John Titor - Truth?


Temporal Novice
Good morning,
the one and only premise that I will do is to apologize in advance for all my errors in grammar or vocabulary, I'd blame the translator but the bottom is mine. I do not have the will to learn your language.

I listened to the voices of the legends that this site as time passed he absorbed like a sponge, I see that you have replaced the old graphics with new more aesthetic. And 'the right thing, after all. Not everything can remain as you left.

Going back to my thread: the question is superficial, how many will have it alreadydone? This site is best fitted to its roots on the cement that John, back in 2000, has established. But I, from Italy, I know, documentaries made by John Titor is actuallysupposed to be John Rick Haber. What do you think?

Fact or fiction? Reopen a dead thread now ... just to do a little 'speech.

Forgive my rudeness in passing here now without a presentation and even more soforgive my grammar.

PS. Watch the. Pdf, could you tell me that these forums are drawn thread?



I know, documentaries made by John Titor is actuallysupposed to be John Rick Haber. What do you think?

Fact or fiction? Reopen a dead thread now ... just to do a little 'speech.

I believe that the correct answer is, "Who cares?"

The meme is 12 years old, it's been "talked to death" and nothing that Titor/TTO wrote about has actually occured (or failed to occur as in the case of "no more Olympics after 2004"). I still get one or two Titor inquiries per day via email. "Titor" as a subject is now classified as "Junk Mail" in my MS Outlook email preferences.

Was it Richard Haber? Maybe; probably. But irrelevent. The movie deal, comic book deal and coffee mugs and T-shirts deals all appear to have fallen on their collective furry butts and no real money was made by the John Titor Foundation, LLC.

That's all this was about: a time travel based political/sci-fi/military thriller set in the near apocolyptic future. It made interesting discussion for a few months but once The Book was self-published by the JTF it became very apparent that there was no real story to tell. Had a movie been made it would have been a "direct to DVD release" that might have made an appearance on the SyFy Channel (where incredibly bad sci-fi movies have their one and only public viewing).