter videos throughout the years in his search for the identity of John Titor. On December 31st, 2016, it looks like Razimus posted the final nail in the coffin, providing evidence that Morey Haber (brother of Larry Haber, the attorney for the "Titor family) is the one who created John Titor. In fact, the evidence he presents (circumstantial as it may be), says Morey is the ONLY person who is likely to be the originator of John TItor.

The video Razimus posted is just under two hours long, so it's not something most people will watch in its entirety, but here are some highlights:

  1. Arthur Haber emailed Razimus immediately after The Real John Titor, comparing the writing styles of Morey and Titor. Before this, no contact was made at all, even when pursuing other family members as possible candidates
  2. The IP address Titor posted from was in Celebration FL (both on TTI and the Art Bell forums). Morey lived in Celebration at the time.
  3. Pamela Moore received mail from "John Titor" which had a Florida postmark
  4. One of Arthur Haber's emails to Razimus contains the following: "I did ask Larry the original intention of this whole thing... It was done for fun, and amusement, something small and simple that took on a life of its own..."
  5. Another quote: "This was a controlled hoax, and when I rewind these years, I think somewhere it was said let's see how far the internet will take this..."

There's a lot more, and everything is gone over in extreme detail but it's definitely worth the watch (as are his other videos).

As stated near the end of the video, this likely wasn't done as a malicious joke. It was something amusing they put out there, and it took on a life of its own, similar to Mel's Hole or Single Seven. It will be interesting to see if Morey ever comes forward (even if to denounce the claim).

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From Art Bell's BBS. Recorded to tracking devices on the internet:: Does anyone here know anything about electronics? ANSWER Yes I do, what do you need?__*At this point in probability, this would have been a time travel by his imposed label.__Yea, if this was an over-voltage, what you have to do, is to go into your machine and then pull that board.Once you've done that with a voltage tester that you can get from Radio Shack, you can test lead the wire tracks going in and going out.If it's a single burnt component, then you can un-solder it and put in a replacement component._*Answers to the effect, I'll give it a try, but where else can I get this?__Answer was there are probably some small computer sellers of that particular board, to where you can pick that same component up off the shelf.But keep in mind, if you do not give that board some hot burn in time, it won't have parody with a more seasoned board._For linearitie's sake, that board must have about a two hour measured voltage burn in time.__I don't understand he ask why.__The answer was, if you use the board fresh, then you'll go to an alternate timeline and you don't want to do that.__Person answered; Thanks for the info, I will look into that as soon as I can./// Do you have a copy of this conversation from Art's BBS?

2. Montauck did take place.It seemed that the radians that they were using underground was going directly into people in some communities south of Montauck and a lot in the Western half of Pennsylvania. Ohio also.What the experiment seemed to be doing, is to act in similar fashion to an antenna broadcast service, however the information of what was going on below ground, closely matched the experiments that they were performing on animals.__Yes, from the small parade of bear, deer, raccoons, all marching down main street Montauck, side by side in dress parade order.

It was later thought that in some way that the blue eyed fair skinned Aryan boys in a measure were being programmed to bring back information from the time travel tunnels, which later came out of Montauck. They in reality weren't keeping this a secret, but actually broadcasting these mind waves into people's thought processes.There were reports of ordinary people committing robot-similar acts and then abruptly dropping what they were doing in the middle or these circumstances, going back to what they were originally doing.

3.This high strangeness occurred after the loss of the Silver Bridge between Ohio and West Virginia.Strange people arrived out of a van and walked up the over steel I-beam supports of the bridge, as if inspecting it.However what was alarming to many onlookers, is not that the workers in their white coveralls, were walking about on the upper bridge supports, looking the bridge over, but at the impossible angles they were walking up the upper gantry.This would be by comparison, if you were to take a clear 45% angle and place this on the rise of those supports girders, near the ends of the bridge, however the vertices is how these unidentified workers were managing to ascend the rise of these supports. They were recorded by onlooking observers as walking up the top supports while defying gravity and leaning backwards. Source, The Monthman Prophesies, By John Keel.

*What is disturbing about this shunt into the general population, is that some of the secret hidden protocols in sending people through time, were being encoded into effect, into people that had nothing what-so ever, to do anything with time travel.

If you encode even a facsimile of the process of the direct time travel application into the prime subject, please know this same information body-wise also encodes into another person, then that not knowing person will adopt the ability to time travel as well.

3.Time travel theory at TTI as well as other time boards.__It seems that the boards themselves are sometimes subject to created simulations from other timelines.This is because anything anyone creates within a sectored timeline, because some acts of artistic creation are held in a parallel realm of communication in the creative stream, also hold a similar value within that other timeline.This might mean that say in paper mache, a person sculpts an eggs wanting a dragon to come forth from that egg, then within another timeline somewhere, a dragon as held within relative times circumstance, there will follow that wanted creation within the band with of that other timeline.

Ending as, "Yes I see your point, this is all safe and secure data now and everyone knows for sure that this charade can all be stopped now.Yes, I totally agree".

