John Titor Finally Exposed!


Temporal Novice
Hi everyone, sorry if you came here looking for a news paper cut-out titled "John Titor Exposed: Crazy Man Arrested for Attack on Senator", the title of this thread is a bit misleading. Sorry, the proof here is not that solid but is solid enough.

I was siting at home thinking, what if someday, someone thought of coming online and pretending to be John from a different parellel universe, would everyone fall for THAT as well. That's when I realized that it WAS strange we had only seen one John. I mean if an infinite amount of Johns entered the same coordinates into their time machine then shouldnt we see lots of Johns? Hmmmmm...

Heres the debunking:

By his own words, John stated that there are many parallel universes (wroldlines), each one created as new events happen in a "cone-shaped pattern" (talked about in Stephen Hawking's A Brief History Of Time). If John leaving 2036 can be considered as an event, then it may be said that there is an infinite amount of versions of this event in different worldlines, surely not only ONE of the Johns in ONE of the INFINITE worldlines actually made it to OUR worldline.

If everything John said were true, one of several things would happen when he arrived with his time machine in the year 2000: Either an infinite amount of Johns would try to fill the same space, that, usually, only one John occupies, at the same time, which would clearly result in some sort of atomic collision possibly resulting in a nuclear explosion of infinite power, or, via some miracle or device within the time machine, an infinite amount of Johns would fill an infinite amount of space therefore leaving no room for anything else in the universe thereby destroying it.

LET ME MAKE ONE THING CLEAR so that no one stupid enough brings this up as a seemingly valid point: Using Johns own theory of time travel, in the, laughable, story of how John went from 2036 back in time to 2000, there is not ONE SINGLE POSSIBLE way that ONE John arrives and leaves (i.e. The probability for that event is 0).

Think about it, an infinite amount of Johns leave 2036 and only ONE of them gets here???, with a 50-50 chance, might I add, just like John said, remember, one stripe leads towards your destination and the other do god.

If the real "John Titor" is reading this, whoever he may really be: It's easier not to believe that you're a time travelor when your very existence on this worldline is theoretically, logically, mathematically, and physically impossible.

Before I stop writing I would like to say that many of the things John said didn't make sense and I could have proved all this to you by reciting them but this is the shortest way to deliver the grim news.

Thank You, and Good Night! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well I didn't believe it for a second. I heard about this whole cult following on the radio and decided to check it out. I don't know how anyone can be naive enough to believe this malarky. I only had to read a few posts to tell this was another internet hoax. Along the lines of 50 billion John's, what about others? If time travel was created in 2036...why haven't people from say 3000...4000...5000 come here? By that time it would be widely used.
Believe what you wish. But I am, as he was referred in this worldline, John Titor's son. I was born in 2033, my father died three years later shortly after visiting this worldline. and I am from the year 2058. Time travel is very possible, in the future as well as today. Your scientists will not perfect the method for many years to come, however.
I cannot say if the John Titor story is false or true. I do know that with each passing year, we learn and accomplish what was once considered "impossible". We also learn that what we "knew" as fact...wasn't as accurate as we had believed. We modify our facts constantly.
Was John Titor truly from the future? Or was this person delusional, a prankster, etc... I cannot and will not say.
Two issues do, however concern me...
First, for those that believe John's story...why so much time justifying? Would time not be better spent on what John had to say? The things we should be aware of NOW.
Secondly, for those that do not believe...Why so much time spent on attempting to prove that John did not exist? Is it fear of the possibility or the need to debunk?
There is no harm in believing or not believing in John Titor. There is harm when we spend too much time trying to make others believe as we do, no matter the cost.

Thus, negating the message that was given from the man through time...or the man that didn't exist. Either way, this person gave a message that had validity in our generation and what we are/are not doing.
Of course...this is my opinion.
Thank you...
So people would time travel or come from parallel universes so that they can end up posting in this forum about how special they are?

I'm here for some legitimate discussions that deal with reality. Fruitcakes will be exposed as they are.
A simple explanation of why there are not more JT's in our timeline is that each one may have landed in a different timeline. As for parallel universes, there is at least one where John Titor is real and really did come from the future. We just have to decide if there is enough proof that in this timeline, he is for real. Seems not likely given how easy it would be to prove he is real and how the Civil War in the US has not started yet and we are into March, 2005.

Maybe it's all true and his son and other TT's have come to the past to tell us more about him. What good does it do us to know about it?
Seems not likely given how easy it would be to prove he is real and how the Civil War in the US has not started yet and we are into March, 2005.

