Jesus birth story. Time stopping event.


Temporal Navigator
Jesus Birth story. Time stopping event.

AND leaving her and his sons in the cave, Joseph went forth to seek a Hebrew midwife in the village of Bethlehem.
2 But as I was going (said Joseph), I looked up into the air, and I saw the clouds astonished, and the fowls of the air stopping in the midst of their flight.
3 And I looked down towards the earth, and saw a table spread, and working people sitting around it, but their hands were upon the table and they did not move to eat.
4 They who had meat in their mouths did not eat.
5 They who lifted their hands up to their heads did not draw them back,
6 And they who lifted them up to their mouths did not put any thing in;
7 But all their faces were fixed upwards.
8 And I beheld the sheep dispersed, and yet the sheep stood still.
9 And the shepherd lifted up his hand to smite them, and his hand continued up.
10 And I looked unto a river, and saw the kids with their mouths close to the water, and touching it, but they did not drink.

1) From your perspective, how does your quotations fit into a discussion relative to time traveling ?

2) What text or manuscript exactly are you quoting from ?
Hi KerrTexas

For one thing I am not that religious. My brother found this quote for me in the Protevangelion of James Chapter XIII since he knew that I am interested in time travel.

Here is the link below.

The Gospel Called the Protevangelion

How does it relate to time travel.

It proves that time can be stopped in its tracks. From this it is not a large leap to then be possible to go back in time. The time stopping event help prove that time travel is possible. People of this age only believe that time only moves in one direction from the past to the future only. But this quote proves otherwise and the rate of time can be changed if not stopped or reversed.