John Titor-- Good Job !


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John Titor...Hoax or Not ?

The amount of time spent on John Titor has been enormous. The thoughts and effort that went into the entire saga was very in-depth.

If John was a real time traveller, then we should be glad he shared his story with us. It provided us the opportunity to review his posts and interact with him to a certain degree.
Of course, we shouldn't expect any person to be posting for an indefinite length of time to address everyone's questions or comments.

If John was a Hoax, then hat's off to the creators of the John Titor Saga. It is good to see that someone has creativity and can create a mystery that others spend so much time on trying to un-ravel. The authors have reached the same level as the creator of the Rubick's Cube. Everybody twisting and turning the story to see if they can make sense out of the whole thing.

If "they" are making a little cash out of it, then more power to them. The only regret I have
is..wish I thought of it first!