John Titor, parallax view:


Epochal Historian
John Titor, parallax view:

The problem with the said appearance of John Titopr, is that his origination into this timeline has never either been verified as a source from our own timeline, or a parallel timeline from either now or the distant future.

The second problem with said John Titpor, is that since something was said about him, in such a grand way, then markedly his said appearance would have deviated the timeline to the extent, that all he had predicted might not come true.

So this leaves the problem of John Titor as 1.A said operation that was meant to polarize the people, so that they would be either overactive to authority figures and a possible U.N. coup within the United States, or 2.The excuse of elimination of people, or genocide of many U.S. people, as the U.S. Government never had any open intentions of letting the people of Earth explore space, so elimination of these people was a secret attractive option to them, or 4.As since NASA has now openly said that our sun is going through definite changes, as well as the entire Russian scientific community saying the same thing, with regards to the said energy levels now recorded within the solar system, that again mass genocide would have been another attractive option?

This block of logic states that eventually the sun would go bad, due to interference from the Reagan Gorbychev era, of placing said nuclear waste within Earth's central sun, that it could not digest, so the sun would in a short amount of time, go supercritical and destroy Earth.

If the foresaid is true, then as told on Art Bell's more vintages shows, a telling of a man who connected with people from the future in the American Southwest and that in that environment only living underground was able to sustain life for humans, then our eventual options would be sealed.

Earthlings get it anyway.

From what both the Navaho Spirit Walkers and Major Ed Dames said, is that this central sun, in a way is self intelligent.

Because suns trive at a set burn rate, without the introduction of atomic wastes or any other product into them, the introduction of then spent U.S. and Russian warheads into the central sun, may have made this central sun go unmanageable?

This would be akin to giving a six moth old in a highchair, one hundred and ten proof vodka, about a shot glass, instead of its formula.

The consequences would be termed, as disastrous.

What is of concern here, are claims from the said future with substantial proof, that the teller saying Earth is inhabitable in the future, to be either right or wrong?

This central sun, is at this time recorded as acting very strange and giving off X glass flairs, to the point of astounding scientist at the amount of energy that it is giving off lately.