John Titor and loosing rights and freedom?


Temporal Novice
I ran across this tonight...Now this is down right scary!!!

University, Peace Activists Receive Subpoenas
FBI Asking For Records Of New York Based Legal Group

POSTED: 7:15 PM CST February 6, 2004
UPDATED: 5:50 AM CST February 7, 2004

DES MOINES, Iowa -- In what may be the first subpoena of its kind since Sept. 11, 2001, a federal judge has ordered a university to turn over records about a gathering of anti-war protesters.

See the two seperate articles here

The Iowa

Verizon Online News

"Things that make you go Hmm..."
Jojo' the actions of those in power, have placed us squarly back into the realm of all the bad parts of the early crusades.

Two, the aim for Mars as a habitable planet to explore, does not extole the dangers and prior ownerships, concerned by others.

Both moves for this current administration, have been disasterous moves, outside of any sentiment and or opinion that I should have.

How in the sam hill can you say anything like <a href="" target="_blank">THIS</a> is "disastrous"?

Personally, I think that the whole Mars Program is uplifing.
Amorha Qin Yin in her book, The Pleiadean Perspetives, said that some aspects of the Martian surface, are not fit for habitation.

This project, by the way the current administration wants events, to go, is fifteen years away?
I also thought the idea of going to Mars was a good idea, but then I am fascinated by the planet so I am biased.
But as for freedom, yes we have none these days, in England where I am we have seen an erosion of personal freedoms masquarading as 'policing', tending to be cameras that are supposed to protect but they do not. There have been a number of court cases where a camera was involved and yet the evidence was thrown out as the images were not good enough, although when I have seen the images it is obvious to anyone who did the crime!
Now we are told we need I.D. cards, the English pride themselves on their rights to personal freedom and I.D. cards are seen by many as an infringment of those rights, but people will agree with it because they are being touted as needed to deal with the criminal element. Well how many criminals carry i.d. anyway? This won't change their ways! It's just another way to track us. No need for metal strips in banknotes if everyone has to carry an i.d. card eh?
Personal freedom :-) That reminds me of France and its laws being passed banning the wearing of any religous icon, I don't care about religion, but I see no reason to ban anyone from expressing their relgious belief by wearing a veil, scarf, cross or whatever.
Seems my grandparents had more freedoms than I ever will!
Oh and I think many have misunderstood Creedo's reply concerning Mars, its not that we shouldn't land a mission there, its perhaps that we might not be allowed?
Siegmund pointed out:
Personally, I think that the whole Mars Program is uplifing.
Yup. One only need review their history to know that exploration is "the way of mankind." And I am not only talking about the Apollo program, but all the way back to the Phonecians. But then, let us focus on what Apollo did for our economy... and look around your modern home... there are a great many products and technologies that came from Apollo & beyond.

And then there is Creedo:
Amorha Qin Yin in her book, The Pleiadean Perspetives, said that some aspects of the Martian surface, are not fit for habitation.
Another New-Ager who claims to be a Pleiadian. Personally, I think I'd rather trust the data from our orbiting probes and rovers. But that's just me... I'm funny that way being a man of science.

This project, by the way the current administration wants events, to go, is fifteen years away?
Please enlighten us about how we can get there next year. The moon is across the street compared to Mars, and that took us 8 years. Besides that, there is an element of fiscal responsibility in stretching it out. Did it ever occur to you that we no longer have the heavy lift launch capability to put something as big as a manned module going to Mars into orbit? There is currently nothing like the Saturn V booster (used for Apollo) in the US inventory.

Kind Regards,
To all concerned.

I am not against space exploration.

I am meerly saying that by the information that Yin had offered, that the exploration of Mars, might not be the best option for me?

If you want to go to Astro-anexx NASA, take the physical, then do the intensive and qualify for mission specialist and go to Mars, Rainman: then you've got my blessing, go a'head!?

However by the sources in Ronald Story's Encyplopedia Of UFOs and one other sources; on an Earth woman being abducted and held on Mars, for a period of seven years; I do have certain reservations.

Qin Yin said that there are toxic pools of mercury, leftover form a misuse of power, on Mars and that rehabitation there, might not be the best option for humanoids who do not want to damage their DNAs?

It's in her book, you have to read it.

Two, what is said about what currently lives there, is that they are Grays hybrtids.

They are a bit funny at times and can be touchy if not delt with properly?

Hey, Rainman and Sigmund; if you two would like to go there, you have more than my blessing and agreement for you two, to do so.

I don't go by anything with the New Age term placed on it.

To me, all New Age means is a memory beam shot into our central sun, in the year 1972, or earlier, as said by Marciniak.

Anything that came after this, such as the tellings, of A.Z. Knight and middle era Atlantis, is subject to interpreation.

Has to do with a phenominon known as Jung's cellular memory, placed within the cells.

So to anyone else, no, I'm not what you would call a New Ager, or a hippy.

Good luck with your training if you should decided to go,. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Rainman.......?
On heavy lift vehicle options:

The most intensive design effort ever, on aerodynamic exterior air flows airframes, was the YX-23 by Mc Donald Douglas.

Off run-way rotate options, were so immediate at test facilties, that the landing gear doors, were torn off.

