John Titor


Temporal Novice

He says stuff about not being able to give the names of people who invented the time machine, because it could effect them and therefore stuff everything up.

But he also says that he bought stuff and took it with him.

How does he know that by buying something, the effect of it being sold, since it is no longer there, and he is apparantly from the future, whoever he bought it from has seen him, and this could have an effect on their trip home from work, perhaps it causes them to stay longer at work. Perhaps there was something unusal about him that the person who sold it to him thinks about it and doesn't pay attention while driving home, having a crash, killing or injuring themselfs and others. Would this not have a ripple effect?

Would his site being on the internet, which was found by someone who posted a link on a forum I visit, which caused me to spend hours reading some of his postings, then would that have stopped me from interacting with someone, also causing a ripple effect.

So now the predictions he made may not be able to come true, therefore splitting our 'worldline' from his own? Perhaps there will no longer be a civil war in the US, perhaps in his 'worldline' Bush wasn't reelected.

The pictures of his 'time machine' are laughable, they could be the inside of a construction vehicle. There are no screens providing diagnostics, no (that I can see or recongise) actual controls for travelling through time.

Perhaps it is the inside of a construction vehicle. Perhaps 'John Titor', if it is even his real name, is a lonely construction worker whos life was so boring that he decided to make one up. However, from the way he 'speaks' one would assume that he is quite knowledgeable, smart. Smart enough to fool people into beleiving him? Perhaps one day he will 'return'. Try and convince people to send him money, or perhaps convince them to do something more sinister.

I'm sure that if he were 'here' that he would come up with something that 'explains everything'. But in the end it may just leave you with more questions, shifting your attention to something else, an online 'slight of hand'?

But, if he is actually real, he probably would not use a real name, in case the him from now ever found the site, incase his would be parents ever found the site, and remebered the name, therefore maybe choosing a different name, which when he was being 'evaluated' for time travel would have had him in a different time slot, therefore preventing him from being chosen?

There are so many things that could have been changed that it just doesn't seem possible that he even travelled through time. Maybe when he got here he made a sound, which prevented his birth. In which case it would be deemed to dangerous to use, therefore it never would be.
After reading the rest of his site, I now relise that 'our' worldline and his are different anyway, therefore he would not be effecting himself no matter what he did.

We'll wait and see, if theres a civil war starting in 2004, although in other parts it says 2005, I will $@%# my pants for him.

I decided to edit my post this time.

Thanks for starting this topic and sharing your time with us. We are really enjoying it!

I appreciate that a great deal. Your future will be fine.

This here really ruined alot for me, by thanking him, their future will be fine?

What if something happens to your device and you couldn't leave. Would you do anything different?

No, I wouldn't do anything different if my machine broke. I would still be a stranger and a guest here. My opinions and "announcements" would also be the same as anyone else's. I may however offer advice to my younger self.

This would mean his time travelling self is around 40+ years old (since you wouldn't give advice to a 3 year old self)

You say that you wear a flight suit and that you experience 2 g's for 6-8 hrs. How is it possible to withstand that kind of g-force for such a long period without the use of an anti-g suit?

The average human can take 2 G's without too much difficulty. Blackout occurs at about 8 or 9 Gs and red-out occurs at negative 3 Gs.

wtf is redout?

according to my friend its when you pass out and your vision goes red...

What amazes me is why no one here wonders why Y2K didn't hit them at all?

Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road.




Since I read that, I do wonder, but I dont know alot about the Y2K bug, perhaps someone from the future came along and fixed it, but then whos to say someone didn't come along and fix whatevers going to start the war? No one wonders about Y2K because it didnt happen, so noone cares. It's like asking why noone wonders why they didn't find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

All in all, it was a very interesting read, but if there is a civil war in 2005, I will be pointing this website out to my parents. I will also take up cycling.

But at the end of the day, does anyone TRULY believe that what he predicts will come true, or are they just HOPEING it will, because they think their lives are that bad, or boring.

I guess part of me hopes it does. I guess that's kind of sick in a way, but what are you gonna do about it...