John Titor Are you There??


Actually "John Titor" was never registered here. He was only Titor for about two months, Feb-Mar of 2001, on another site. He was "TimeTravel_0" here from November 2000 to March 2001 and made the vast majority of his psts on this site as TimeTravel_0.

And please, don't use as your John Titor "resource". He posted here and his threads, unedited, are all available here or on (its down for a system upgrade this weekend and should be back up next week). just copied and pasted our posts - after editing them.

But Titor/TTO isn't going to answer your posts. He stopped posting in March of 2001.
Why is this discussion not in the FAN FICTION section? Or why do we not have a NON-FICTION section? WTF, FTW.
thanks for the link i'll check it out because i am going to completely spam every forum looking for john titor it might actully cause a news even even if it doesn't the net will be swarmed with "where are you jon titor" posts if he is indeed a time traveler, he would most likely of heard of this incident and come back, i hope this works and i have to do this myself as i need to speak to him, lol wow that sounds nuts
Hi bogz,

Why is this discussion not in the FAN FICTION section? Or why do we not have a NON-FICTION section?

Sorry, but I do not have the power to move threads between forums. Or at least I cannot see any options in my moderator panel that will give me this capability. While I agree Titor was a hoax, this forum was where he posted, so I think discussing his story (as tired as it has become) is still fair game.


thanks for the link i'll check it out because i am going to completely spam every forum looking for john titor it might actully cause a news even even if it doesn't the net will be swarmed with "where are you jon titor" posts if he is indeed a time traveler, he would most likely of heard of this incident and come back, i hope this works and i have to do this myself as i need to speak to him, lol wow that sounds nuts

You won't be able to "spam" It's not a forum.There's no way to post. Emails to are screened and only those that the editor wants to post are posted. It took Pamela months to get one of hers on the site.

After seven years spamming isn't going to draw him out. Its all about the mystique and the money now. The only possible way to contact anyone directly is to contact the attorney Larry Haber via email. But don't hold your breath on that either. Larry apparently gets dozens of emails daily asking about Titor. GroupTitor is well versed on spamming the Net. That's how they got The Book going. "JTFan" spammed hundreds of BBS sites on the Internet and UseNet one night with "news" of the new Titor book back in August or September of 2003. The email originated at Larry Haber's old office on Front Street in Celebration, FL.

Good luck.
thanks darby

I agree. Over the years we've seen dozens of "wannabe" time travel stories. But Group Titor made a good effort at planning their story - a story that began not on 2-Nov-2000 but in the summer of 1998 with the faxes to Art Bell.

The story makes no sense physically but at least it is reasonably consistent. Group Titor put in some time considering the totality of the story and stuck to the basic premises of their underlying theme. True, they did have some help with the story because they drew on a major work in sci-fi to help them out - "Alas, Babylon". But even considering that they used another author's backstory to assist their effort they had a plan. Every other would-be time traveler that has come here since has shown that they had no real plan. They are easy to spot and they end up going away in short order. About 1 in 5 end up admitting their hoax.

I'm, admittedly, Titor's #1 de-hoaxer. But I'm also their #1 supporter in the sense that I give them credit for having some talent. A good story requires and equal amount of talent. That they had.