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 As stated near the end of the video, this likely wasn't done as a malicious joke. It was something amusing they put out there, and it took on a life of its own, similar to Mel's Hole or Single Seven. It will be interesting to see if Morey ever comes forward (even if to denounce the claim).
This was probably the first hoax of it's kind back then. These days, people keep trying to re-create it hoping the same thing will happen, but we are all smarter now and more aware of trolls and impostors, so I don't think it's possible.

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This was probably the first hoax of it's kind back then. These days, people keep trying to re-create it hoping the same thing will happen, but we are all smarter now and more aware of trolls and impostors, so I don't think it's possible.
I think it was the first one anybody put any effort into. The diagrams and photos did a lot to get people on board, and digital cameras at the time were pretty crappy so it was difficult to debunk based on those alone.
These days, there are so many tools online to help you look at meta data or signs of photo manipulation. You also had someone like Art Bell lending credibility to the story, so naturally it took on a life of its own.

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This isn't even remotely close. I'll give an A for effort though. There is more to this story than meets the eye. I really wish I could say more about it.

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This isn't even remotely close. I'll give an A for effort though. There is more to this story than meets the eye. I really wish I could say more about it.
So, the Habers admitting it in their e-mails were lying?

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Here's my thing: Larry is supposed to be a professional lawyer. If Titor were a real client, Larry would not have betrayed his confidentiality by involving his entire (Haber) family in his client's case. That would be unethical and unprofessional. I think a lawyer would get in big trouble by posting videos about a client's case and disclosing information to all of his brothers and nephew. Lawyers don't do that. My brother is a lawyer and he won't even talk about his job. So, this alone should be one huge clue....that and the fact that the Habers admitted the hoax in emails.

Here's my thing: Larry is supposed to be a professional lawyer. If Titor were a real client, Larry would not have betrayed his confidentiality by involving his entire (Haber) family in his client's case. That would be unethical and unprofessional. I think a lawyer would get in big trouble by posting videos about a client's case and disclosing information to all of his brothers and nephew. Lawyers don't do that. My brother is a lawyer and he won't even talk about his job. So, this alone should be one huge clue....that and the fact that the Habers admitted the hoax in emails.
When I was investigating titor, I was deeply involved. I gave cosmo some info. If he wants to share it, that is up to you. I found a copy of this on Google:
It's interesting to note that many of the links no longer work. But going through, you can see the difference in the methods. I pull no punches when i want answers. One would have to wonder why this thread is no longer here and why those links no longer work. Could it be possible that it links the habers to a person that this story revolves around?

It looks like the thread is still there. I guess there is some problem with google and how it links to the old website.

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By the way, did you ever notice that besides john titor, there is only one other anonymous person related to the story? I found that quite interesting.

By the way, did you ever notice that besides john titor, there is only one other anonymous person related to the story? I found that quite interesting.
Who would that be? TR is anonymous, but he came after the fact. you have me thinking. OIiver Williams?

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By the way, did you ever notice that besides john titor, there is only one other anonymous person related to the story? I found that quite interesting.
Who would that be? TR is anonymous, but he came after the fact. you have me thinking. OIiver Williams?
What if this all were a cover for a covert ops of a post nuclear world.What if, as a one time member of TTI had inferred that she knew Titor and second to this, intimated was romantically involved with him.To the point to where she actually had b met with him and herself, had time traveled.
What these series of circumstances might have amounted to is John Titor going over the wall, which is military terms means that he deserted.Then from this point on would have become a fugitive? There then would have been the necessary need to cover up not only a second ghost Titor same mechanics affiliation, but a denial of all certain knowledge of this past happenstance as a paramilitary time travel operation all together.

These are fixins that would have thickened the soup, so to speak, because of the dire predictions that the future is way too tough to survive, let alone live in.

We might be looking at a covering picture that hides still yet another picture as duality of happenings is the clue.For us standing upon the departure docks, I see why they want this large ship to sail off and disappear into the fog.

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What if this all were a cover for a covert ops of a post nuclear world.What if, as a one time member of TTI had inferred that she knew Titor and second to this, intimated was romantically involved with him.To the point to where she actually had b met with him and herself, had time traveled.
What these series of circumstances might have amounted to is John Titor going over the wall, which is military terms means that he deserted.Then from this point on would have become a fugitive? There then would have been the necessary need to cover up not only a second ghost Titor same mechanics affiliation, but a denial of all certain knowledge of this past happenstance as a paramilitary time travel operation all together.

These are fixins that would have thickened the soup, so to speak, because of the dire predictions that the future is way too tough to survive, let alone live in.

We might be looking at a covering picture that hides still yet another picture as duality of happenings is the clue.For us standing upon the departure docks, I see why they want this large ship to sail off and disappear into the fog.
I always knew creedo knew his stuff.

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Pretty sure “John Titor” was an alias Trump used to use while buying real estate. Also, his uncle is the guy who cleaned out Tesla’s lab and reported finding nothing of interest.