So what you see, are flocks of aerospace engineers, running to their CADs, so they can formulate a high altitude profiled slim and extra-lift shuttle.This is so that outsized loads can be ferried to orbit....?

Mmmm, yes I see that going on right now?!

In Russia, they can do anything.
Creedo, you keep giving me reason to correct you in aerospace engineering, so I feel I must to set the record straight:

On heavy lift vehicle options:
The most intensive design effort ever, on aerodynamic exterior air flows airframes, was the YX-23 by Mc Donald Douglas.
Off run-way rotate options, were so immediate at test facilties, that the landing gear doors, were torn off.

1) You do realize that said air vehicle was the YF-23, not the YX-23.
2) Furthermore, you do understand that this vehicle was a fighter aircraft, which never leaves the atmosphere of earth. A bit of a different mission than a launch vehicle.
3) Additionally, do you even understand the significant difference between air-breathing propulsion technologies (which can be used in fighters) and non-air-breathing, self-contained propulsion which is a requirement for exo-atmospheric spaceflight?

So what you see, are flocks of aerospace engineers, running to their CADs, so they can formulate a high altitude profiled slim and extra-lift shuttle.This is so that outsized loads can be ferried to orbit....?

And I remind you Creedo (and anyone else reading this) that YOU were the one who did not want to talk about shuttles anymore. But no, you are wrong again here. We are not designing "shuttles" that even remotely resemble airplanes. That was what the Orbital Space Plane (OSP) started out to be, but the good old capsule (body of revolution) shape is the cheaper, easier, and safer vehicle to transfer crews to the space station and back. I know because I have been working on that OSP program, which is now melding into our Moon/Mars Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) program. The best method for getting large payloads up into orbit is still the conventional rocket. You do not save money trying to launch heavy (manned) payloads in mid-air. All you really do is increase the launch complexity (two vehicles instead of one) which increases the probability you will have a catastrophic loss.

In Russia, they can do anything.

Russia (former Soviet Union) tried to copy our space shuttle, and couldn't because the task was too complex. They never did make it work. But the Russian Energia launch vehicle (a conventional rocket) is a very good heavy-lift provider. Yet, are you aware of the number of cosmonauts that have been lost in the Russian space program over the years? They are not as free and open in revealing details of such losses, but let's just say their rockets blow up more often than ours do.

They are "good" in Russia, but often at the expense of safety margins to save cost. This is the mode NASA has been degrading into with Challenger and Columbia. It is the most important thing that needs to be corrected in US space operations: ethics of safety-critical decisions.

Kind Regards,
YF I'll give ya, as my system's on the fritz and I don't have my spell-check up and running.

So what.

I'm saying that you could take the spin-off from the YF 23 program and could have turned that aerodynmaic data base, into a high efficany lift vehicle.

I would have co-joined to 747 aircraft fucilages, togeather, in order to make a nest, that optimum let loose altitude could have been reached, for orbital insertion.

The Russians have the TU-2000 and Burian, was an almost exact copy of our shuttle.

I definalty feel that the TU had definate re'design possabiltiies, as being part of a core of aero-space-craft, that could have been ferried up to orbit quickly.

The lift bearth idea, in-part was an older concept, that date back to the 60s.

The amount of carry-along fule for orbit, if the slime-line would have been adopted, would be much less?

A guppy dissign, for outsized stringers, for an orbital space station, would have probably come later, "but by now, gosh' these aps should be in practice"??!!

On the American Shuttle, that crew compartment, even though lowered in, is a module.

In two month's time, under a push contract, you could have had a rough armored protype, with an altimenter deployed parachute, for an ejected, detached crew module.

This was a known, with the F-1-11 and B-1b programs and you know this?

Does the famlies of those lost, good to arguue about this now, doesn't it?

>In Russia, they try outsized and it works.

I'm not putting a lable on it, but they do produce some nice stuf, when they try.

ANd yes, I do know the specialist and cosmonauts lost tally.

A slim-line shuttle on a high altitude nose over to let loose profile, does look very attractive to me.

You can get your heavier loads, high up, in a hurry.

The plain-form extra design aero-body of the shuttle should give the paylaod a good hang and fourty-five to fifty above MSL?

Less fuel, as you already have the vectors of motion, direction and momentum.
Note YF or YX, means about the same thing.

Any time you place X in-front of any kind of aircraft designation, means expiermental?

So what's the dif...?

No big castisable..........
Why not just send a bunch of fuel filled rockets to the moon the go pick them up once you get there then head to mars?

It'd be easier to lift off with them from the moon instead of earth because of less gravity? (unless I'm wrong)
creedo.. Don't even start citing Jung.. or I'll have to "learn" ya a good one. Jung, Freud, and Adler were all frauds. There so-called "theories" are nothing of the sort, as they were never tested, and can't be tested (no operational definitions, no clearly defined variables, constructs or intervening variables)

I recommend reading Cronbach and Meel's works. Do a google search.
Two, what is said about what currently lives there, is that they are Grays hybrtids.

They are a bit funny at times and can be touchy if not delt with properly?

I think that's spelled wrong. It should be: Grays hybrtits... and yes they can be touchy if not delt with properly /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. No offence intended.