Epochal Historian
From GLP?
John Titor may elude to Niburu.
Please note because of the technicalities of warning large amounts of people, against oncoming potential disasters, the John Titor Story may have been made, to replace and nonbelivable item.
Said Planet Niburu is supposedly already half way near earth, almost as big a Jupiter, however with a mass at least three times that of Jupiter.
It may be that why the Titor story was devised, is to get everyone in a protective survival mode, so that the label of genocide could not have been readily pinned upon our said caretakers in this deal, which are known to be the Pleiadeans, Zeta Reticulans and other forms of aliens.
If there were no warnings issued, such as through the Zeta-talk web site > and catastproe would have come to Earthlings,; then this lack of caring could in some way, possibly have affected both concerned parties.
As President Carter had advised the American public, when President Reagan had taken office, is that you have certain invested inaliable rights, as Earth-held humans.
Some of these rights, do give whoever wants, or who should survive the coming of said Planet X, even offworld positions of employment, in whatever field that you desire?
This is so and statured under the articles of the Geneva Convention, dealings with fair and proper treatment of all detainees, providing the circumstances should arise, that anyone reading this advisement, should find themselves in a relocation camp.
What is now exposed, is that in many ways, and on many layers that Earthbased mankind, is, a composed creature, with many of the items that put him togeather, her, offered from many differing resources.
So in this context of thought, then in a new venue, Earthbased mankind in the event of Planet X arriving near Earth's position and this appearance would cause potential maelstrom, then the Earthling person, does have options at this request, to whoever is proviso over what may survive.
If these request made by the survivors are not met and harsh treatment should befall the remaining Earthlings, "then yes, if this information should get out into the greater outer space community, the news of Earthman's treatment here, could in some way affect offworld trade status"?
So if you should make it through the coming appearance of Planet X, you may want to stay here, or opt to engage in an offworld identity, so set your price and request now.
The one piece of information that the Zeta Reticulans have not supplied so far, is by what process, if the paradigm shift does occur, how will Earthbased mankind, develop a twelve strand DNA.
So far, to my knowledge, neither the Zeta Reticulans, or their sometimes in trade partner, the Pleiadeans, have supplied this information?
In any event, please know what you want from your future now?
Respectfully, offworld bid ambassador, for the United States.
John Titor may elude to Niburu.
Please note because of the technicalities of warning large amounts of people, against oncoming potential disasters, the John Titor Story may have been made, to replace and nonbelivable item.
Said Planet Niburu is supposedly already half way near earth, almost as big a Jupiter, however with a mass at least three times that of Jupiter.
It may be that why the Titor story was devised, is to get everyone in a protective survival mode, so that the label of genocide could not have been readily pinned upon our said caretakers in this deal, which are known to be the Pleiadeans, Zeta Reticulans and other forms of aliens.
If there were no warnings issued, such as through the Zeta-talk web site > and catastproe would have come to Earthlings,; then this lack of caring could in some way, possibly have affected both concerned parties.
As President Carter had advised the American public, when President Reagan had taken office, is that you have certain invested inaliable rights, as Earth-held humans.
Some of these rights, do give whoever wants, or who should survive the coming of said Planet X, even offworld positions of employment, in whatever field that you desire?
This is so and statured under the articles of the Geneva Convention, dealings with fair and proper treatment of all detainees, providing the circumstances should arise, that anyone reading this advisement, should find themselves in a relocation camp.
What is now exposed, is that in many ways, and on many layers that Earthbased mankind, is, a composed creature, with many of the items that put him togeather, her, offered from many differing resources.
So in this context of thought, then in a new venue, Earthbased mankind in the event of Planet X arriving near Earth's position and this appearance would cause potential maelstrom, then the Earthling person, does have options at this request, to whoever is proviso over what may survive.
If these request made by the survivors are not met and harsh treatment should befall the remaining Earthlings, "then yes, if this information should get out into the greater outer space community, the news of Earthman's treatment here, could in some way affect offworld trade status"?
So if you should make it through the coming appearance of Planet X, you may want to stay here, or opt to engage in an offworld identity, so set your price and request now.
The one piece of information that the Zeta Reticulans have not supplied so far, is by what process, if the paradigm shift does occur, how will Earthbased mankind, develop a twelve strand DNA.
So far, to my knowledge, neither the Zeta Reticulans, or their sometimes in trade partner, the Pleiadeans, have supplied this information?
In any event, please know what you want from your future now?
Respectfully, offworld bid ambassador, for the United States.