"john titor" on some classified document?


Temporal Novice
\"john titor\" on some classified document?


I'm nicole and im new here, so hi this is me.

The reason I registered is because of a document my friend in denver found online and sent to me, it seems to have the name "JOHN TITOR" in it that everyone in timetravel talks about but i dont know if the document has anything to do with time travel or whatever, it's just that it's an unusual name that's why I think itd be interesting to tell those who are interested in this person.

its the link on this page: http://geocities.com/govtdocs/ titled doc8.pdf http://geocities.com/govtdocs/doc8.pdf thats the link

Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

Uh for some reason that webpage is going up and down up and down. Probably bandwidth problems. I will update the document for you guys if you want.
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

Ok I uploaded it, but it seems no one is interested because there are no replies :P

Either way: if those above URLs wont work (the original page), I just uploaded the 2 things here: http://nicole3k.0catch.com/doc8.pdf and http://nicole3k.0catch.com/doc9.jpg .

When you go there you'll get an error saying A Hotlinking Error Has Occured! that just means that you have to paste the url address in your browser in order to go there, it won't allow linking as I've done here. It's not a file missing / 404 error.

Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

It seems like I'm talking to myself here. Prolly made a fool out of myself or something.

Sorry :eek:x

wont' post again

Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

You might want to wait more than a few hours for responses, people here do have day jobs.
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

Hi Nicole, and welcome to the group!

Let me ease your mind (or at least provide you some insight). This document is fraudlent, at least insofar as it is trying to be passed off as "Top Secret" information associated with the US. How do I know? Well, I have worked with classified materials in my line of work. And while I cannot give you specifics, there are very specific markings on ALL pages of ALL classified documents that do not show up on the document you have posted.

If you are familiar with the "MJ-12" documents that were supposedly "leaked evidence" of a government coverup on UFOs, these documents can also be determined to be fraudulent since they are missing the same types of markings that this document is missing.

Kind Regards,
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

This document is fraudlent, at least insofar as it is trying to be passed off as "Top Secret" information associated with the US. How do I know? Well, I have worked with classified materials in my line of work. And while I cannot give you specifics, there are very specific markings on ALL pages of ALL classified documents that do not show up on the document you have posted.

If you are familiar with the "MJ-12" documents that were supposedly "leaked evidence" of a government coverup on UFOs, these documents can also be determined to be fraudulent since they are missing the same types of markings that this document is missing.

While I don't believe whether the document is fraudulent or not, I don't believe what you are saying, sorry. three things
1.) i don't believe that you had access to classified government material, sorry.
2.) mj12 documents are still being debated regarding their authenticity so obviously many many people dont share your opinion that they are 'fraudulent', and
3.) your post is the exact thing someone would say to cover up if something was true indeed

Personally i dont know whether its fake or not fake, nor do i know what it means or is supposed to mean.

Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

Hi Nicole:

Well, you are certainly free to not believe me. But I wonder if you would selectively choose to believe someone who tells you what you want to hear, even if they have the same, or less, proof that I provide.

1.) i don't believe that you had access to classified government material, sorry.
OK, fair enough. And while I am aware that a person with your form of skepticism would probably not be satisfied with my resume ("you could just as easily fake that"), I provide a link to it here.

My earliest position as a Combat Systems Engineer is where I had access to quite a bit of classified information. This resume has not been updated for awhile, but I am currently working to help achieve NASA's goals to return to the moon and send man to Mars. Oh yes, if you don't believe the resume, you will find some people in the references section who will vouch for who I am and what I have done in my career. But then you might claim they are "government plants", when really they are just my friends. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

3.) your post is the exact thing someone would say to cover up if something was true indeed
Well, while this may be true, you do realize that this "excuse" is one that would never allow anyone who really does have knowledge pertinent to your interests to ever "pass muster"? It is a no-win situation that allows you to believe whatever you want, and reject people who are trying to educate you on certain aspects of the truth. For example: Some wacko could start an internet conspiracy theory that claimed the government figured out a way that a person could fly through the air without any mechanical aids. I could then show you, by scientific equations and analysis of weight, thrust, lift, and drag why a man could never achieve this on his own. And then you would claim "this is exactly the kind of thing someone would say to cover up the truth", when in reality the equations I show you ARE the truth.

