john titor - what a joke


Temporal Novice
it is so hard for me to believe how many gullible , stupid and
just plain ignorant people there are who have bought into that lame attempt
at a hoax..i mean what lame "predictions" mad cow hits u.s...well duh..
please , i guess all the "believers" can eat some crow when the olympics
are held....then maybe real talks and intelligent conversation can be had
about plausable time travel... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Since time travel hasn't been invented (or at least disclosed by any "hidden" government project), ANY theory on time travel is, well...plausible. Including John Titor's.
Whether he's the real deal or not, I don't know. I guess it's as plausible as Doc Brown's Delorean or Bill and Ted's phone booth, or the Terminator. Bottom line, I find every theory intriguing. And chances are one of them is bound to be right.
His predictions? Considering they came from 2000 (and even the emails he sent to Art Bell in 1998), they are pretty creepy. Mad Cow is entirely predictable now...and in 2000, it may have been just a great insight instead of a prediction. Maybe that's what they ALL were. Who knows? But the predictions were just hazy enough to allow your imagination run wild...they reminded me a lot of Nostradamus.
it is so hard for me to believe how many gullible , stupid and
just plain ignorant people there are who have bought into that lame attempt
at a hoax..i mean what lame "predictions" mad cow hits u.s...well duh..
please , i guess all the "believers" can eat some crow when the olympics
are held....then maybe real talks and intelligent conversation can be had
about plausable time travel...

what makes you think these people have bought into a hoax, what makes you so sure it is a hoax, can you prove it? mad cow was not JT's only predicition.

if you would like to have real intelligent conversation regarding plausible time travel, then why don't you quit INSULTING EVERYONE, calling them gullible, stupid, and ignorant. thats not the way to hold intelligent conversation.

lucky for me, I don't care and nothin you say really makes a diff to me. if you can prove JT is a hoax, feel free. if you can prove I and the others here are gullible and stupid and ignorant, please feel free.
Time travel isn't invented. Its just discovered.

Then the process is discovered. Then you can Time travel on demand.

I am not a fan of the Titor story. Like i said, i dont think its true, but you never know for sure. My point has always been that if it was true - theres no information contained within his saga that is of any worth. Its plainly clear that the original person who posted under the name titor, was arrogant, lacking in common sense and from most of his opinions - socially inept.

Then a laughably flimsy book was hurried into production that contained nothing more then free internet forum dribble. This to me stinks of a scam. The titor story was simple, worthless, and followed up by a book.

Personally i believe only the people that came up with it would be the ones that would want to push for a book. I dont think many other people would have the cheek or the nerve.
His predictions? Considering they came from 2000 (and even the emails he sent to Art Bell in 1998), they are pretty creepy. Mad Cow is entirely predictable now...and in 2000, it may have been just a great insight instead of a prediction. Maybe that's what they ALL were. Who knows? But the predictions were just hazy enough to allow your imagination run wild...they reminded me a lot of Nostradamus.

I pretty much agree with you on this, and I certainly agree that if Titor isn't a time traveler, hes an insightful ****er.
Well, again it looks as if another time traveler has arrived. Now it is mentioned that when the olympics are held, as if you can tell the future. I can not and all I can say is that the olympics are supposed to be held in the future, not that I know that they will be held.

Does anyone see his/her self in the postings perhaps by JT?

Many people seem to just know so much about the future nowadays!
I have some input that many of you may find interesting, and which also lead me to believe that this story is not just a story but a specific point in time in our people’s history. First off I mean I am no scientist and I'm only 20 years old, working, going to university soon WHATEVER, but you must know that I like to keep my eyes open, I heard about this John Titor 6 months ago and I believed every word of the story because what I'm about to tell you, you may not believe and that DOES happen but if you don't know how to connect the dots and really UNDERSTAND what I'm going to try and explain then go to the little x and the top right corner of your screen and click it.

