John Titor Identity Revealed

Re: Be Seriuos --->Wikipedia

This is my last Titor thread I promise...

Be Serious, or at least credit Wikipedia and Mike Lynch ie:

Quoting from

<font color="red"> Inquiry on the story

An Italian TV program (Voyager - Ai confini della conoscenza) aired an investigation of the John Titor story on May 19, 2008.[28] Mike Lynch, the private detective hired to investigate, found that there were no registry traces, even far in the past, of any John Titor or Titor family. In addition, the John Titor Foundation had no office and its address is a rented post box; no tapes, recordings, or evidence of Titor were found; and only Larry Haber (an advocate and owner of the commercial rights about all concerns involving John Titor) confirmed his existence. Lynch's conclusion is that John Titor may be John Rick Haber, a computer expert who is or was Larry Haber's brother. [/COLOR]

end quoted...


<font color="red"> Investigando la Historia [editar]

El programa de television Italiana (VOYAGER - Ai confini della conoscenza) emitió un programa investigativo acerca de la historia de John Titor el 19 de mayo del 2008.[28] Mike Linch, el detective privado contratado para investigar, encontró que no existen huellas en el pasado de cualquier John Titor o la familia de Titor. Además La fundación John Titor no tiene ni oficina y la dirección es la de un buzón rentado. No se encontraron cintas, grabaciones, o evidencias de John Titor: y solo Larry Haber (el Abogado y dueño de los derechos comerciales de todo lo que concierne a John Titor) confirmo su existencia.

La conclusión de Linch es la siguiente: Que John Titor podría ser John Rick Haber, un experto en computación que es o fue hermano de Larry Haber. [/COLOR]

end quoted

these info long ago is on the WEB...

LOLOL!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

I think a few folks came to the conclusion that it was a Ha.ber family operation a few years ago. You have definitely added more solid information to that theory. John Ha.ber, Larry Ha.ber, and the son of Larry Ha.ber (aka mr debate team aka Malderi) were all group Tee.tor. Great presentation btw.

By golly, I think you have kicked this one's ass! Kudos!
Who cares?? (whether it is your last Titor thread or not!)

Now, there is something else on the Internet today (over at ATS) about secret *.pdf files, one given again to that whatever he is Alex Jones from a Missouri police Officer, stating in the report that Libertarianism is considered something like being a violent terrorist something or other in this Country or something similiar to that.

Now here is a new science paper:

arXiv:0903.1859 (cross-list from quant-ph) [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Free will, undecidability, and the problem of time in quantum gravity
Authors: Rodolfo Gambini, Jorge Pullin
Comments: 10 pages, no figures. This essay received the Second Community Prize in the Foundational Questions Institute ( essay contest
Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)


We would like to put forward
the proposal that adopting the regularist point of view together with the idea of undecidability
may allow to confront important objections to the libertarian3 stance. These types of objections
have been repeatedly leveled against attempts to substantiate free will based on the probabilistic
nature of quantum mechanics. In fact if quantum mechanics only implies a mere lack of causal
determination in the occurrence of events, this is not sufficient to ensure that it makes sense to
consider a free act for which responsibility is possible. These objections stem from the potential
fallacy of considering that only two exclusive alternatives exist: the deterministic and the random,
excluding the possibility that the agent have any capability to control or self-determination over
her acts. Implicit in this argument is the necessitarian point of view which excludes all aspects of
reality not controlled by physical laws.

To conclude, we have observed that inherent limitations in the measurement process introduced
by the use of a relational notion of time in quantum gravity appear to imply undecidability in
the laws of physics. This strengthens the regularist vision of physical laws and opens the door to
an essential difference through which free acts lead to different possible evolutions of the quantum
state when an event takes place. The ability to act freely we discuss stems from quantum mechanics
and therefore has a universal character. It is not entirely clear that it is connected with the decision
making process of humans. It is currently widely contentious if quantum mechanics plays any role
in processes in the human brain [28]. It would be quite disappointing if a universe that naturally
includes in the laws of physics the capability for free acts will end up disallowing them for human
This work was supported in part by grants nsf-phy0650715, and by funds of the Horace C.
Hearne Jr. Institute for Theoretical Physics, FQXi, PEDECIBA and PDT (Uruguay) and CCTLSU.

3 Libertarianism in this context is a philosophical position that states that human beings have free will and that
the latter is incompatible with determinism. This is usually interpreted to imply that determinism is false. Among
the exponents of this point of view (“incompatibilists”) are Peter van Inwagen, Robert Kane, Laura Ekstrom,
Timothy O’Connor and Thomas Pink [27].


Perhaps in an opinion, other people will now be bcoming what I term "Madhatters!"
Just my guess, but is there some in this so-called "Government"?

Some people in my opinion use terms like religion for perhaps other purposes, and then
perhaps some people don't use it at all! Just control freaks from the Past! Do I know for
sure? Perhaps not, perhaps......................more thinking has to be done!
Oh, I guess I assume that to me, it has been brought out that a lot of scientists think in Libertarianism ways. Is that to label people who may develop items for the National Defense and Security of this Nation - as some sort of radical group that thinks in violent ways like a Libertarian is suppose to think according to that secret leaked Police report - that seems to be only for their eyes and not for general consumer information?

Thus only through some of these so-called Government people eyes perhaps. By the people, for the people, of the people are not just words to toss around, but perhaps some people's brains are not what they seem. Try a phychologist for some of these so-called thinking people. It has been mentioned before - responsibility and the difference from the other so-called people - irresponsibility. Now, irresponsibility people are getting hand-outs from the Government to help pay for their homes - something they could not decide when they got the loan in the first place - as it must be the lender's fault (according to the FBI)? This kind of thinking as been going on for years in this Country - for years, and years, and years.