And on MJ-12...the only people who are still debating their authenticity are, like you, people who will only accept an answer that agrees with what they desperately want to believe.

Kind Regards,
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

While I don't believe whether the document is fraudulent or not, I don't believe what you are saying, sorry. three things
1.) i don't believe that you had access to classified government material, sorry.
2.) mj12 documents are still being debated regarding their authenticity so obviously many many people dont share your opinion that they are 'fraudulent', and
3.) your post is the exact thing someone would say to cover up if something was true indeed

Personally i dont know whether its fake or not fake, nor do i know what it means or is supposed to mean.


I think Rainman has been very tolerant of, what I would consider a highly ignorant and obnoxious attitude. I personally take offence on his behalf. Please, learn the fine art of conversation, and analytical thinking. If someone tells you something that you consider unbelievable, have the decency to at least inquire about it.

It is evident to me, that you have already made up your mind on this document not being fraudulant, and if this conclusion is anything like your immediate verdict on Rainman, I doubt if it holds any water.
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

OK Siegmund...I am probably showing some age here.

PWNED? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Educate me, brother Eagle! :D

And thanks for the vote of confidence Raj. I've got a lot of experience with tolerating obnoxious attitudes....Creedo broke me in! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Have a good night, all!

Kind Regards,
Re: \"john titor\" on some classified document?

That "document" is pretty obviously fake.

It was printed on an old (circa 1980) dot matrix printer at 72 dpi or less, well below the resolution of a LOW quality FAX. Even the crossouts and pen circling were PRINTED at that low res, THEN scanned after being printed.

What's funny is since the crossouts from this process didn't come out dark enough, it was then re-printed and scribbled over with what appears to be black ball-point pen, NOT a black sharpie, before being scanned again at higher resolution.

Yes, that much is apparent to me just by LOOKING at this bad fake.

P.S. They did a much better job on document #7. But that one doesn't mention Titor.
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

heh heh....

It's psuedo "leet speak".

PWNED(alternately "P3|\|3D")is an exclamation or taunt made when someone defeats someone else. It is a common mistype of the word "owned".

In the vernacular, "3y3 70t4lly Pwned j00!!1!"
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

Welcome, Nicole. I'm new too. ^_^ This is actually my first post.

I seriously doubt that's a government document. They double type everything through a typewriter. I've never seen a "Top Secret" document or anything, but as far as I know, all government documents are double printed so that the ink doesn't run. And everything is computerized these days, eh? :D

Good luck verifying it. If you do, it'll certainly be beyond me.
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

Welcome to the board, Figgy.

Yes, lots of docs are computerized now. But anyone who has ever had clearance to, and read, any classified document as part of their work would know certain distinguishing characteristics should be on it. I don't see some things that I'm quite sure should be on it if it were authentic.

So in my mind, not knowing for sure one way or the other, the probability that it is a fake document is really pretty high.

Kind Regards,
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

So in my mind, not knowing for sure one way or the other, the probability that it is a fake document is really pretty high.

Perhaps this document is so secret that they made it look like a fake document so no one would believe it.

Okay, that's enough conspiracy thinking for one day. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: \"john titor\" on some document?

I realize this post is dead. But let me add my input.

I too have a clearance and have had the privilege of seeing secret and controlled information. I don’t currently have any such material in front of me now and I don’t have our information security management briefing in front of me so I cant reference it to see exactly what is suppose to be on a security document. But I will say this:

This is why I think its fake.
1. There is no letterhead. Simple, but it’s the biggest thing that jumped out at me. It’s a memo from one person to another. I have NEVER seen a classified memo of any type be without a letterhead.

2. Top Security is crossed out. Two things wrong with that.
a. If its declassified information, its hasn’t been properly declassified under DoD guidelines.
b. If its not declassified and has been stolen from a facility then why cross out “Top Secret?” It doesn’t look right. If I stole that, I sure as hell wouldn’t want it to have TOP SECRET across the top of it, so I would mark it out completely. But if I wanted people to know it was top secret I wouldn’t touch it all. To take a ball point pen and cross it out doesn’t fit into either camp.

I have no idea if other governmental departments handle classified information differently then The Department of Defense but that’s my $.02