After watching CNN for the last week... are you sure?
who cares wether people want to claim they are from the future, i can tell you this they are not as they wouldn't make contact with us in this universe. The more important question is how do we go about achieving light speed. I think we may well have just made a major leap in science physics that has been somewhat overlooked.

Recently a paralysed person from the neck down was operated on his brain and wires were attactched to the nervous system and linked up to a computer. He was able to move the cursor on the screen just by thinking about moving it. What has this got to do with physics? Well if you can control a machine with the mind then this is the first step of machines being developed into humans. I would be great at solving mathematic equations if i had an extra machine memory bank fixed inside my head so i could do calculations on the fly and just by everyone having these installed in themselves will result in a rapid growth in our intelligence as a whole. One person could do the work of tens of scientists, you could have a vocab stored of all the different languages in the world instantly allowing you to speak fluent chinese just by having a program installed inside you.

Everybody reads books to learn at some point. Well imagine having a whole library downloaded into your brain so you know everything about every book.

The possibilities are endless and i cannot believe no one has thought of it as being more then just the first step of allowing a paralysed person to walk again.
-- To that guest that posted his own theory about refuting the idea of John Titor --

I really dont agree with your opinion.


Let me tell you why

Because if what you said about John Titor in that point of view is right, so this will not occur on John only...It will occur with everyone, everything. The universe will explose with infinite power!

For example: <font color="red"> [/COLOR]

If any event happened to me or if i took any decision, this will create another parallel universe (world line) .. does that mean that i have infinite copies in our current universe as well as other parallel universes ?? offcourse no.
Because, the event is single ... it is just one copy in each universe.

John left 2036 going to 2000
There are infinite universes for 2036 and infinite universes for 2000 ,, but just one copy of the event in each universe... not infinite copies in each one.

I hope you can get what i mean.

I really dont follow the Titor story that closely, and I agree that the universe would'nt allow an infinite number of johns to occupy the same point in ST . But the other options are either A the infinite # of johns went to mutiverses, or B All but john prime went to a single point outside of space time where the met their loud and less than glamourous demise possibly creating yet another big bang for a universe that could truly claim John as the creator :D . I'm in no means supporting this mans story just stating other possibilities other than the end of our universe.
All I hear about when I lookup Time Travel is John Titor this, John Titor that...Basically, I am sick of it...Lets say for instance, that there IS such thing as Time Travel, and this so-called John Titor was a time traveller, wouldnt there be guidelines or rules to prevent any involvement with the Past? With all these so called predictions that he made, that would make him...a criminal. If he tells us about all these things that WILL happen, then why say ANYTHING, because if they are a part of his past, that means...No matter what...It will happen, so why tell?

Here is my theory, John Titor, which is most likely not his real name, figures out a great story, or scam if you will, to get the attention he wanted, and believe me he got it, and the thing about it all, he is sitting back in a chair laughing, because people were stupid enough to fall for this. So, lets all do each other a favor, drop the whole John Titor obsession. I know people want to believe something that isnt possible, thats why they believe he is from the future...Something impossible to believe in. The strange thing about it all...If he was any part of a military unit that deals specifically with "Time Travel", then what would he need with a computer from the 1970s? Is the technology in the future so screwed up that he had to go back to the 1970s? And if this military unit does exist in the future, then it would be CLASSIFIED...Why reveal?

Its a whole bunch of crud...Where is the PROOF? Ok, so he made a couple of predictions...Whippy Do Wah...Anybody can do that, look at Nostradums...And Pictures, simple...Finds an old computer at a second hand store, puts it in his backyard, takes a few pictures and walla pics from the future...And the Manual on the Travel Device...Rip off the cover of another manual, add a cover made up by the scam artist, and change the date on the manual to whatever date he wants to put down...The computer is a wonderous thing..If you can make a fake ID online, why not make a Manual for a Time Travel device.
Creedo, I understand exactly how you feel.

For I too feel the same way.

I miss the SCI-FI channel’s Friday Night line up too /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Just when it was getting good, ehh?

It’s so interesting to me how much things have changed here, and how little Creedo has in the years I been absent.

I never would have thought that Darby’s rational and deductive posts would be considered rants at this point.

Not sure what mine were ever considered as, but I was very young at the time; I hope history will be forgiving.

I really don’t have anything further to add to this topic. Just waiting patiently for my questions to appear on another thread.
