John Titor what else...


Temporal Novice
Hello all, i am new here and i would like to share my thoughts abouts Mr. Titor and his predictions. Now I am not from the scientific field or a conspiracy theory kind of guy, just someone with a more than average interest in predictions about the future. I have looked into what Titor had to say and I must say I was very interested to say the least. Also, I have read alot of your posts and you all have very different views on the subject.
You all are very caught up on the the Civil War and the CJD epidenmic. I have been focusing on the other things he had to say, mostly with non fatal weapons, the WACO type event, and most importantly Russia. As for the non fatal weapons I have seen reports of 2 deaths already caused by these so called non fatal weapons. The most recent being a college student in Boston dying after being hit by a pepper ball during a small riot following a Red Sox playoff victory. The Waco type event now that one is a little tricky, first some background, I worked with and was very close with someone who lost a family member in WACO. Not only did he suffer losing a loved one, but he was also visited by some government people on several occasions,I will not name the agency, at ungodly hours and dragged out of his home infront of his family and treated to hours of mind torture and physical abuse and then left in the middle on nowwhere to find his way home in the middle of the night. Not much fun for sure. If any of you have a chance to see the documentary that aired on HBO many years ago regarding Waco please do so it was very interesting to see what the rest of the world did not see on the evening news.
I believe the Waco type event may occur because of the new intelligence laws being passed right now. Since 9/11 our counrty has changed drastically and in order for us to protect ourselves we as a nation have to give up some of our rights as citizens. I believe these laws will be abused and be extended to not only get terrorist's, but to also keep us the Unites States citizens from getting out of hand which in turn will cause a Waco type event. You must remember the Oklahoma City bombing those people were not Islamic Jihad group, but American citizens unhappy with our government.
As for Russia that one to me is very simple. The Afghan war, We pumped alot of money into Afgahnistan to counter the Russians. Now we are doing the same exact thing in Iraq fighting for oil. Evreytime I see footage of insurgents I wonder to myself where do they get those RPG's and those AK47's and the ammmo for those weapons. Has anyone wondered the same thing??? I will not be surprised the day i hear a report of Russian aid to the insurgents just for a lil'payback for all those years in Afghanistan. Yes we maybe friendly right now, the US and Russia, but each time I see Colin Powell talking about the election in the Ukraine and Putin saying " Mind your business"
I get a little nervous. The American government as a whole got a really big head after the "Cold War" ended, and i think it is starting to wear out it's welcome with the rest of the world.
So in closing i am patientyl waiting for the Waco Type event to occur in late 2004 early 2005. I hope it never happens, but if it does i know i'll begin stocking up bicycle tires. Tdriver
This is just one brilliant proof that too many americans have a far too small horizon.
America is not the world! This forum seems pretty international to me, please consider this my friend.
They were supposed to happen 1ce a month this year, picking up in frequency around the election. Nothin. No unrest. Halo 2 instead. Microsoft saved the world.
Just a cracy thought, what if 9/11 didn't happen in titors world, waht if that one event stopped the civil war? I mean if two brothers lost thier little sister in a diaster there not gonna fight eachother for a long while are they? If u understand my analogy?
Just remember. -- Your Brain is a Supercomputer that is fed chemicals.

What does this mean?

YOu can think anything you like. Believe in GOD and Jesuss all you want, and still miss the principles that are laid right in front of your eyes.

YOu are 2 smart for your own good. look at one side of the issue instead of 15 sides of the issue.
look at the side wiht the big red bullseye.