This is a warning to the time traveler known as John Titor ( TimeTravel_0 ). The "war on terror" began on September 11, 2001, following the destruction of two buildings in New York City. Because you stated that the US government was your enemy, you must not post on this web site or any other after the first half of the year 2001. It was after these attacks that the erosion of human rights began to really accelerate in the USA and many other countries. Even now, your enemies actively hunt you, both because of what you said and because of their insatiable lust for power (think of the power that time travel offers). They also fear their time is short. The civil war which you described is well underway, but it is still mostly one sided (government attacking and killing the people). For your own safety, you should avoid this era. The level of surveillance which has been directed toward the people is beyond belief. You can describe the future if you want, but it is highly recommended that you alter dates, times, locations, and details which may be used to the advantage of those with bad intentions. You will be begged by certain people to return, but you must not. The most notable is Pamela, but she is being used as bait to lure you here. She may be sincere in her desires, or she may not have a choice. If you wish to explain to her or anyone else your position, you may. If I could Turn back the Clock, I would tell you these things myself.