Literally a price?? That's almost ridiculous, but not exactly for our time. Are there any other known Travelers, legitimately?
You're looking for answers:
Are there any other known Travelers, legitimately?
No, not that we know of. This includes TTO/Titor.
2. Literally a price?? That's almost ridiculous, but not exactly for our time.
Literally; yes. The John Titor Foundation, Celebration, FL, LLC (JTF) is run by attorney Larry Haber. It is a for profit limited liability company that sells Titor books, t-shirts, coffee mugs and has spent several years attempting to make a movie. JTF holds the copyright on a good part of the Titor Saga.
(US Copyright #TXu001126005 / 2003-10-27).
So, your time, their time, our time anytime you want to get inside of Titor there is a price to pay.
3. This is just ridiculous.. Trying to get some legitimate answers. Seems i'm better off looking for answers myself.
Yeah, I know. It's a statement, not a question. But you're correct. Get off your butt and do your own research.
You're 15 years too late. We've been there, done that
ad nauseam. Those who just have to know can either read the 100's of threads here going back to 2000 or reinvent the wheel from scratch. Sorry to tell you this but Titor is boring when someone comes along and demands "answers".
Face it my friend, you're not the first or the 50th person who has basically demanded to speak to TTO/Titor for reasons important to them. Boomer left 14+ years ago for reasons of his own and has never come back. What makes you think that he'd come back because you have a problem? You have a problem. He has a problem. He comes back to take on your problem and you no longer have one...but he then has two.
Ragnorak - the guy was not a time traveler.