The United States and many other countries part of the G-8 have money and lots of it, now what’s a country like the states going to do with all the reserves of money they have? Buy more nukes? Fund the military? The states have had money shooting out of their ass for the last decade and a half. The stories you hear about the states faking the war I mean the pentagon had a huge hole on its side, and no plane was actually seen hitting the pentagon, but why this huge hole? Perhaps maybe it is true that the states are faking the war in Iraq to get more oil, but why? What are their reasons for going into Iraq? All the money in the world and all the oil in the world could only mean one thing; they’re up to something. Is it possible that a Time Machine the states have developed runs on mass amounts of fuel? Now before I get into that let me recall this article I read about 2 years ago in a Scientific American Mind. The article was very small and limited about its subject, it referred to Time Travel, and was giving over some random facts like the "Astronauts go to outer space come back and their 2 hours younger". Whatever, but as I read on the term "Area 51" came up, and that rang a bell. I'm sure many of you have heard that area 51's Groom lake has been spotted glowing green on more then one occasion, and that the first evidence of time travel was a 85 ton tanker that was seen "glowing green" just before disappearing, but was not actually gone... the supposed ship was the first American time traveler, but something went wrong and the ship went haywire, was glowing green, and then disappeared, but people who where their said that the ship's groove was still in the water. Coincidence? I don't think so. Also, the apparent U.S, alien contact, a member from Area 51 stated that "The U.S has been in contact with aliens for last century and they have helped us discover Teleportation and Time travel." When I read Teleportation I thought nothing of it but literally 3 weeks later I heard on a local radio station that the states has been funding in the billions into teleportation and its studies. 21st century warfare will consists of nothing but technology bought from the states. Stealth warfare, even today countries like Normandy are developing stealth ships and such, all technology bought from the states. If Time travel does exist, then you better believe John Titor exists, I mean if it is true that John Titor came form the future and told his people that there is going to be civil war then don't you think the states would know about it? Don't you think they would be doing something about right now? Connect the dots you make the decision.
I've just made a new observation about the Titor posts that reveals a really huge flaw in his story's internal consistancy. One that undoubtedly arose from the fact that the hoaxer took a while to polish and refine his story.

Titor claimed that time travel was so incredibly dangerous that his time corp insignia portrays 'two paths' - one for the safe trip, and the one that leads to death...

Earlier you spoke about the patch you wear on your uniform. You said the
spirals represented two paths. One was safe and the other lead to God. What
does that mean?

"The safe way is the one calculated to take you in time where you want to go, the other path will take you to God (death). Both are equally accepted and
anticipated before each trip."

and yet, earlier, in his 1998 faxes to Art Bell he claims to have taken his younger 'self' JOYRIDING on numerous trips.

"...Some interesting outcomes of this are: You meet yourself. I have done it often. Even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine."

Bit irresponsible wouldn't you say? Risking the death of another human being (albeit a version of yourself ) for the sake of a jolly day trip or three. Doesn't sound like a very disciplined little soldier does he? Especially as he's so happy to return the kid to a time-line he doesn't belong in! "Sorry're going to have to live here in this universe that you don't belong to from now on...!"

This to me represents a major and obvious hole in the Titor b/s. Over on the John Titor Debate thread, Passive Extremist tried arguing that Titor couldn't be relied upon to do something someone else would, but think about it:
If you've got a fifty/fifty chance of having your physical and spiritual being spread fatally across inter-dimensional space/time would you really take a kid joyriding? And even if he survived, according to Titor's other posts, there would be no guarantee the kid could be returned to his own worldline.

Even Passive conceded this point.

Its clearly a contradiction arising from the earlier claim about taking his younger self on time trips being written in 1998 before he'd polished and finalised the later version of the story he posted on the net.

If you ask me...there's really no coming back from this.

I feel people sometimes say things they ought not to say. Maybe he got careless when he said timetravel was dangerous, then again so is crossing the road. Embellish may be the word I am looking for, for example, when someone asks how I am I say I'm great, how are you? Now I don't really feel great, I just feel okay, but if you were to say okay, then they would ask if anything is wrong etc,...

Did he really meet himself? Or was that just some story to impress the interviewer? I can only imagine that he wouldn't be so stupid as to meet his younger self, he, more than anyone would know the problems associated with doing that. I have always hoped my future self would be able to travel in time to my present self, but the more I meditate on this possibility, the more I realise my future self would never be able to make contact at all. The timeline, such as it is measured, cannot be tampered with in this manner.