In regards to the Celebration connection, Larry did talk about having worked there but didn't go in to much detail. One thing he wanted to make very clear is that he no longer works out of Celebration. I guess there have been many visitors looking for his offices and taking pictures and it has started to annoy the people over there
Thanks for the reply.
We've known that Larry maintains law offices outside of Celebration for quite some time. However he still lists the JTF address, where he is the business manager, as 606 Front Street, Celebration, FLA 34747. VISI Corp also maintains that address. Larry is (we believe) still Chief Legal Counsel for VISI. That's the graphics arts studio. Front St Productions maintains the same address. That's the film and audio production unit.
And Larry still lives in Celebration. In fact he is the "First Person" of Celebration according to their own lore. He was the first person to move in when the community was formed by Disney.
I know that you're a young film maker and don't want to make too many waves before your career even gets off the ground, but you do understand and know that Larry is not just a hack lawyer who claims to be an entertainment attorney? He's the real deal and quite well known in Florida, Los Angeles/Hollywood and New York.
That's the concern. When people are in trouble and in need of legal advise because "the government" might be out to get them, their country is about to be plunged into a civil war and 3 billion people are about to die in a world war is it logical that they seek out an entertainment lawyer to form an LLC, give them advise about how best to market coffee mugs, t-shirts, books and films and make the lawyer the business manager?
Or, frankly, is it logical to entertain the thought that the principles of the JTF are Group Titor and includes "Boomer", the author of the John Titor Saga - who may well be Larry Haber?
One interesting question might be to ask Larry if he has a brother who is a physicist at a West Coast physics research laboratory.
All of us understand that Larry has been beseiged with inquiries (even though he has answered exceedingly few of them). For my part I've discouraged people on Anomalies from going a-knocking at his door. This is, after all, just an online fiction. We also understand Larry's annoyance with the situation.
This story was running here, on Anomalies.net and (before it closed down) Post-2-Post on Art Bell's old BBS for almost four years before the JTF was officially formed by Larry. He chose to make that move and he knew precisely how popular the topic is and was and that it has been somewhat contentious. For him to complain about the "publicity" is a bit naive given the totality of the circumstances. The more so considering that his son Brandon became involved last year by posting on Anomalies.