Where does it state that the rest of us who do live responsibilily still have to read about this stuff going on in this Country?

I do not know, but then there may be others who are finding out what is real and unreal in people in this Country and world.
In other words, even if those people lost their job and everything (and I don't care if they are helped - but how they going to pay anyway if they do not have a job), does stubbornness create the evolution of the future? (Who's ever fault it is, perhaps there are just too many faults being done by what I term - non-thinking people!)

I just don't think it does!
And it is not "Alice in Madhatter's Wonderland" although Alice may be a bit perturbed at the situation, and it is not "Wunderland, Seig Heil!" no, it is just "Alice in Wonderland" and the logic in that book ( or movie).

Wait I think I have that movie in VHS, well, got to go, maybe watch it again or still............

Well, goodbye!
Mike Lynch, the private detective hired to investigate...

It seems to me that Mike Lynch is not a very adept Private "D". The two items that would allow a motivated individual to find out who was involved with the John Titor episode are the vehicles in the photos.

The 1966 Corvette is a rare vehicle, and if someone has a list of suspects, an adept investigator would be able to access the Motor Vehicles records of the relative States of the suspects, and track down the Corvette.

Once the Corvette has been found, then tracking down the Truck or Van would be that much easier to also connect to the suspects.

As mentioned, it would have to be a motivated investigator, one who has the time and money to travel and engage in a bit of surveillance, and do alot of research, with access to the appropriate agencies ( inside connections ) that the "good" gum-shoes are "supposed" to have available.
\"Wunderland, Seig Heil!\"

" <font color="blue"> "Der Unterschied ist, daß die Nazis vorhatten, Europa zu besiegen; die Amerikaner aber wollen die ganze Welt besiegen."

Peter Zadek, Theatermacher [/COLOR]

End Quoted...

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Please don't tell Them...

Wait for the next Wikipedia Update!!!


/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
This is my last Titor thread, I promise.

I think you may have something. What comes to mind is the movie Around The World In Eighty Days." and the Phineas Fogg (David Niven) bet.

Bored gamblers do that sort of thing-- a crazy challenge just for the action without any other motivation.

Let's say Larry and Rick(John) Haber and the rest of their poker cronies are bored, and the subject of Larry's fascination with time travel (which he publicly admitted)is raised and a discussion ensures. Someone ventures the opinion that a hoax could be pulled off, someone else disagrees, and a plot is hatched. One or more of the group works for the Celebration ad agency, and does the manual and illustrations, somebody's corvette is borrowed, et cetera.Rick can play the part of the time traveler, and Larry has a role of a close-mouthed attorney looking after his client's (Mother Titor, who is not to be confused with Barbara Streisand's "Mother Focker")interests.

Art Bell is a push-over for an interesting tale to amuse and captivate his listeners (he once did a supposed radio message from a pilot who was attempting to fly over Area 51).

That's it. Just a lark by a group of bored yuppies.

I forgot to address the most obvious thing of all. The Titor story is is simply a modified version of "Back to the Future" with the time traveler in a Corvette, rather than a DeLorean. Time time device in both cases is at the drivers' right hand side.

The most insurmountable barrier for the time-travel-tale-teller is the limited ability of the human imagination. Our imagination is largely limited to the content of our minds--memories-- and not really creative at all. So the stories all sound like fiction (and this includes the remote viewers) because the future is never quite the way we imagine it.The future is created by the conscious decisions of many.

I remember seeing an illustration about a imagined future city that was made by an artist at the turn of the twentieth century. He had hundreds of power lines strung on sequoia posts to provide electricity to the skyscrapers, and a coal burning elevated car providing transportation between the upper floors of the buildings.Today this illustration seems childish and ludicrous.

Right this page said:

<font color="red"> We did not find any directory results for John Titor in KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA [/COLOR]

Expanded Search Results

* We searched John Titor in Kissimmee, FL and found 0 records
* We searched John Titor and found 0 records in FL
* We searched Jack Titor and found 0 records in FL
* We searched Johnathan Titor and found 0 records in FL
* We searched Johnny Titor and found 0 records in FL
* We searched Johnson Titor and found 0 records in FL

"The Score": (Google It)
John Titor 1
Razimus 0

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Recall: I saw that page.

But I also found in White Pages:

John R. Haber
Box 470171
Kissimmee, FL.

Company: John Titor /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif


John Titor John Titor is offline
Last Activity: 10-23-2009 12:32 AM

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To my mind, the real question has never been 'Who was John Titor ?'........but ' Why were so many people duped by his hoax ?'

Who John Titor irrelevant. Titor may have instigated the hoax, but it was a bunch of gullible people who propagated it and made some two-bit hoaxster into a 'legend'. Titor and his sock pupets and cronies could never have done that on their own !

The hunt for who John Titor 'really' is, completely misses that point. Titor is nobody, and would remain such to this day were it not for the gullible.
but ' Why were so many people duped by his hoax ?'

Well, H. G. Wells and The Time Machine, and Back To The Future gave the idea a lot of appeal as a background.

You know, at the very beginning--the chat room where where 'Titor' and a few online friends first expose the subject--the one where he is sitting at home drinking orange brandy-- and he says, off the cuff, "I'm from the future, you know" (or something like that): At that point the story was getting invented. To me it sounds like an off the cuff, teasing, remark he throws into the conversation to see what a young woman's response would be. Not an elaborate scheme, just a bored, lonely, horny young man killing a few minutes, who invents a story on the spur of the moment. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Could the identity of John Titor for what it really matters (literal vs nonliteral) change with "time"?

I mean if Higgs gets that much credit...
Higgs is perceived by us, and this is a related arena in alot of ways.

Along those lines it would give new meaning to "time changes everything".